AI can generate portaits indistinguishable from real human faces. what does this mean?
" One day someone will create a program that's able to perfectly fake the sound of any person with enough recorded speech as a base. After enough perfecting, it'll become handy enough to become a phone app, allowing anyone to fake any person's voice, within whatever limits said program will have. It'll most likely have a data bank consisting of famous peoples' voices too. |
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" Is it worth mentioning that you and me are one of those gullible masses? Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" ah yes, so every phone will need some petabytes of data storage and the google cluster worth of processing power. some people think that computers will continue to get better at the rate of the last 30 years, but sorry to dissapoint you. we need new base semiconductor and conductors to get over eletrical hop effects at 8 nanometres and down. Thanks to spectre etc convinient shortcuts like we did since 20 years ago are unfeasable now. But you see, the problem isn't even that. We just don't have the software base. There is no AI, there are only inefficient tricks like simulated NNs we use. and that won't change as long as we don't have a shift in basic paradigms. also the problem is not faking the voice, we already can do that, at least well enough to trick the public. this is why it's never used as an authentication system... well never used outside cheap hollywood movies :) Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! |
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Tell someone from thirty years ago about what our phones can do now and they'll call you crazy for claiming something impossible. You'll laugh at their disbelief, just like people 30 years from now will laugh at you.
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Phones in 30 years might be able to have routine conversations for us and send us a summary of key points.
for completion's sake " I should hope we at least suspect that we are, Boem. |
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GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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That's better than the cats, at least.
AI Generated Inspirational Quotes youtube video. Laughing aloud at some of these. Inspirobot the actual generator. Have fun! Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Feb 22, 2019, 6:12:21 AM
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" Lmao "hiy dave.....can i fondle you.... No....." =D cheers man i had a solid laugh at those. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" 30 years ago? 1988? Someone, yes. An expert? not really. Moores law was already a thing back then. Simple extrapolation of known data would lead to the capability of processors today. What you do not understand, the mathematical basics we use are known and implemented since the 40s. the now used von neumann architecture is a it's physical limits. Please don't use some old klischees to create an argument when you actually don't know anything about the subject. Now we will again try to hyper-scale the shit out of systems, like back when began to use the first multi core cpus because single core was at its max at this time. but i you actually want to know more about the basic problem we face: If we don't find something completely new, you fantasy will stay exactly that. Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! |
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" Cheers mate XD " You're German? English = cliches, but I like yours, it's cool. I'm curious: are people looking for something completely new then? What is it we are trying to get phones to do that they don't? |
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