[3.7] [Starter] Bow-Slayer || Barrage & TS/LA/ || 3M+ Shaper DPS || 5.3k Life [WiP]

Maybe a stupid question but how you get frenzy charges?
i dont see it in your pastbin
Last edited by Phiro#4195 on Jun 6, 2019, 3:44:34 PM
Nvm i was having trouble with PoB but im ok now. Like most of the playerbase i wanna try melee but im more comfortable on range. What do you think about the cost of this build? Is ice bite from herald of ice enough for sustain frenzy charges especially at bosses?
Last edited by Drvi34#7062 on Jun 6, 2019, 6:45:59 PM
Phiro wrote:
Maybe a stupid question but how you get frenzy charges?
i dont see it in your pastbin


Drvi34 wrote:
Nvm i was having trouble with PoB but im ok now. Like most of the playerbase i wanna try melee but im more comfortable on range. What do you think about the cost of this build? Is ice bite from herald of ice enough for sustain frenzy charges especially at bosses?

Icebite should support ur main dmgskills, so on Barrage and TS/LA. HoI with icebite is not enuff.

Costs hmmm. Other league (I think betrayal) I did red elder & Shaper with a quite similar Build (Pathfinder) with gear worth maybe 6 Ex (i dont know exactly). 6 Link Lioneyes is the most expensive unique here. But u even don't need a 6link since it's only for the map clearing, 5 Link is 2 Ex or even less? Barrage is in shroud of the lightless. A good shroud of the lightless isn't that expensive too, u should 5 link it by yourself.
Good Jewelss can be crafted, just need some luck :)
Dying sun is 2 ex - but u won't need it even for shaper I think. So its possible to get it by just killing him.
Last edited by Void_xy#2904 on Jun 7, 2019, 8:21:56 AM
nice build thank you!


Why didn't use "Brutal Fervour" in tree?
More DPS when using it
qwerll1478 wrote:
nice build thank you!


Why didn't use "Brutal Fervour" in tree?
More DPS when using it

That is a good point and I am still not so sure about it.
Currently PoB seems like its not calculating anything from Bane of Legends node into your DPS.
Nevertheless u could go for Brutal Fervour instead of Bane of Legends (BoL), it would also give more surviveability due to overleech and 6% Dmg Reduction.

I think i will simply try this out. The instant Kill for Enemies under 20% seems also a really good aspect of the BoL Node - i dont know if it will apply to the big bosses like shaper? Besides that the Bonuses of the Node don't have much use in a boss fight since there are no other rare's or uniques to kill. Maybe Brutal Fervour would be the better choice after all.

Thanks for the Input.
Last edited by Void_xy#2904 on Jun 7, 2019, 8:30:12 AM
Will ice bite be ideal for bossing? - can you sustain frenzy charges you think?
Last edited by Joobocka#0103 on Jun 7, 2019, 8:35:04 AM
Joobocka wrote:
Will ice bite be ideal for bossing? - can you sustain frenzy charges you think?

Since its Frenzy Charge on Kill u cannot sustain them through 100% of some Boss Fights i guess. But u'll also never run without any charges 100% through a fight. (we're still at 2M+ Shaper DPS without any Charges)

Edit: If u don't trust in the overall sustainability of the Charges, Hypothermia seems like the Best DPS Option instead of Ice Bite (2,5M Shaper DPS).
But I'd stick to the Charges & Ice Bite.
Last edited by Void_xy#2904 on Jun 7, 2019, 8:49:16 AM
Thanks for the build, looks nice!

There's a very minor issue I found, just under "Winter Spirit" on the tree, you've selected a "Claw damage and Ailment Damage" node that doesn't work for us since Lioneyes Fall is way out of range. Unless I'm missing something? :P
pprkut wrote:
Thanks for the build, looks nice!

There's a very minor issue I found, just under "Winter Spirit" on the tree, you've selected a "Claw damage and Ailment Damage" node that doesn't work for us since Lioneyes Fall is way out of range. Unless I'm missing something? :P

lol thats a mistake thanks :)

Thanks for the guide! I've been following it (level 72 right now) and it's going ok.
I have tried using LA (on a 5 link) but it feels so much worse than RoA on a 4 link, am I missing something?

What are the first items to aim for? The body armor? My character is in my profile if you want to have a look.

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