[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

klorin2 wrote:
Welp I just won the lottery crafting this

How did you hit the 2 stats? Just lucky alterations?
CroDanZ wrote:
Is the number at the "Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel Doryani" important for something.....or can I take the jewel with any number?

The number change all stats that will be replaced.
Mine is 1043 and all replaced nodes are decent: area damage, attack speed, resistance and so on.

Emplacement change the replacement stats, try to put it next to iron grip and point blank, result can change a LOT (pretty trashy at point blank for mine)
Last edited by Pierre_Tombale#2624 on Jun 18, 2019, 2:32:19 AM
klorin2 wrote:
Welp I just won the lottery crafting this

Damn! one of the best Foils in Legion SC I think. Gratz :)
Isn't the bleed part from "Razors Edge" pretty weak?

I always heard that bleed in poe is crap, is that true?
Hey there! First off, thank you for the amazing build! I've been having a ton of fun with it! I played Toxic Rain for my starter, and built up a sizable amount of currency to spend on this, so this is the result thus far:

Upgrading the belly to an elder chest as soon as I'm able to, and getting the -8 craft on the amulet as soon as I can find someone who has it. What would be my next upgrade after that?
Last edited by Noitee#4050 on Jun 18, 2019, 3:42:51 AM
How can I simulate what weapon is better? I have 2 Scaveas and 2 Ahn's Might :/
Those are my weapons
Last edited by alvaro92#7109 on Jun 18, 2019, 4:11:47 AM
Nice build, i thing he will be my second on this league :)

But i can see there are some version, tanky champion / slayer dps and tanky versions... And there is a PoB for each. I wonder, for which version is the Tree in the section Tree, and why put a ascendancy section separatly ? I'm a little bit confused, what i need to follow ?

Sry for my english, ty !
so after yesterday's patch i have not enough mana to link maim with flesh and stone
Hey for anyone running the Glorious Vanity + Soul Tether combo (which I highly recommend, ginormous bump in survivability), here are the relevant notes about it:
1) Put Glorious Vanity in the jewel slot near Iron Will
2) refund Acrobatics and the dex node, they hurt your max ES (In this build, extra ES = extra HP so losing 30% of it is awful for just some extra dodge)
3) Examine the nodes in the radius of Glorious Vanity. Specifically, there is the Dismember cluster and the Blade of Cunning clusters that are normally taken in this build. If any of those nodes are still really good (physical damage, double damage, etc) take them. If they get BRICKED (aka turned into garbage stuff like spell damage, etc.) then refund those passive points and put them elsewhere. I recommend
a) The Charging Offensive Cluster
b) The Brinkmanship cluster
4) Finally, since Soul Tether gives us the important "leech at max life effect", I recommend refunding BOTH Brutal Fervour AND Endless Hunger and instead taking Bane of Legends and Overwhelm. The advantage to overwhelm is that the 8% crit chance is higher than you could possibly get on a Jeweled foil even with a perfect crit roll. Furthermore, you can now totally ignore the crit roll on the weapon, making it WAY easier to craft a good one. This allows you to do multimod + attack speed + crit multiplier. Whereas before you'd have to give up either attack speed or crit multiplier if you wanted crit chance. I am just finding overwhelm is substantially better than Endless Hunger. The DPS of this build is high enough that we are max leeching anyway. You can't be stunned while in cyclone. So all you have to do is roll bleed immune on one of your flasks and the entire node is basically useless.
5) On your amulet, one of the most important rolls now becomes %increased maximum ES. Say you have around 4k HP, well with Soul Tether and the Glorious Vanity Combo, that gives you an extra 1k ES. So having 20% increased ES is effectively + 200 max HP

Okay that is all I've found. Love this guide, and hope this helps anyone looking to do the Soul Tether build of it
Glorious vanity - use a divine orb on it to re-roll the random number if the corrupt nodes are not great.
Ended up with a lovely 35% physical damage increase and 25% area damage, 25% fire res :)

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