Weight Lifting Thread #9000+
careful, there is tons of mercury in that fish - they ruined the oceans man. If they hadn't I'd eat fish 24/7
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I eat about 3K calories per day for maintenance. I'm 185cm tall and 93kg (6'1" and ~205 pounds). I go to the gym 5 times per week and lift 3 of those times (core and cardio the others). I walk about 15-18km (9-11 miles) per day as well according to my phone app.
I think you will get some strength gains with your diet but it will be a limiting factor long term. |
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Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun |
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1800/2500 calories per day is ambiguous. Aside from all calories not being created equal, you still need to consume x amount of protein to see real gains from the lifting. There are good references for this, can't be bothered to look them up for you at this moment.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
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" Luckily, the main fish I eat feed on a diet of crabs & similar things, so mercury levels are relatively low. (Whiting, Pompano, Sheepshead) Catching my own fish out of the oceans here is pretty clean! You could eat it every day if you stick to low mercury species. Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer |
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Hey man, just my 5 cents.
i am at ~190 lbs now. Doing HIIT, gain and stretching (posture and flexibility are too important to be ignored). My diet is 80% vegan and 20% vegetarian (when we go to restaurants etc.). Adding everything i need by supplements (esp. B12). I would say that 1800 calories are way too low. 2500 are okay. I would assume that you might need ~3000 to really make the cut (if i see this correctly you are more middle- than heavyweight?) Two tips for training: - never ever skip leg day. If you torture your legs, this will set hormones free that will help you gain (my english is not as good as it needs to be to explain this in detail. just google legtraining + hormones). Squats are the way to go here ;) - skip meat, eggs and dairy-products. they are not needed. and they are not healthy as they are sold to be. No gain without animal products? just take a look at elephants or gorillas ;) Another user posted this already: you can get your proteine from beans, etc. (and yes, soy is sub-optimal). There are also very tasty vegan products out there that taste like meat, if you need the fancy taste-o-rama. and they are less inflammatory and easier to digest than meat or dairy-products - and easier to convert for your body). With loooots of proteine. If you are interested, take a look at this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl-d60l28y0 - Don't worry about getting "fat". If you burn more calories than you consume, all is fine. Care more about how you get your calories and how accessible they are for your body. Try to get a diet-plan and follow it strictly in terms of times and rhythm. - Have a look at HIIT. Since i do it, things are different than before. Can't live without it. Easy to do, efficient. - Have you considered to talk to a dietitian, specialised on sports diets? Every body is different, so there can't be any "solution" via forums. - When lifting weights, where do you want to go? Powerlifting, bodybuilding, looking like zac efron or more like aaron donald? There are different approaches to different goals. I would recommend that you try do do intense repetitions. That means: less weight, but with slower and more intense moves and precise technique. For example: you can do 12 reps with max weight, where you have to fight for every inch and with less precise and intense technique. Or you can do 8 reps with less weight but slower and therefore more intense. Maybe you'll have a look at athleanX channel on youtube? The guy is a beast, even if some of his tricks are a little bit ... controversial. - and last but not least: green smothies! i know that sounds pretty strange, but man do they change the game. just google green smoothie, put some cool mixes together and start your day right ;) this will provide you with anti-inflammatory stuff, vitamines, power and it will detox you. and it will get you through the day until the next meal. that's it from me, sorry if this was a little bit chaotic. just got up and din't have coffee yet ;) And if other users call some of my tips rubbish, i would be enlighted to know why. never stop learning. P.S.: This is not a vegan crusade. everyone should live the way he or she likes. it is just an attempt to show alternatives. The Sirus fight is a disgrace. Last edited by ghamadvar#7236 on Apr 29, 2019, 3:59:45 AM
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" You better buy B12 and creatine then. Poe Pvp experience
https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 |
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A normal man needs 2500 calories to keep up, and 2000 to lose one pound of weight for every week. I generally eat 2000 to 2500 calories each day. I go to the park for morning walk and exercise, and I look strong and healthy.
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Cardio: please don't slag cardio. Cardio is what prepares the circulation to deliver all those nutrients to growing muscles.
As your muscle mass grows, its oxygen requirements grow, and cardio is what promotes revascularization and angiogenesis in growing muscle. (Revascularizationi = widening and branching of existing arterial beds; angiogenesis = building new collateral circulation to areas that are deconditioned.) It helps you prevent lactate buildup and injury, and promotes redistribution of fatty tissue so you look better (and your lipid profile will be better). It helps you recover faster by washing out lactate and delaying anaerobic threshold in the first place. Less pain AND more gain? Sign me up. Trust your liver. Eat smart but don't worry about it too much - your liver will store 3 days' worth of glycogen so you can build at a sensible pace. Carb restriction until pre-workout meal will just mess with your blood sugar levels and make you feel like shit afterwards. Remember that when your liver is depleted of glycogen, it will start consuming ANYTHING - including protein - to keep blood sugar stable. Gluconeogenesis prefers fatty acids as a substrate, but it will also use proteins. Meanwhile the gut will produce somatostatin and IGF-1 and growth hormone levels will drop, as your body actively steers nutrients away from your musculoskeletal system and into your CNS and immune system. If you have diabetes you already know it's bad to let your sugars swing all over the place. Doing so while also trying to lift can get you injured or worse. All the more reason to be sensible about it. If you're fat and you want to be cut, build first and let the bigger muscle mass consume more resources at rest. It likely took you 10+ years to put on a beer gut after HS, now it may take as long (if not longer) to lose it. Drastic cuts in calories just make you sick and set you up to fail (and lose your mass). [19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
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Where are the pictures of Arnold?
I miss BMBI. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun |
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