Elemental Proliferation

thats not what i was referring to. let me try to explain multiple potential questions at once.

all supports give a passive effect while using linked skills. increased AoE support has same kind of boost found on skill grid of similar name "increased area of effect". some grant unique effects then some others are complete skills that are dependent on the main skill, such as this support or totem support or mine support.

traps, totems, and mines rely on player's stats to use. supports give extra stats for the specific linked skill used. elemental proliferation converts the normal status debuffs into AoE, thus is now affected by all AoE size changing effects. if elemental hit was linked with ele prolif and inc AoE, the elemental hit does not benefit from AoE but ele prolife does because it is an AoE effect.

i don't know how other way to say relationships here. but hopefully that clears things up.
BRavich wrote:
How am I making it any more complicated? Can you reference any other support gems that effect other support gems?

Faster Casting + Spell Totem (obvious)
Faster Attacks + Ranged Attack Totem
Added Cold + Cold to Fire (added Cold damage is converted)
Added Fire + Melee Physical (more Physical damage = more Fire damage)
Added Fire/Cold/Lightning + Weapon Elemental Damage / Minion Damage (more damage)
LMP/GMP's added projectiles benefit from everything the initial projectile does.

Can't be arsed to list more :P What it boils down to: it happens a whole lot.

The way I interpret it: the skill gains the bonus, and mechanically the support gems don't exist. The skill now has Increased AoE Radius and Elemental Proliferation. EP is an AoE, so it's increased by the +%Radius that the skill also features.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 29, 2013, 12:13:57 PM
Faster casting, faster attacks, added cold, added fire, and added lightning all effect the actual skill that they are linked to.

The reason I was confused about elemental proliferation is because EP doesnt actually modify the skill it is linked to, it just adds a radius to any elemental status effects caused by the linked skill. The skill itself doesnt necessarily have an area effect radius to begin with.

faster casting isnt affecting the totem's cast speed directly, it is affecting your own cast speed on which the totem is based. Added fire/cold/lightning isnt directly interacting with weapon elemental damage, it is adding damage to the skill, which is then modified by weapon elemental damage.

From what I can see, elemental proliferation + increased AE/conc effect is a unique scenario. The skill itself isnt getting any increase in area of effect. Elemental proliferation itself creates the area of effect and is then buffed by the other support gems. I understand that, to a certain extent, we're just dealing with semantics, but it just doesnt seem intuitive for me.
IGN: Iolar
BRavich wrote:
Faster casting, faster attacks, added cold, added fire, and added lightning all effect the actual skill that they are linked to.

And so does EP; it's no different. The skill now creates AoE status ailments, as opposed to the regular single-target versions. The skill has an AoE effect, which you can then increase with Inc. AoE passives and the support gem.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 29, 2013, 5:34:58 PM
In a similar vein:

Does increased cast speed improve the casting time of spell totem (The time it takes to create the totem, not just the cast time of the spell itself)?

Does increased duration increase the duration of spell totem and remote mine?

Does increased area of effect increase the cast range of spell totem?

Does increased duration affect the duration of elemental status effects caused by linked skills?

IGN: Iolar
no, AoE size is not same as (detection) range
I would like to question the mechanics of Elemental Proliferation:

Two scenarios:
a) Bear Trap + Added Fire + Elemental Proliferation,
result: on crit, and a mob gets oneshot, it will still spread the burning ailment.
b) + Hatred,
result: on crit, and a mob gets oneshot (which most normal and alot of rare/magic are), it will shatter, and no ailment is spread

In both scenarios the mob gets oneshot, but only in one is an ailment spread, what is the reasoning behind this? From what I can tell, this is not an obvious bug, but supposed to happend. Why couldnt an effect still be spread even though the mob is shattered?

Sure, this is easily avoided by not using Hatred, but as soon as I join someone else that does, the Proliferation gem becomes nearly completely useless (and as a spellcaster all I gain is some cold damage on that skill). Puts it in the same boat as Elemental Equilibrium and makes me wish for a way to turn of party members auras.
This skill is useless if you are using it with Crit and an aoe skill and want the crit to be applied to all mobs for each attack, as Crit is calculated on a per attack rather than a per mob basis. This needs to be changed in my opinion and as such this skill won't be useful until then.

P.s. Does a fire penetration support apply with this gem?
736089 wrote:
In both scenarios the mob gets oneshot, but only in one is an ailment spread, what is the reasoning behind this? From what I can tell, this is not an obvious bug, but supposed to happend. Why couldnt an effect still be spread even though the mob is shattered?

It is indeed working as intended.

The status ailment needs a source. This can be a corpse. Shattered monsters don't leave corpses.

Virtuoso wrote:
This skill is useless if you are using it with Crit and an aoe skill and want the crit to be applied to all mobs for each attack, as Crit is calculated on a per attack rather than a per mob basis. This needs to be changed in my opinion and as such this skill won't be useful until then.

So because it's 'useless' in one specific scenario, it will always be useless? What.
Here's the thing.

Yes, crumbled enemies do not spread effects, but a frozen one does, and it freezes nearby enemies as well.

In addition, because the status effect is mob based, weaker mob will have longer freeze duration provided you don't kill them. This longer freeze duration will apply to stronger mobs as well, and even boss.

Even when you can one hit kill weaker mob, you should have enough damage to freeze the stronger ones, thereby still gaining the frozen/shock/burning effect. (And if all of them are dead, why do you bother the effect isn't spreading?)

I have used this gem before in CBT, and loved it. The only reason I stopped using it is because I have enough damage to 1 Hit KO mobs, thus reducing the usefulness of this gem greatly.

Again, remember different monster types have different hp, and elemental proliferation can spread the longer freeze duration from lower hp monsters to ones with higher hp. And the effect spreads to any other new monsters that comes near, providing you with some sort of crowd control if you ever want to combine cold damage with elemental proliferation.

TL:DR Has Cold Damage = Crowd Control; Has No Cold Damage = More Damage
It's a fair trade.
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