
I just threw a level 5 Incinerate in my Searing Touch unique staff with my level 23 Shadow in Onslaught and I have to say the skill feels so much better. It cost about 15-20 mana to kill a normal mob in Western Forest on Normal, where my character is right now. Compare this to my level 6 Fireball with a support gem that costs 19 mana and one-shots normal mobs when linked in my Searing Touch.

I think this shows that your most recent changes have certainly made Incinerate a viable skill for leveling. It now does an appropriate amount of damage with the right modifiers from passives and items (spell damage and fire damage, specifically). It's still mana-intensive and requires some planning from the player but in no way is my character at a huge disadvantage by using Incinerate like before this patch.

A tanky Templar Incinerate build with lots of auras, Righteous Fire, Pain Attunement, Lightning Warp, Molten Shell and Artic Armor is probably more than viable for end-game maps at this point.
LVL 22 incinerate still 7 mana to cast so in reality Mana its 30% reduced mana cost. I removed half of my cast sustain passives and looking to remove remaining 3.
I put together some feedback on the skill/a build I used it on.
Former player moderator, valued poster, and early-adopter responsible for The Blood Dance.

GGG has forgotten where they came from. As a result, I no longer support the deceitful, corporate Tencent slave sellouts running this game.
I really hope this doesn't ever get considered too powerful because in the current state the skill is just how I'd ever want it.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Hey, I like this skill, I think it's well balanced and interesting to build around in the game at the moment. However, there is one problem: it pretty much forces you either to go dual totem or play ridiculously, ridiculously carefully.

The issue here is Lightning Thorns. If you want to use Incinerate as a reasonable AoE skill (the only use it realistically has) you're going to have to link it to LMP. This means you'll be shooting 6-10+ projectiles (times three because of LMP) per second into a pack. It is widely known how devastating Thorns is to FP builds, but self-cast Incinerate gets ****ed by this on a whole new level. Yes, I play self-cast incinerate, and yes I've survived so far (onslaught), but I feel it's only a matter of time before I fail to notice that one lightning thorns mage and RIP within half a second (yes, that quick).

TL;DR: If you want to use Incinerate self-cast, you're going to be dealing well over 10 hits per second on mobs, so if you don't notice the thorns on a pack, you'll die within a second potentially.

Because Lightning Thorns is a flat per-hit kind of reflect, and as such, way broken for this kind of skill, and extremely poorly thought out.
Kuduku giveth and Kuduku taketh away.

IGN: QueenAtziri
One of my toons is a mid 60's dual totem summoner. I have fooled around with the various spells for the totems, from offensive to defensive, etc. With the update to incinerate I thought I would try it out. Now I have not built this toon around fire (was mainly a spark build but I was getting bored of it) so definitely not optimized for incinerate but as I was just starting regular map and catacomb runs I thought I would change up for a weekend.

Well I am not going back. Unfortunately I used up all my orbs of regret and will have to trade for some because I can see how amazing dual totem incenerate can be. At first I only had faster casting and fire vulnerability gems in the setup and it was deadly as hell (the faster casting speeding the progression of the spell to the deadly levels). The range was shite but the damage was amazing --- especially on bosses. Then I removed the fire penetration and put in a projectile speed gem. Whoa!!! Now I had range. I create a mess of skeles and zombies as fodder and targets for the masses, but the damage comes from totems. I wear those two curse boots so I cast Fire vulnerability and Temporal chains to slow them down...but I often forget to even cast those. I toss a fire trap here or there, but mainly it is cast a few skeles, two totems and watch everything melt.

So last night I try firewall with Duration gem. 4 seconds of invulnerability whilst my totems shoot thru it killing everything.

Just found the over-powered combo of the month. Shhhh. Dont tell anyone.
Krashkraken wrote:
I wear those two curse boots so I cast Fire vulnerability and Temporal chains to slow them down...but I often forget to even cast those.

Elemental weakness is better in my opinion. Quality gives you further fire resistance reduction (more than flammability can get), and since incinerate hits so fast by for low damage the ignite is pretty worthless. But really why the ignite sucks is for humans/monkeys/etc. that will run when they burn, so they leave your totem range.
@Moylin (Beyond)
Skill is completely broken for HC. Lightning thorns appears from off screen while you're casting and you get instagibbed, gg no re.
ZiggySobotka wrote:
Skill is completely broken for HC. Lightning thorns appears from off screen while you're casting and you get instagibbed, gg no re.

You really do, so use Fireball as backup like I do and switch to it if you have thorns users around. It causes no serious micromanagement issues, they are of same color and use the same supports and everything, just swap one gem and it's smooth sailing.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Incinerate templar lvl 85. About 4k hp, About 1k on 1stage.

Good game.

+ is a tank
+ fast kills mobs on single player maps/lunaris, middle with pt
+ using life leech makes him almost immortal with just 1 exception (see "-")
+ doesn't need very very expensive items

- must used mana leech (+60% increased mana reg; clarity 7 lvl; +7% reduced mana cost)
- thorns kill him instantly (1 second is max)

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