[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

Re pierce vs. Chain: The crawler does not inherently pierce, and yes pierce works well (which is why I used it up to this point) But as of this patch a max lvl chain is only 11% reduced damage. And it hits 3 times. And it makes the chaining projectiles self targeting. Now that chain is buffed, there is no comparison between the two for clearspeed.

Re nature of damage: My understanding based on POB and observed behavior is that it is 100% base phys with converted chaos damage. I think 60%, but I need to look it up in POB.

Re slower crawler: Not that I have noticed. With 4 second cooldown convocation it is where I want it pretty much 100% of the time.

Good luck in Synthesis!


Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Mar 12, 2019, 9:34:28 PM
I was testing Chain and I couldn't cast barrage...didn't realize chain is a 150% multiplier, so this is something to keep a note of haha

Will try to check it out when I can manage the increase
Ahhh, when using chain I drop arctic armour. Can be recast for dangerous fights (when you will be using Vile toxins instead) Sorry for not including that piece.

Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Mar 13, 2019, 1:48:31 AM

What are you thoughts on this build vs say a 83/83 block for HC?


Jugh vs. Block champ:

Both are strong, in their own way, And I did try the champ out at least once last league. Preference may be a matter of taste, but I will explain why I prefer Jugg.

Without doing a point by point comparison, it is essentially
because the holes in a Jugg's defense are not mostly rng based. The champ plays as more or less immune to damage until the moment when it isn't because it missed the wrong pair of blocks. Although this is a rare occurrence, it is statistically certain to happen if you play long enough in dangerous situations. In that same type of moment, the Jugg continues to mitigate via LGOH at exactly the same rate, which may be double or more that of the block champ. The downside of the Jugg is that its defense drops away dramatically when it stops attacking. But this is based on the player rather than on rng.

I am definitely not the best player from a mechanical standpoint, but I nevertheless prefer the feeling that living or dying is as much within my power as possible instead of being guaranteed to live until the dice decide I die. I play only hc in league, and that may significantly affect my preference. As with many things, ymmv, but that's why I prefer the jugg.

Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Mar 13, 2019, 12:19:34 PM
Thanks for the detailed response. I always have liked jugg due to regen...i absolutely loathe the bullshit % life chunk mechanics (such as traps in labs and whatnot), and jugg pretty much counters them.

Any chance you could post a vid of a t14+ decent map? Would just like to see the clear from a 95% of time playstyle perspective.
Re requested video:

Map map pool isn't great right now, but I made you this video of a corrupted T13 colosseum (highest map in my possession atm), which should be close enough to give you the idea. The jugg doing it is my current variation and only lvl 76.


Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Mar 13, 2019, 2:59:06 PM
Thanks for the feedback, Orion. I'm enjoying playing a variant of your build, using Kintsugi (after seeing you use it earlier in the league), ROA (prefer to keep more range and distance) and not using immortal call (prefer to keep the elemental damage reduction and chaos res).

Find purifying flame to be a decent CWDT addition, which gives conc ground, regen and a critical strike chance debuff on it. Planning to up the defenses more by incorporating a lvl 20 CWDT + chaos golem + holy relic + molten shell, while adding aspect of spider (in place of arctic armour).

Probably adding this pair of boots late too,

Hey Orion..I just saw you are using maloneys quiver instead of a pierce one..Why this change?Only for the added sockets before you get a equivalent to 6link head?

Thx again for the great build m8..I didnt have the time to play a lot at betrayal but for synthesis it will be the only build i will try.

P.S. Any advices for low level delve farming ?Any thoughts to make the build suited towards that?:)
I look forward to seeing how your variant does. I offer the following notes:

1. Kintsugi was an experiment/budget option for the first char before I had currency for a kaoms. I do not expect it to ultimately be quite as tanky.

2. I have played the variant without immortal call. IMO it is significantly inferior in ways that you will notice most when you start delving deep or play with high level abysses. Immunity to non-1 shot phys is big.

3. I have played the variant with ROA. You will notice a steep decline in effectiveness against single high level bosses without adds. The guardians, for example, are much more difficult. If you like keeping extra distance, consider the knockback variation with 1-2 volley fire jewels. I find this much more effective than ROA. This is what I am currently playing--my profile is open if you want a look.

All that said, the game is about experimenting with builds and finding what works best for you. I wish you well and would be happy to hear about your exploits!


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