3.5 Betrayal - Chieftain EH RAT - Uber Elder - Uber Atziri - HOGM - .
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Feb 4, 2021, 6:58:35 AM Last bumped on Feb 6, 2019, 8:06:21 AM
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https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Feb 4, 2021, 6:59:07 AM
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Thanks for the guide man. I've been looking for a good totem league starter. Totems and Golems are the only thing I play in this game lol.
Question: Is the leech strong enough that you can sustain tough delves and map bosses? Would going Vaal Pact do us any good? ■► It's a business. You won't get the full experience.
■► Yes, this is an addiction. This is a Slot Machine. I am addicted. ■► You won't be rewarded. There is no reward. |
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Thanks for reading and leaving some questions!
First of all , I said on the cons I dont think this is a good league starter, specially because it shines at levelling with some unique items. If you want to try this as a league starter , you should level a Marauder as a Sunderboi or use Consecrated Path (there´s a great guide for a Chieftain Consecrated Path league starter). After you get the 2 treshold jewels you can start playing this build but you will have a huge dps increase on clear and boss when you equip Arborix/Chin Sol. --- About the leech , yeah it is that strong. At Delves Outpost/Chambers around 300 depth I get the Fortify buff and just stand on the middle of the action and the damage output/leech of your totems will keep you safe all the time. You can facetank t16 Elder Guardians , I facetanked no damage mods Minotaur but you dont have too , just let your totems do their stuff while your safe at a distance. --- About VP , if you see the tree you will notice that VP is just right there at just 1 point ready to be used. It does actually work fine but Chieftain have a lot life regen that you loose when using VP. Lab will be harder and Blood Rage degen will be become annoying. It just 1 point so you are free to try it but I recommend not getting it. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Dec 2, 2018, 6:44:09 PM
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In Betrayal we will have a big nerf to Chin Sol , big buff to Arborix(that wont change much to this build) and a new support gem.
The nerf to Chin Sol will make a lot harder to shock guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder. Its probably better to have a good rare amulet instead of Yoke of Suffering against them. The problem is that for the rest of the game , Yoke of Suffering is still BIS and it comes with a lot of resistances, so swaping to a rare amulet for guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder fights can mess your resistances (and your Wise Oak effectiveness). I recommend keeping Yoke of Suffering on the build. The new Multiple Totem support is ridiculous good at only 21%(lvl 20) less penalty for an extra totem. I will probably use it on Shaper boots with RAT support mod for a 5l. Then you can swap Combustion from your Frosferno and replace it with Damage on Full life. Combustion will be on your boots along with Multiple totems Support and EH, will experiment with the last gem but probably will be a 20/20 Pierce. The EH on your boots will be the clearing skill and for bosses we will place 2 main(the setup on Frostferno)totems and 2 clear(the setup on the boots ,just 1 cast for 2 totems). The 2 clear totems will do some extra damage and will also debuff the bosses with Combustion. Did Uber Elder with Arborix and gimped my dmg and life switching belt and boots. It was rough but at least I have no doubt that at 3.5/Betrayal Uber Elder is viable despite the nerf to Chin Sol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vlzOA67JLE In case you missed the point: For boss fights 3.4 Chin Sol >> 3.5 Chin Sol >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.5 Arborix > 3.4 Arborix. I will keep the guide updated but I have the feeling I will be busy with Betrayal. Good luck to everyone and have fun! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110
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Added some Betrayal videos.
Multiple totems support is way too good. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Dec 9, 2018, 9:46:23 PM
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How do you think this build compares to hiero elemental hit totem, its more tank wise?, has more QoL? the hiero totem placement speed / inate multiple totem summon its a thing to consider when choosing between chieftain or hiero, thank you for this awesome guide
Last edited by lulico#4959 on Dec 10, 2018, 11:14:20 AM
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" Thanks for the feedback! There was one with Hiero that used Effigon that was pretty smart but it seems discontinued. Currently there are 2 more RAT EH build that I follow. I´ve only played mine so I might be wrong but it looks like the Ascendant(Chieftain/Slayer) is the most safe/tanky but have the least damage output , the Hiero is by far the most squishy but compensates with an insane dmg output. Chieftain seems to be on the middle. In my opinion , the Ascendant version have a little edge on the others because its SSF viable(you dont need the Treshold jewels) even tho Im sure a skilled player can take Uber Elder deathless with any of the variants and without crazy expensive gear. Hiero vs Chief QoL is debatable. The less dmg from Chief´s Arohongi and the Leech and Cover in Ashes from Hinekora make a big difference on the tankiness thing but the placement speed and overall dmg of the Hiero also makes a big difference on the dmg and the flow while mapping. The new multiple totem support favor the Hiero the most by far too but they usually use a Kaom Heart so they will probably run in sockets problems trying to get a double EH RAT setup. Currently Im running RAT + EH + Dmg on full life + Elemental dmg with attacks on Frostferno and RAT + EH + Combustion + Cold to fire + Pierce + Multiple totems support on a cheap 6l body armour. I use the multiple totem EH for clear (no 3 arrow bow yet) and the QoL is insane, when I need more single target dmg I cast once the Multiple totem EH and 3 times the one on the Frostferno. Thats 5 totems , 3 really mean totems and 2 more that also do a pretty good dmg and also apply the Combustion support debuff. Bosses get blown away and clear is better than it was on 3.4 , still kinda mediocre but it was ok then and its better now. Edit: Added Ahuatotli at depth 56 , poor guy XD. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Dec 10, 2018, 2:04:53 PM
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" thank you for the reply, really awesome analysis, i will test out the two builds and leave some experience report later, keep the good work |
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Added Shaper's Realm to the 3.5 videos. Everything short of perfection is irrelevant :(.
Have to update some important things on the guide, for example the location of the Souls for the Pantheon , the double EH RAT setup(that works great) , the Arborix recommendation , which is still great bow for clear but one of the selling point was that it was dirt cheap and isn't anymore with the insane spike on the prices of Grelwood Shank. Definitely get Death's Opus instead of Arborix , its worse but no where near 2ex worse. Another important thing, I said on the jewel part of the guide that Tempered Mind is recommended but you can do fine without it but in reality unless you have some state of the art rings and abyssal jewels with a LOT of accuracy you should put Tempered Mind jewel on you skill tree , it does make a clearly noticeable difference against bosses. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on Dec 13, 2018, 11:50:52 PM
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