What's your Zoadiac?

Iangyratu wrote:
There's also tzolkin...

Oh I forgot about that. Here is mine:
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Made me look, Shovelcut.


Runes, astrology, IChing, dreams, tarot all can be great tools for reflection. People take them at face value, shallowly, and think they're predictive... not exactly. Can't stand the mumbo - jumbo this explains everything man aspect, and people that bring the patchouli reek to it all though I get that sells and is what people expect. If I went into reading, my place would be sparsely decorated, and I'd wear fairly plain outfits.

There'd be great tea though, mood lighting, suitably evocative music, and a cat.

So, ok, tasteful reminders of the occult aspect, because the deep stuff, without a connection to it, life's far less.

Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on May 16, 2019, 7:45:04 PM
Red Lunar Moon

I Polarize in order to Purify
Stabilizing Flow
I seal the Process of Universal Water
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Birth

This doesn't sound right, where is the negativity.



edit :

i used that, what you guys using?
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on May 16, 2019, 8:05:45 PM
This one, Boem

Has a caution in it, maybe try that one?

erdelyii wrote:
This one, Boem

Has a caution in it, maybe try that one?

Yours doesn't use the 13 month cycle :(

I am owl in that one, fuck that.



edit :

A good day to sit on a rock. The story of my life.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on May 16, 2019, 8:36:01 PM
Aries, for what it's worth.
Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
Cappys get younger (in outlook) as they age, did you know Charan? You can aspire to Torgo goat levels of satyrical being.

Boem wrote:

Yours doesn't use the 13 month cycle :(

I am owl in that one, fuck that.



edit :

A good day to sit on a rock. The story of my life.

Owls are ace, what are you on about.


Missed the number before. Like it, 11 is a good number. Not 100% wow that's cool, but it'll do.

DarthSki44 wrote:
kolyaboo wrote:
I used to think this stuff was a load of shit

Still is.

Stars dont govern your personality traits, or shape your life experience.

Not even the stars on Game of Thrones?

A more modern horoscope would decide whether you were born under the signs of
YouTube, Netflix, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Diablo/Diablo 2, WOW, or other online interactions.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
鬼殺し wrote:
Yeah, I did know that, erd. And even if all the other so-called Capricorn attributes only ring true in the most superficial sense, that one sticks. My Transformers collection reached peak childhood wish fulfillment last year. I won't even pretend it was cheap to achieve, or that I cared how much it took. They're on a shelf next to me right now, within reach. I like to muck around with one at random while waiting for game queues, or when watching videos on here.

So if not for my chronic illness, I'd definitely be living a second childhood on all fronts about now.

That's great Charan, glad you relate to it and embrace it. It's only going to become more so, as a result.

Sun sign alone is just a fraction of the picture. Full chart is where it's at.
Scorpio sun? Well, ok. Love the hell out of all of that but there's a lot more. I <3 the Eighth House, have a cluster of juicy planets in there.

Know about my chart from a professional astrologer, was a gift, don't think I'd ever go to one off my own bat, just no need to.


^ Fun to play with if you're so inclined. Doesn't make a proper chart with aspects and houses.

Barnum effect, or Forer, or is it?

Doesn't matter, it's all grist for the narrative mill, something to be conversant in, and the symbolism, history (bar some dubious fans off it all) and ties to the heavens is beautiful. I enjoy picking people's signs and being wrong, every time. But of course.

Charan wrote:
Fun fact: Never watched MST3K. The GF swears it's funny (and she generally hates that sort of American 'mocking/punching down' humour) but it always seemed like fish in a barrel to me.

It's lovingly done, the mockery, and they are trapped on a spaceship being experimented on by crazy and very stupid scientists, so they're hardly throwing stones.

It's hilarious, but in the right mood.

Overall, your GF is right on the money there.

Charan wrote:
Fun fact 2: I lied. It would be my first childhood. The other thing I went through labelled as much was far too obsessed with being stubborn, moody, pessimistic and whatever else you can attribute to Capricorns.

That sounds like every introvert on Earth ever when faced with an extravert-obsessed world.

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