Vipermagi wrote:
The description explicitly says it deals Fire Damage. If Incinerate was Burning Damage, it would say it dealt Burning Damage, and would list Damage over Time (because that's what Burning damage is; Fire Damage over Time).
Incinerate does not naturally Crit, which is the only way to Ignite by default. If you want to Ignite, you need Chance to Ignite or the Crit Weakness Curse.
Incinerate is a Spell. It works like every other Spell and cannot be Evaded.
aight thanks. Yeah, I had read that fire damage though has a chance to ignite. Plus if Flammability is cast then that allows a chance to ignite as well. But the chance is only ~10%.
So, with 10% chance to ignite I'm not sure passives for burn damage are worth spending.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Posted byMadcow1120#4324on Nov 11, 2013, 4:43:28 PM
Skullchukka wrote:
So I just did a 0 mod Promenade map, and knowing that the final boss has lightning thorns I invited a friend over to help me out - and my idea was I would kite the other boss while he does the thorns lady.
She casted the lightning thorns on a random minion and I died in less than 0.4 seconds with 3600 hp + 88 (78+10 from flask) lightning res. RIP nemesis lvl 70 fullblock tank.
While I agree that certain skills should be countered by certain abilities, this is nothing but outrageous. I should at least have time to react (stop casting, move away, use other abilities), and while I do have 150 seconds in Super Hexagon's final level (read: good reaction times) I find this sadly absurd.
Could we at least introduce a ramp-up time vs thorns?
Personally I think lightning thorns should be changed to a similar mechanic to that of corrupted blood, it's a horrible mechanic as is in every way possible.
Got to ask as well, how much spell block did you run?
In game contact @MajorAsshole
Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Posted byRedblade#3843on Nov 12, 2013, 3:32:47 PM
does light thorns scale with dmg effectiveness?
my 85 self cast inc was taking less thorns dmg than my RoA friend, seems strange...11 cast per second with LMP (i do run 82 all resist tho)
ign = ultrahiangle Last edited by ultrahiangle#4938 on Nov 15, 2013, 3:20:44 AM
Posted byultrahiangle#4938on Nov 15, 2013, 3:20:29 AM
Lightning Thorns are insane. I am a fan of incinerate but lightning thorns is a no-go and you need traps e.g. to kill the mobs. Change needed!
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Posted byJohnnyV76#3764on Nov 15, 2013, 7:22:00 AM
Been Leveling a self cast incinerate char. At first the desyncing wasn't too terrible an issue, but I just got to merciless and its starting to truly become a pain. It doesn't matter which method of casting I use. Shift-cast, click on the ground next to me to cast or the monster itself. Approximately 90% of the time my char, at the very least, will shift slightly in a random ass direction for no apparent reason. I had a buddy run me through the new A3 stuff in cruel cuz my gear sucked but the issue even affected his char. I can literally stand in a room with no monsters, shift click to hard-cast incinerate, and the shifting will occur. I come to you all in desperate need of a solution or a reason this is happening.
Edit: Just dropping by to report that this "issue" that I have never experienced with ANY other character just caused me to rip farming the ledge, gg
Last edited by Veroz#7640 on Nov 16, 2013, 8:11:37 AM
Posted byVeroz#7640on Nov 15, 2013, 8:33:47 PM
Veroz wrote:
I come to you all in desperate need of a solution or a reason this is happening.
Does this issue persist when you cast incinerate from the keyboard?
Posted byKesshi#2649on Nov 17, 2013, 12:55:49 PM
Yes, whether it was bound to my mouse or keyboard.
Posted byVeroz#7640on Nov 17, 2013, 5:34:27 PM
Veroz, I'm having the same issue. I created a reddit thread looking for help. I'm going to post on the Bug Report forums, see if we can get some headway into figuring out what is going on and fixing it.
Posted byXethik#4594on Nov 24, 2013, 2:40:32 PM
I must say I'm enjoying my current build of incinerate. I have a 14% quality incinerate gem supported by LMP, LL, and Faster Projectiles.. My incinerate goes across the screen and covers a very wide area. The sustain is intense. It's costing me 12 base mana to cast it but clarity makes that not a problem. Yeah I gotta say my only real issue is thorns but the life leech and my resistances have kept me from being doomed by it. My current dps is 319.4 base and I'm at the Imperial Gardens in Cruel. Projectile speed increases are a definite must..
Posted byAstosMaldova#3590on Nov 25, 2013, 10:42:29 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
SeacritAsianMan wrote:
btw, just a common misconception. Faster Casting does NOT speed up the time it takes to increase the stage.
Yes it does.
SeacritAsianMan wrote:
The stage mechanic is based on time, not ticks, so it doesn't actually speed it up in that way.
No. You gain a stage for every six consecutive casts of the skill, regardless of cast time. Increasing case speed will mean each cast takes less time, and you'll reach higher stages faster.
If it is the case that any and all cast speed decreases the time between each Incinerate stage, then how can we explain the results that we're seeing in another thread about Incinerate.
In the following posts, two players (myself included) have tested cast speed on Incinerate to check for a decrease in stage ramp-up time. Our tests were performed by recording Incinerate and counting the frames between each stages buff icon under different levels of cast speed.
Test 1 Results
Test 2 Results
.12 Cast Time: 46 frames recorded, 43 expected
.09 Cast Time: 47 frames recorded, 32 expected
In both of the tests we found that cast speed beyond ~30% makes no difference in the time between stage buff changes. This could merely be a UI issue where UI refreshes aren't occurring as a fast as Incinerate's ramp-up, but it could maybe mean that some other interaction is inadvertently creating a soft-cap on cast speed.
Edit: I also posted to /r/pathofexile and got some more results.
It looks like Incinerate is working as expected, it's just difficult to verify due to how quickly the stage changes can happen when combined with latency, fps, UI updates, etc.
Cast Speed vs. Stage 3 Time

Last edited by xythian#6511 on Nov 27, 2013, 4:26:35 PM
Posted byxythian#6511on Nov 27, 2013, 2:26:44 PM