0.9.7 Patch Notes

I got the new patch, it downloaded fast about 10-15 mins. After 20 mins of playing i went to goto the next map of Dark Forest and my computer gave me the blue screen of death and rebooted itself.

Other than that, thanks for all the hard work you put into the patch. This game gets better and better.
I'm very grateful for the new patch. Only few months till open beta? 3 more large patches? Am I right?
Chris wrote:
[li]Path of Exile's higher difficulty levels are a lot more difficult than before! It's expected that players will have to pick defensive options in order to be able to survive.

Coudl we have some basic informations about the life and damage values of the monsters in the different difficulties? Just to have a general knowlegde on how much defensive strenght to aim when re-placing an existing build...
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
Sparzy wrote:
my computer gave me the blue screen of death and rebooted itself.

I dont know exactly how it is in W7, but there (WXP) is an option to prevent from the reboot on a bluescreen, to get the ability to see whats caused the crash.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
I don't even know where to start...

You remove Frenzy Charges, a large portion of how damage is dealt by dexterity based classes, don't give us anything in return.

'Defensive nodes are buffed', nope all the dexterity defensive nodes are still exactly the same.

Defense stacking is more necessary now, but Iron Reflexes gets worse and worse since there's no combined armor/evasion % defense nodes.

I received 400 HP and lost over 50% of my damage, and I still get one shotted in Chaos.

There's more to melee than Marauders, you know.
Garrison - Closed beta Elemental Cleave DW Duelist
They obviously move their A**es way faster because 5.15 is the date when the evil will rise :). This game is so great but most of casuals probably won't ever try it I hope they will run some wider adds over this. Not the low ball ones like the most of lower tier producers are doing this game deserves all the best I belive.

When I saw first time on the trailers those artifical plastic-like animations of characters I had bad feelings about PoE. But everything seemed to exceed my expectations about this game when I started to play it. My fcing eyes were literally open for a constant 10 hours first day :)

This game is getting better and better with every patch It's really something silent but it comes and will kill many sh*ts on the market sooner or later.

Making an RPG or H&S is big challenge even if the market isn't even 30% saturated yet. This game really have a lot of potential and devs are moving right direction with it :-)
Last edited by deMoxE#3542 on Mar 19, 2012, 9:28:40 AM
Chris wrote:
Transitions between various world areas have been improved so that they don't have repeated exits.

Can anyone explain this? I don't get it.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired)
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96(dead)
So far loving the patch, I was sad to read about the Discharge nerf, but looked at it, and it isn't too bad (not in the mid 30s anyway), it still kills, and kills faster than my current single target options lol.

Tempest Shield change, it's nice to have it always on, but is this an option i can make? I'd rather link it to increased duration and save my 'mana reserve" skill for an aura. :D

Guess i'm gonna have to find a blood magic support gem in order to run tempest shield and an aura? :P

So far so good, love the 'heat distortion" on discharge, don't recall seeing that before. :)
I'm enjoying the patch so far. My PA ranger wasn't Chaos-ready anyway, so I've been running around Merciless Fellshrine a bit to level her up. It's challenging. You can't just wade into a group of blue archers any more, you have to use tactics and stick and move. Which frankly, that's how a ranged class should be. With the adjustments to Multiple Projectiles, I can lay waste with PA much more efficiently than before.

Using Grace helps a ton, I get an additional 11% Armor using a level 6 Grace and Iron Reflexes. So that helps offset the defense problems that rangers have.

I assume Chaos is going to be really friggin' hard, but that's expected. I'll probably die, but I've already noticed two or three new builds to try, so that's fine.
The 10 second duration on charges is killing me.

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