Game of thrones thread go! [ S8 ]

Great Episode tonight! It was pretty intense.

Glad to see Arya tell Death "not today". Now we can move on to the ending and how the humans play out. It looked like Arya used the same knife switcheroo that worked on Brienne on the Night King. :)
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Who the fuck directed this episode? Do they not know tactics LOL holy shit bad.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
Who the fuck directed this episode? Do they not know tactics LOL holy shit bad.

dude those were some top notch tactics what are you talking about

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The dorothaki basically the entire I guess her ''Blood guard'' which is an army gone just like that AND THEY HAD ENCHANTED SWORDS OF FIRE FFS so your PLAN IS TO MAKE them charge through 500000000000000000000000 of swarming undead? IN THE MIDDLE of the FUCKING DARK DUDE cmon

How did Arya get pass 10 whitewalker guards? Assassin's creed shit right there don't get me wrong she is the perfect assassin it's just ANTI CLIMATIC

Jorah was friend zoned even in his dying breathe FEELS BAD MAN

The only redeeming factor is Lyanah dying like a boss

Stupid false queen bitch is going to get what's coming to her I hope Arya is the one who does it that's my girl :3 curious on how shes going to deal with two dragons oh wait I DO PLOT ARMOR WOOOOO
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Apr 29, 2019, 6:23:27 AM
ed: Ninja'd by two tacticians :)
Let's see where we agree.
ed ed: yeah sucks to be Dothraki.

Disagree on Arya's abilities. She bested Stick Bitch, in Bravos. Piece of cake slipping through the ranks of the Reservoir Dog Walker squad after that.


ChanBalam wrote:
Not today

Something like that had to happen, with how the humans were getting destroyed, but still it was unexpected and beautifully executed. Having Arya fight hard to get there and not just go forth on an assassin mission made it that much more satisfying. So many Bravos moments came back in memory, watching her tonight.

So many incorrect predictions, here. Happily so, for the most part.

The Night King can Get It.

He was so good in this episode, all through, and the little head tilt at Bran at the end, just-so. It's a shame he goes down as a one-dimensional villain. Guess he always was, art installation spirals aside.

The wolves, yes, distinct lack of wolves and zombie bears, and no walker Hodor.

That felt like an episode seven, not a three. Interesting to see how they will have the struggle for the Iron Throne play out.

Don't disagree Charan, on your take, overall, on I-NO's spleen (as a separate observation, not touching that), yet she has a point here:

That, apparently, is the new record-holder for longest battle sequence in film or TV -

The battle was filmed over 11 weeks of night shoots, in very low temperatures with over 750 people involved both in front of and behind the camera. The battle will span the entire episode in which it appears, making it the longest battle sequence ever filmed, dethroning a record set by Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers and its 40 minute siege of Helm's Deep.

Don't think it was so much about tactics as choreography, with different aspects of the overall happening at the same time, but shown as not, and the pacing being made to suit the demands of the characters stories a little too much at times. The slow mo with the cello build was well done.

Not an expert on tactics by any means, so here goes, maybe you can add to it:

A full-tilt cavalry charge into inky blackness with flaming scimitars that they hadn't planned but were provided at the last moment by magic (and the need for the audience to "see" something), that all winked out was a cool-looking set piece that surely would never happen. It seems preposterous just typing it.

Don't know of any night time cavalry charge, ever. You might say they had to. Horses can run at night, but a cavalry charge into that pitch blackness seems crazy.

No shield wall use from the Unsullied, either, when outside the walls.

The defence of the walls seemed not well thought out, either, with all of five archers, and those dead clambered up there like a cat on a computer desk, and once inside the dead were a bit too good at opening doors with handles.

No gate bracing, no falling back within the keep itself, and how did they all even fit in Winterfell in the first place? Clowncarfell, more like.

There's no way Brienne, Jamie, Tormund, Pod, GreyWorm and Sam, especially Sam, would have survived, but they all did. Could have done with losing a few of them. Not Brienne and Jamie though.

Who exactly was leading? Dany and John did a lot of flying around off on their own, getting into scrapes, and bumbling about, while the brains all hid in the Crypt, Arya Got Shit Done, the alpha squad swung their swords under their own idea of what to do next, and Bran ... sat very still under the tree and grew on us all a little more. He's not the Night King, after all ...

or is he?


Jon and the blue fire dragon playing hide and seek in the courtyard, that was silly. Though how cool was the way the fire leaked out the ruination of its neck and jaw, like a stove burner that's off-kilter.

The Night King's knight squad doing a Reservoir Dogs strut and never actually leading anything or fighting, what was that about.

It was more like a ballet than a real battle, and that's fine.

That lock of the Walker knight's white hair lifting as Arya ran in, and her feint, be still my heart.

Overall, would give it a B for ballet.

And Arya A++++

Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Apr 29, 2019, 6:47:16 AM
I gave it a D+ god dam lol THE CHARGE THING just makes me question everything.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Nothing that happened in regard with the undead arc has any meaning now.
Brand becoming the 3 eyed raven: pointless
John's resurrection: pointless
Beriks resurrection: pointless
Sure he saved arya but who fucking cares any asshole with a valerian weapon could have done the same no need to bring a dude back from the dead over and over again to save a girl who is gonna stab the nk.

The children of the forrest could and should have just send a letter to every lord in the 7 kingdoms and said: He listen if the undead come just stab the leader with a valarian weapon, there problem solved.

And why just why did almost everyone have 3 inch thick vibranium plot armor.
This whole episode just reminded me of the last jedi,sure it looked great(it really did) but it was just so fucking stupid.

I expected more from the nk then just generic bad guy, but no there is nothing behind it all what you see is what you get, how boring.
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Last edited by jackof8lades#6863 on Apr 29, 2019, 8:20:54 AM
Don't expect something smart from this show, GRRM and his books have long since passed and the directors are on their own so generic Hollywood crap is what you'll get. Stick around for the explosions, dragons and sex or if you want something smarter.....I dunno.
I 100% agree with I_NO

I just saw the battle for Winterfell (THE LONG NIGHT) and it was terrible. The worst nonsense I've seen in a long time.

1.) Whoever wrote this doesn't have the slightest idea of military warfare, nor does he/she have common sense.

2.) Lots of incredibly bad decision making by many of the characters that leads to stupid stuff happening.

3.) Very bad choreography of the battle. It's a convoluted, hectic, confusing mess with no dramaturgical direction.

If stuff just happens because of stupid nonsense leading to more stupid nonsense I just stop caring about whatever happens.
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Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Apr 29, 2019, 10:09:55 AM
The last episode was one big disappointment. Sam should have died atleast 10 times..
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