dump infused chan for RAGE!!!! It's the one thing that made the biggest diff because your DPS will literally triple. Fast kills, less deaths
Are you sure ? In PoB I get only a small increase in DPS when I replace Infusion with Rage (with 50 stacks of Rage)
I would also like to know more about this.
Also, on poeninja, when I filter dual swords slayer cyclone with impale,
infused channeling is the second msot popular support for cyclone (75% of the playerbase use it), while rage is the 8th most popular support for cyclone with only 14% of the playerbase.
but it sounds really interesting, can you give some more insight here?
Rage has got some ramp-up time which isn't always ideal. Plus it's very much goint to depend on how you are geared. With lower damage swords and/or fast swords it's going to be better. Probably good for Paradoxica too.
I might have a play with it. Wouldn't drop infused for it, but might drop Close combat.
Running some number/thinking. Gem itself probably isn't worth using on my setup. But, it does bring berserk into play which might be.
Only issue being that the only things that really need berserk don't really benefit from it (Legion fights, uber elder). Could be decent for bursting down guardians, but they go down quick enough anyway.
Maybe could drop a chunk of damage for aoe/move speed then rely on it more for burst damage though. Could be an interesting variation.
Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Jul 10, 2019, 9:47:28 AM
someone care to have a look at my PoB? sitting a little over 2m dps, i have already done all guardians, shaper, and elder deathless. no uber attempts yet. just looking on ways to push my damage higher
i know foils with higher than 375 dps will make up alot, havent had too much luck currency wise this league
2M is more than enough to do UElder, so go ahead :)
I`m playing SSF, I did all guardians deathless, Uber Atziri (Deathless), Shaper Deadless, UberElder almost Deathless in the first attempt, now Im trying Uber Elder Deathless as my next personal challenge :D (I recorded the videos), as I`m playing SSF, sometimes is hard to have quickly all the guardians map :)
I have no Soul Tether, no Glorius Vanity, no Watcher Eyes, etc.
Can anyone please help me I seem to be struggling with tier12+ map bosses for example last night It took me all 6 portals to kill boss on reef map :(. I have a belly of the beast ( which im still trying to 6 link ) I also have soul tether belt and glorious vanity jewel. but cant get my level up due to dying so cant use them yet. I have roughly 6exalts spare for recommendations on what to fix.
Tabula needs replacing and gear in general could be improved but you shouldn't be struggling with t12 bosses.
Did it have nasty mods? If it had -max res it could be tricky, but the idea is to not get hit with the lightning!
someone care to have a look at my PoB? sitting a little over 2m dps, i have already done all guardians, shaper, and elder deathless. no uber attempts yet. just looking on ways to push my damage higher
i know foils with higher than 375 dps will make up alot, havent had too much luck currency wise this league
2M is more than enough to do UElder, so go ahead :)
I`m playing SSF, I did all guardians deathless, Uber Atziri (Deathless), Shaper Deadless, UberElder almost Deathless in the first attempt, now Im trying Uber Elder Deathless as my next personal challenge :D (I recorded the videos), as I`m playing SSF, sometimes is hard to have quickly all the guardians map :)
I have no Soul Tether, no Glorius Vanity, no Watcher Eyes, etc.
So I have a question. I picked up a foil which has these modifiers:
socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim
20% chance to maim on hit
You can see the actual weapon on my character, not sure how to post it here. Question is, if I put flesh and stone in the weapon to link with 'socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim', will the maim from the aura be overwritten by the maim from '20% chance to maim on hit'? Because if so, I will lose some damage, as maim support gives 14% increased damage but maim on hit doesn't.
Someone earlier in the thread said that when multiple maims are competing, the higher level one applies. So I guess the question is what level is the '20% chance to maim on hit'... does anyone know?
On another note, what would people recommend that I do with such a sword, is there any other gems I can put in to take advantage of the maim support? Note it's red red green sockets and corrupted
dump infused chan for RAGE!!!! It's the one thing that made the biggest diff because your DPS will literally triple. Fast kills, less deaths
Are you sure ? In PoB I get only a small increase in DPS when I replace Infusion with Rage (with 50 stacks of Rage)
I would also like to know more about this.
Also, on poeninja, when I filter dual swords slayer cyclone with impale,
infused channeling is the second msot popular support for cyclone (75% of the playerbase use it), while rage is the 8th most popular support for cyclone with only 14% of the playerbase.
but it sounds really interesting, can you give some more insight here?
YES, just try it and mouseover your cyclone skill, mine goes from 145k > 400K with stacks, it's glorious and stacks persist a long time, YMMV, but it totally changed the 'feel' and killing time, IGNORE POB
So I have a question. I picked up a foil which has these modifiers:
socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim
20% chance to maim on hit
You can see the actual weapon on my character, not sure how to post it here. Question is, if I put flesh and stone in the weapon to link with 'socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim', will the maim from the aura be overwritten by the maim from '20% chance to maim on hit'? Because if so, I will lose some damage, as maim support gives 14% increased damage but maim on hit doesn't.
Someone earlier in the thread said that when multiple maims are competing, the higher level one applies. So I guess the question is what level is the '20% chance to maim on hit'... does anyone know?
On another note, what would people recommend that I do with such a sword, is there any other gems I can put in to take advantage of the maim support? Note it's red red green sockets and corrupted
flesh gives 100% maim and bonus to maimed enemies, so I think find a new foil.
the 20% chance to maim is wasted IMHO
So, is this foil worth multimodding? Annul to drop either crit multi or crit and then craft speed/quality (or speed if anul hits crit), % damage, added damage?
So I have a question. I picked up a foil which has these modifiers:
socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim
20% chance to maim on hit
You can see the actual weapon on my character, not sure how to post it here. Question is, if I put flesh and stone in the weapon to link with 'socketed gems are supported by level 20 maim', will the maim from the aura be overwritten by the maim from '20% chance to maim on hit'? Because if so, I will lose some damage, as maim support gives 14% increased damage but maim on hit doesn't.
Someone earlier in the thread said that when multiple maims are competing, the higher level one applies. So I guess the question is what level is the '20% chance to maim on hit'... does anyone know?
On another note, what would people recommend that I do with such a sword, is there any other gems I can put in to take advantage of the maim support? Note it's red red green sockets and corrupted
flesh gives 100% maim and bonus to maimed enemies, so I think find a new foil.
the 20% chance to maim is wasted IMHO
This doesn't really answer the question. The foil is fine (380 pDPS, effectively 400 with crit multi factored in), and I'm happy for the 20% maim chance to be wasted (as in does nothing). But does it actually do nothing, or is it hurting me by overwriting the +14% damage flesh and stone maim ?
Is the DPS Slayer version good enough for Uber Elder or can you run into HP issues? Cause I for sure want to play Slayer, just not sure if Tanky or DPS version. Currently have ED/Contagion char which can do everything but Uber, so looking to have a boss killer but something that also doesn't suck at mapping.