[<REFÛGE>] Recruiting // Casual Guild // PC Only //

taken care of and bumped.
bumpity bump
poe media launchpad: https://pathofexile.media
character showcase: https://startyparty.dev/poe
i am new to the game, this is my first league. If you are interested in new blood, i'd love to join. @Esripotentus (character name). Thanks!
Heya, returning player enjoying this league (SC) as I'm leveling and trying to re-learn the game. Love mapping with others.

Would love to join you all. ign: LeahTheSkeller in Archnemesis
Playing Sacrifice of the Vaal at launch was peak living.
bump and invited
Last edited by LordDarkside117 on Feb 21, 2022, 6:25:32 PM
Bumped and Current
Hey, started playing from Ultimatum. Are you still recruiting? IGN: SussyManOnDrug

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