[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Szynima wrote:

Vallerian wrote:

Thank you for your feedback!! It is much appreciated.
I got myself a 6L Belly, went Soul Tether with the jewel...
~5.5k Life and 1.5k ES...
I specced into crit...

The damage ramped up significantly and the cull at 20% is really nice, too...

The only thing: I am ripping way more often than I did before... Oo

You're tankier for 1hits, you can't just stand around. Keep moving and stack damage now, it's our best defense.

Also using 1 Ahns alone is quite bad damage wise.

Thank you, too! :)
Yesterday it felt like the old versions leech was quicker to catch up with damage making it easier to sustain...especially with legion encounters. But I will test it again tonight...

Regarding the Ahn's...I changed Ahn's to a ~3ex 370pDPS jewelled foil in POB and it was a dps loss for me...thats why I decided to keep it for now because unless I managed to screw up in POB I would have to buy at least a 380+pDPS foil for 4ex+ to see a marginal increase in dps...
Last edited by Vallerian#1383 on Jun 25, 2019, 5:20:51 AM
Hey, loving the build so far, easily clearing shaper, but I feel like my dps is low, I calculate about 2.5mil shaper dps, yet I think my gear is pretty damn good, so am I doing something wrong or do I just need better gear?

I finally moved over to Soul Tether and Vaal Pact (bye bye lab) and the Timeless jewel 'trick' and BOY what a difference in survivability. It's very, VERY nice combination and I'm pretty damn near fearless, but not to the point of NOT leaping to keep up fortify :-) :-)

ONE QUESTION: for CHAMP ascendancy, I think you picked inspirational vs. unstoppable for the AURA bonuses, am I right? I assume running basically 3 auras it's a bigger effective bump in blood stance and more protection in sand, am I right?

This is also hella fun build, but F*CK LAB with this setup, you might as well suck it up and turn off Vaal pact if/when you need to run labs/trials, regrets are kinda cheap anyway :P

LASTLY, I'm heavily focused on IMPALE in my setup, FOR ME I like the impale stacking to 9 for Champion, any inherit down side to this strategy? I'm leaning toward more ST vs. clearing in this case...

Szynima wrote:
Bialus wrote:
Szynima wrote:

rare chest > bronns if it comes to damage and tankiness. But needs Maim-Support + Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Chance

Can you elaborate that ? Bronns give 2lvl to cyclone, 50% more dmg to cyclone, attack speed and even more attack speed.

So how chest with maim support and Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Chance can be better for dmg ? I'm asking that cuz i have 15ex and looking for a good part of my equipment to upgrade.

My gear btw

I think you need to look up the difference between MORE and INCREASED. Bronn's overall is a 20% more damage chest, while a rare chest gives you 15% from maim + critchance, which is effectively 25% more damage.

Thank you :) i check the more vs increased topic at poewiki and now i'm a bit smarter :D i guess i will look for a rare chest then. I can get there res so i can search for better gloves and boots. Thank you again :)
Jerle wrote:
I thought the crit chance in elder chest is useless if you choose slayer overwhelm?

Never said that. The Critchance that modifies your Swords basechance is useless. The body armour adds on top of it.

d3viant6 wrote:

I finally moved over to Soul Tether and Vaal Pact (bye bye lab) and the Timeless jewel 'trick' and BOY what a difference in survivability. It's very, VERY nice combination and I'm pretty damn near fearless, but not to the point of NOT leaping to keep up fortify :-) :-)

ONE QUESTION: for CHAMP ascendancy, I think you picked inspirational vs. unstoppable for the AURA bonuses, am I right? I assume running basically 3 auras it's a bigger effective bump in blood stance and more protection in sand, am I right?

This is also hella fun build, but F*CK LAB with this setup, you might as well suck it up and turn off Vaal pact if/when you need to run labs/trials, regrets are kinda cheap anyway :P

LASTLY, I'm heavily focused on IMPALE in my setup, FOR ME I like the impale stacking to 9 for Champion, any inherit down side to this strategy? I'm leaning toward more ST vs. clearing in this case...


Yea we picked it for the aura effect since we have a lot of more multipliers that benefit from it.

For the impale stacking, just know that the more stacks you have the less each and every one of them gives you. But 9 is still totally fine and the jump from 7 -> 9 is still roughly 40% more damage for Champ (slightly less), while the slayer gets roughly 41% for 5 -> 7
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Last edited by Szynima#2964 on Jun 25, 2019, 5:52:41 AM
Oh right. It only says weapon crit chance is 8%.

So much upgrade possibilities. Looking forward to min/max this build thru the league.
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Last edited by Jerle#2906 on Jun 25, 2019, 6:16:28 AM
Szynima wrote:
Cpfuzzy wrote:
Thinking about going this build but a quick question, is it better to go for Bronn's 6l or buy a gems are supported by lvl 1 maim, -15 mana cost, with life rolls?

Also is Slayer being used more for this? thinking about Slayer over Champion.

rare chest > bronns if it comes to damage and tankiness. But needs Maim-Support + Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Chance

Should I not get -15 mana cost on the chest then? and just get lvl 1 maim/critical strike?
Is it worth upgrading a tempered flesh to transcendent? Or would that money be better spent on a rare jewel instead?
Dasidarius wrote:
Is it worth upgrading a tempered flesh to transcendent? Or would that money be better spent on a rare jewel instead?

Well it's obviously strictly better, but it's only 4% additional phys mitigation (Which isn't bad, especially if you have other sources to go with it.)
But could you get more benefit spending that money elsewhere? Probably until you are min-maxed.

I've already got the jewel and vial so I'm going to wait until I get the right temple. Probably use it rather than sell at that point.
Do you guys have a Idea what u can change if u play with Headhunter? I really miss the Insta Leech from Soul Tether and the Timeless jewel is useless too...

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