We didn’t have forums back in the day to rant...

The gamefaqs message boards launched when I was 8 and d2 launched when I was 9. Do I need to remember anything before that? :P as far as I'm concerned, I always had forums to bitch on.

Nothing in d2 is strikingly worth bitching about besides the bugged vipers in nihlathak's temple exclusively in hell mode though. Fuck those vipers. They're the real reason Enigma is a mandatory item, since the bug only activates while walking :P
Last edited by codetaku#0468 on Apr 16, 2019, 9:38:16 PM
Benalishhero wrote:
solwitch wrote:
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
I haven't forgotten my ways!

When I was a kid I played chess while listening to Marshall Mathers LP.
I remember playing outside with tens of other children every day.
We had consoles and computers but we didn't overindulge on them.
I didn't want to watch some dumb girl dance bad guys to death, I fought my own battles and raced bikes with other boys.
I remember waking up 7 AM to go fishing at the lake with my friend when I was at the countryside.

Have you forgotten that real life exists? Is there any meaning in life for you when you know that all your actions don't contribute to the physical world which you live in and how all your memories are only about a fantasy world which was never your own unique experience?

I fished once in Portland, Maine. My camp instructor warned me to stay away from branches dipping into the banks as they create mini whirlpools that suck the canoe in... Well I wasn’t paying attention, Suffice to say Canoe flipped over, wet the entire day... But the whole time I caught a fish. ^.^

Cheers from Portland Maine!

Beautiful state... I was in the outward bound program for 2 months... As a Jersey Boy and NYC as my play ground when I came back I was a different person. They let me alone in the woods for two days part of the experience.... LOL. I did get to see a Moose and her baby literally few feet away. I stood still scared... My camp mate was like, "what do I do." I told her, "if you move we die...". Lol...
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Was this in General Discussion originally?
鬼殺し wrote:
Of course. That's where AST start.

All Shit Threads?

Thanks for that.

So it ended up down here where people have a little bit more perspective.

I suspect the spleen has always existed, and people taking a break meant

SMASHING shit UP. Or low-key raging internally.

Maybe the forums just channel it differently.

Dunno, I started online gosh in '98? Took to games so fast.

All the game pedigree of consoles and cards I lack, prior. Those guys - you guys - were not in the circles I travelled in. So far from them. I'd visit the odd arcade, but never got into games on what passed for a PC, or had an Atari or anything. I missed out, bad, my inner geek was so unfulfilled.

I imagine erd breaking up an old console game, drinking the liquids from within, ripping up his shirt revealing a big G and flying off after reading that.

Don't know why, that's just how my brain works \o/

I think i started "gaming" at the age of 12, used to go with mates after school to this dusty internet store with a backroom that housed like 10 pc's, just playing the regular old stuff against one another.(counter-strike being a favorite back in those days for hours of lan fun)

tiberian sun and age of empire followed soon after i had my fill of shooters.

And while playing all of the aforementioned i rolled into diablo, baldurs gate, divinity, dungeon siege etc

I remember a big part of the gaming community was into counter-strike at that time when going to lan party's but they all had different "side-games" when they werent competing against one another on CS, lan party's where great to get introduced to new genre's of games.(remember this was when key-hacks was common-place :p so you just ended up leeching the entire game and checking it out with them)

Gaming is good times, never understood the negative vibe around it that developed on the turn of the century.

tl;dr embrace the inner-geek it's good times for all and hardly the worst identity to embrace in current times


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
There was this game with heavy pvp / war elements I played for a while with the Diablo based clan I was in... cannot remember the name of it. chat pane, territories, taking over areas... and a lot of flaming/ trollery/ laughs.

Dragon Court, too, what a game. Silver Sea Slippers.

Boem wrote:

Gaming is good times, never understood the negative vibe around it that developed on the turn of the century.

tl;dr embrace the inner-geek it's good times for all and hardly the worst identity to embrace in current times



Nah, me neither.

Now, smart phones, truly the Devil's handiwork :u

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