Lightning Arrow
How is Lightning Arrow and pierce working together? Can we hit more than 3 target?
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"you can even use chain and fork for similar results... as long as something is even hit. |
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I heard somebody saying, LA + Chain + Projectile Weakness's Pierce
If you pierce, the projectiles themselves won't chain, but the 3 additional target thing will chain still. Is this true? IGN: iAmForiel
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"when the projectiles fail the check to pierce, they will then instead chain. is projectile? repeat, if true, can pierce? if not, break the previous line's repeat, can fork? if not, can chain? |
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yea but the hitting 3 additional targets arent projectiles, theyre ON-HITS. so would they still chain?
IGN: iAmForiel
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"those don't chain, fork, or pierce. the arrow itself does those. i misunderstood and thought you had lmp. |
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oh ok ty
IGN: iAmForiel
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My build works really well with lightning arrow (my tree, gear etc)
and its always been one of my favourite gems, that I would really like to make a build out of However, every time i shoot with lmp chain I get huge fps spikes I understand this is probably an issue on my side, but it would be really nice if gems like this had lower toned graphics, or if there was an option of some sort to lower them Please!!! >< @HBT
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Dear GGG,
In order to offset the waves of hate mail you'd receive for such an act, I will praise you if you nerf the pinion damage on this skill. I will praise you twice on Tuesday and once on Thursday. And, if that day should come to pass, and you also decide to make MultiProj viable with other arrows attacks, I would be okay with that too. -Some Anonymous Internet Guy " Unfortunately the current version IS the tuned down version, it used to be worse. As someone with an underspec computer, also, I feel your pain. Don't think that no one knows that pain. We're all gonna make it and have richer computing machines in the future, don't fret. It happened for Diablo 2, it can happen for Path of Exile. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Dec 19, 2013, 10:10:18 AM
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How does Lightning arrow interact with the Physical Projectile Attack Damage and Added Fire support gems? Do they give their bonus before or after the 50% physical damage conversion?
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