[3.11] Cyclone Slayer (RETIRED)

yeah i have the amulet and wondering when do i start wearing it?

yeah i have the amulet and wondering when do i start wearing it?

Whenever you can.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
I just tried this build and I very much like it.

Helped me to get to uber elder and get a kill as well, my first try ever. I needed all portals though :P

Solid build, I have a few things missing still as I ran out of budget.
It's basically impossible to die on a legion encounter and that was the most important for me.

I'm not sure about my flask setup, somehow I want some more mobility, probably I'll add onslaught.

Obviously I need better jewels. Any suggestions with the new legion ones?

Thanks for the build, really enjoying it!
Any suggestions with the new legion ones?

Lethal pride is your best bet. Try out the jewel sockets south of Barbarism and next to Golem's Blood. Depending on the seed value you might get a really good jewel. I have a 14381 seed jewel that's really good in the first jewel slot. It's RNG to get a nice jewel, just saying.

Corrupted Soul and Divine flesh are good too (from Glorious Vanity). You'd need to switch to Soul Tether for Corrupted soul and cap chaos res for Divine Flesh.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
Last edited by cent664#3461 on Jul 22, 2019, 2:42:11 PM
would it be viable to use Elder astral plate with high life etc?
would it be viable to use Elder astral plate with high life etc?

Yup. You can get one with more life than belly. Even better f you get one with any or -15 to mana cost, phys taken as fire, effect of auras, +1 to socketed active skill gems.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664

This good enough or better to try for +1 socketed gems too?
This good enough or better to try for +1 socketed gems too?

Depends on how much money you have. If you're lacking, I'd use this for now, sell later and buy a new base to craft again. This is okay, but I'd want at least one more good mod. Also, in case you play std, I'd hold off on selling that chest, they sell higher in std.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
Nice build. I have similar. Now I want to try change Starforge to multicraft sword with Fortify Support.

I dont Understand why is my "Increased Area of Effect" (61 %) Cyclone the same for both Swords if Starforge have +20 % "Increased Area of effect for attack"?

Is there any option how to Improwe my gear or character?

Current gear:

New sword:

Nice build. I have similar. Now I want to try change Starforge to multicraft sword with Fortify Support.

That sword will give you a bit more damage, and one free passive point (don't need RT) for loss in life and area from starforge. But tbh the implicit is wasted. I'd only use that sword if I'm going crit.

I dont Understand why is my "Increased Area of Effect" (61 %) Cyclone the same for both Swords if Starforge have +20 % "Increased Area of effect for attack"?

The starforge aoe doesn't show up in the cyclone tooltip because its not specific to cyclone.

Is there any option how to Improwe my gear or character?

Helm enchant : Blood rage ats > Cyclone ats > Cyclone damage

40% belly. You could also go for a fossil crafted chest. It'll cost a lot more but its an upgrade. Check FAQ for info.

I'd use Flesh and stone over anything else. If you want more damage, I'd swap pulverize for Brutality. I would never use Pulverize for warchief over brutality. I'm guessing you're not using aspect of the cat.

Boot enchant.

Your gear is good otherwise. Rings, boots, gloves. Pretty good.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664

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