3.6.3 Hotfix

MFairfax wrote:
There was a tiny download waiting of 8 mb. It took over an hour to download and install. On Steam also Grim Dawn had an update of 60 Mb.

It took over an hour to download and install 8 mb for POE. It took less than 30 seconds to download and install the much larger update.


iCKyPow wrote:
I came here to say the same thing, what make it so looonng... my computer HD is running at 30mb/s to write those 8mb data... it literally slow down the computer like hell... I feel like downloading NASA database... geez.

You're both complaining about how Steam works to the wrong audience. If you don't like how Steam applies updates, particularly to the large Content.ggpk file, then you can switch to the standalone client and patcher.
I think it's fixed, I only lock up and die when the syndicate shows up.
On memory bosses there is chance to spawn rares with "alies regenerate life" mod and that makes fight very annoying and hard with tanky map modes
why is it that every single day i have to wait for an update?
yesterday i was waiting for the steam updater and ended up watch netflix instead of playing and it seems the same today.
i get it that you are keeping up with the bugs and what not but can we do a once a week update i dont want to have to wait 15 minutes every day to play POE.

I7 7700K
1070 ti
32gb ram
1t m.s
100 meg internet
So is there a maximum number of surprise visits from the syndicate at the drop zones of maps per 24 hours? I thought it was 3 so I was grinding hard for exp after they got me 3x today so I could get a level figuring I was safe, and then they got me a 4th time. 40% penalty is better than a stick in the eye and Id be laughing my ass off at this if I were the Devs, but am I going to get 50 or 60? It shouldn't be easy to level but I am having trouble getting past this. Is my build wrong? <1
MasonThorne wrote:
So is there a maximum number of surprise visits from the syndicate at the drop zones of maps per 24 hours? I thought it was 3 so I was grinding hard for exp after they got me 3x today so I could get a level figuring I was safe, and then they got me a 4th time. 40% penalty is better than a stick in the eye and Id be laughing my ass off at this if I were the Devs, but am I going to get 50 or 60? It shouldn't be easy to level but I am having trouble getting past this. Is my build wrong? <1

It's 3 encounters per map, but there's no limit on how many times we see them per day - just like any other master. It's up to luck. You can in theory see them 10 maps in a row.
Is the hotfix active on the PS4 version as well?
error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523error 2005270523

------ https://imgur.com/a/TGKNqdM ----
is the image of the error
Increase the Betrayal encounter rate and decrease Alva. It's hard to do the grind when Jun is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile Alva is all over the place.
I had a bug in ps4 in wich cavas, and also his quests, disapeared after I died on a hardcore charcter inside his memory after activating the second beacon. I'm playing on PS4. Can I fix it or do I have to start a new character?

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