
Just came in here to check to see if there was any new news for incinerate in 2.0.

I was going to build in beta and see but I'm just trying to have as much fun as I can with it in standard now before its gone.

It really is a shame that incinerate is going to be so worthless. I too agree that its a very fun build currently, even though its not anywhere near what you would call "powerful". Now instead of low dps but fun to play, its going to be no dps and crap.

Meanwhile, skills like Ice Shot, RoA, Tornado Shot are all still insane in 2.0 beta with easy 25-50k+ tooltip dps... my 4k dps incinerate MUST BE NERFED OUT OF EXISTENCE!!!!
I would like to change Incinerate visual effect. For example, with Greater Multiple Projectile (or LMP) close to the character it will be stonger, brighter, may be with blue color. As welding.

not bright effect, illusion only.
Lol i hope that ggg doesnt nerf incinerate,it is one of the poorest spell in game. Players only use it because it can be used with low tier items, most players are quite poor (like i) they cannot afford mjolner, shavronnes, voll devotion or something else high tier items which are used to better spells like discharge.
As you all can see Incinerate isn't just not nerfed, it's more powerful than ever, you don't even have to spec it, just put the gem in, link it up and melt everything away.

Walking the path since August 20th 2011.
kinda need projectile speed to at least not miss (fall short) or still be safe distance away...
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Jul 15, 2015, 11:22:30 PM
So I'm reaching roads end here trying to figure out how you see us negating reflect. I have tried AA, Ruby Flask, Saffell's, Saffell's + Ruby and nothing seems to negate the reflect damage I'm taking.

I run a BM build with 76% FR (80% with saffell's and 90 with flask and saffell's), 527.8 regen/second and LL linked.

The strange thing is that nothing seems to make a noticeable difference which leads me to believe that something is wrong. 90% FR does in no way make me safe from attacking a big pack of monsters, on the contrary it's sure to kill me.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Why can the flame totems crit, but not incinerate?

Not complaining, just curious. My incinerate and flame totem seem to have similar damage output (around lvl. 60)
So they're not the exact same Skill I imagine.
completely overtuned since 2.0 i dont have to mention my char/gear level here because it was insane from level 1 on

I started leveling with incinerate and forgot about all other gems as i realised its dmg is completely insane for no investment at all, i leveled with a UNSUPPORTED incinerate from normal to end of merciless. At that point i started using LMP.

The one aura i used was anger. In maps the gem was so strong that i was able to drop anger completely.

Same story as with flameblast in 1.3 and or arc. A gem that allows u to forget about dmg nodes.
Last edited by voodoojin on Aug 18, 2015, 11:57:18 AM
Honest feedback from a diehard incinerate user: too strong. Way too strong. It was pretty darn good in 1.3, and 2.0 basically pushed it to top-tier. Every time I try a different spell, I always think "Man, incinerate can do way better."

It needs a serious nerf. The drawbacks are too few for the insane clear speeds it provides. I think dropping the cast speed to the pre-2.0 value of .24s would be dandy, so max stages will be a teeeny bit harder to achieve.

P.S. I know in the OP that it says I should give additional information about my builds and stuff. It should be apparent by the volume of incinerate users and its insane popularity in 2.0 that it's just too strong by anyone's standards.
[2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
Last edited by KuteKitteh on Aug 19, 2015, 10:26:37 PM

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