[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

for the Aegis Aurora, it can have from (10-20)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills. This state is useless for the build right? or should i aim for the higher value?
does fertile catalyst still work for circle rings mana reservations?
shabanotti wrote:
does fertile catalyst still work for circle rings mana reservations?

No. No it does not. This is a significant nerf to the build. I would tentatively suggest anointing Charisma and dealing with the irritation of shorter spider duration, though I'm not sure if support gem changes will be needed on top of that.
ThePsyborg wrote:
shabanotti wrote:
does fertile catalyst still work for circle rings mana reservations?

No. No it does not. This is a significant nerf to the build. I would tentatively suggest anointing Charisma and dealing with the irritation of shorter spider duration, though I'm not sure if support gem changes will be needed on top of that.

I updated the PoB for that change.
How's this build doing with Ultiatums in Red Maps? Is it able to get to all stages easily?
livejamie wrote:
How's this build doing with Ultiatums in Red Maps? Is it able to get to all stages easily?

Works fine for me.
xkYjMB6x wrote:
Vatinas wrote:
Yeah, I never meant that build to be a league starter, to be honest. I ended up making a league start version because everyone kept asking for one, but still.

well you did a great job with it. aegis was the first item i got, made a world of difference, after that easy going. but that early map farming brutal.

thanks for all the effort youve put in <3

So you're not having problems with any of the content after you got Aegis?
livejamie wrote:
How's this build doing with Ultiatums in Red Maps? Is it able to get to all stages easily?

About Ultimatum enocunters. Get Empower to work asap, even level 2/3. Bonus levels on hop is day and night.
Thanks Vatinas for the build !

How's this build doing with Ultiatums in Red Maps? Is it able to get to all stages easily?

So you're not having problems with any of the content after you got Aegis?

Aegis + memory vault is key mechanic with good block, with this 2 item you have 30-40k armour and block give 600-800ES, more with granite flask.

70=>91 deathless and i'm starting red map T10/11/12 with many mod and i can tank without a move all trialmaster level. Perma granite + basalt + sulphure flask => give freeze immunity / +90% increased armour / immune bleeding and for high level maybe take a curse immunity and replace granite for Rumi if you have less block mod on map. I have 9.3k ES and 70k armour 6500 mana (cerulean ring with mana/ES/intel is cheap and good)

To easily use these potions and only 1 writhing jar, i made a choice to delete Holy relic + feeding frenzy + cast when damage taken (work well)
but i prefer to lose that for pop the spider easily : Desecrate + spell cascade => writhing jar > Ice nova (divergent for more cast speed).
Last edited by dextrelame on Apr 24, 2021, 5:57:00 AM
livejamie wrote:

So you're not having problems with any of the content after you got Aegis?

that context was in regards to early leveling as a league start. but yes, after the shield i have had very little problems in general. i picked this build for the boss killing it displayed and its been a blast. sirus is a joke, Atziri (havent done uber yet) no prob, shaper easy peasy.

the problems i seem to have are timed ultimatum events with the crystal statue things. not sure what is going on in that clutter of shit. dps feels good minion ai is minion ai. those timed events are a toss up if i can complete them.

blight events, if they are small and cramped they just seem to zerg right to the pump.

incursions, i have no idea why, but i am struggling very hard on these.

crimson township! holy shit this guy, stay away. minions reflect onto you or something and its hell.

that being said i love this build and it has enabled me (a shitty player) to do a ton of content that i have failed in the past.

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