[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

kotsapl wrote:
Do Owerwhelm stat work good for build for Bleed Dot dmg ?

It does absolutely nothing. Works only on hits, not ailments.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 26, 2021, 7:03:19 AM
DankawSL wrote:

agarwean wrote:
I'm playing "armour version" of bleed gladiator right now i guess (even tho i did nothing at all to get some armour - all my items have random base) - i went for the left side of the tree, since i have no acro i put in block unique quiver and block unique flask and got crystal skin anointment for +2 all max res tottal. I feel VERY safe in rituals, basically if there's no shit-mob who puts chaos DoT all over arena i can just stand in the middle and fire non-stop (i have smg like 150c gear on me). On hard mods some running is needed tho. One more thing - phasing flask is HUGE for running in rituals. It's close to be the most important item for hard rituals.

The thing with armour is that it's great against physical damage and you feel immortal against it. Majority of small trash are physical in the first place The moment elemental damage appears you have no defense outside of Molten Shell. I experienced that back in Delirium when i used Champion and was mostly saved Fortify + CWDT Molten Shell together many times. In your case, you have block instead of Fortify.

You're still probably in yellow maps where things shouldn't be too bad yet. I wonder how it's going to be later. EU_Rogue had problems in high tier reds after all. You also have to keep in mind that by speccing into block you also lose a lot of good stats, especially from a quiver. Your block should be more or less the same as what dodge gives you when you spec into it. The only real difference is armour instead of evasion.

I'm in high red maps, have done all shaper guardians on rare maps with Maven on and normal (white, or how you call it) Maven guardian invitation. Died 1 time on guardians - it was minotaur and it was death to rush - i put both myself and him in that shock beam to kill him faster. Died 2 times on invitation, just because i'm bad.

I'm not saying that "OMG MY BUILD IS SO MUCH BETTER" or any shit like that - you said you don't know if armour version is better for rituals, so here's my experience with it. And yes - block is kinda bad version of dodge here - you need flask, you loose hp and dmg on quiver etc. Armour vs evasion is not a difference at all in my case - real difference is enduring call and ez (in rituals and on bosses, not on maps) enduring charges cause of it.

And btw i'm too lazy softcore scam to use any CWTD setup. I 100% should but i'm just lazy to put it in...
agarwean wrote:
I'm in high red maps, have done all shaper guardians on rare maps with Maven on and normal (white, or how you call it) Maven guardian invitation. Died 1 time on guardians - it was minotaur and it was death to rush - i put both myself and him in that shock beam to kill him faster. Died 2 times on invitation, just because i'm bad.

I'm not saying that "OMG MY BUILD IS SO MUCH BETTER" or any shit like that - you said you don't know if armour version is better for rituals, so here's my experience with it. And yes - block is kinda bad version of dodge here - you need flask, you loose hp and dmg on quiver etc. Armour vs evasion is not a difference at all in my case - real difference is enduring call and ez (in rituals and on bosses, not on maps) enduring charges cause of it.

And btw i'm too lazy softcore scam to use any CWTD setup. I 100% should but i'm just lazy to put it in...

Now you got me interested. As i usually progress through atlas i reach red maps around level 90, usually slightly earlier but i still do completion on some lower tier maps i found. Nowadays i rarely run the same map twice due to how easy progression is. I assume most people should be around the same level. To note - i never die below 90s.

So my question is, how did you already get to lvl 90s, farmed many high tier maps and also attempted 4 shaper guardian fight? You're not the only person who has similar progression so i'm just curious how it happens, and most people aren't talkative. The only reasons i can think of is rushing content and/or dying a ton. How it looks in your case?

Im fully aware of endurance charges being incredible, which is why i always try to get them but through elder/redeemer boots instead. Build has too many stuff to click until you automate some of it, which is not possible until later. I terribly dislike Thread of Hope solution for many reasons and refuse to use it. Until 3.11 it wasn't even worth looking into that solution (too unreliable).

Either way i'll have to add in end charge generation somewhere in end game section. What's obvious to me is not obvious to others, plus new great possibilities were added that makes things a lot smoother.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides

I have aquestion about Drillneck, it was not mentioned in the build and provides me with a 15% dmg increase. The rare quivers with phys dmg over time and dmg over time multipliers provide less than this value, can someone explain to me why this is the case?
Last edited by Kyxor#3260 on Jan 26, 2021, 11:12:28 AM
DankawSL wrote:
agarwean wrote:
I'm in high red maps, have done all shaper guardians on rare maps with Maven on and normal (white, or how you call it) Maven guardian invitation. Died 1 time on guardians - it was minotaur and it was death to rush - i put both myself and him in that shock beam to kill him faster. Died 2 times on invitation, just because i'm bad.

I'm not saying that "OMG MY BUILD IS SO MUCH BETTER" or any shit like that - you said you don't know if armour version is better for rituals, so here's my experience with it. And yes - block is kinda bad version of dodge here - you need flask, you loose hp and dmg on quiver etc. Armour vs evasion is not a difference at all in my case - real difference is enduring call and ez (in rituals and on bosses, not on maps) enduring charges cause of it.

And btw i'm too lazy softcore scam to use any CWTD setup. I 100% should but i'm just lazy to put it in...

Now you got me interested. As i usually progress through atlas i reach red maps around level 90, usually slightly earlier but i still do completion on some lower tier maps i found. Nowadays i rarely run the same map twice due to how easy progression is. I assume most people should be around the same level. To note - i never die below 90s.

So my question is, how did you already get to lvl 90s, farmed many high tier maps and also attempted 4 shaper guardian fight? You're not the only person who has similar progression so i'm just curious how it happens, and most people aren't talkative. The only reasons i can think of is rushing content and/or dying a ton. How it looks in your case?

Im fully aware of endurance charges being incredible, which is why i always try to get them but through elder/redeemer boots instead. Build has too many stuff to click until you automate some of it, which is not possible until later. I terribly dislike Thread of Hope solution for many reasons and refuse to use it. Until 3.11 it wasn't even worth looking into that solution (too unreliable).

Either way i'll have to add in end charge generation somewhere in end game section. What's obvious to me is not obvious to others, plus new great possibilities were added that makes things a lot smoother.

1st of all - I lied a little. I forget a get lioneye's vision jewel from ritual when i said i have 150c gear. So it is 150c + lioneye's vision. And the fact that i got this jewel is the only reason i went for "armour" version this early on. Cause as you mentioned before - your variant of build is WAY WAY better for starting cause you don't need stuff like that. Also atm i don't use crystal skin anointment anymore - i just got amu with growth and decay anointment for 10c, which is far less than just golden oil alone, so i might start dying more now, i will see how it goes. Basically i were relying on those max res to help against elemental dmg and only reason i didn't anointed it back is... well 10c for that amu. I guess i will end up going for crystal skin anyway cause max res is very important to my build.

Now that we are kinda done with gear - progression was very smooth for me, main point about it is "slow and steady wins the race". I have WAY lower dmg that i could've (and that i should have tbh). That comes with a cost - for example i were killing minotaur for like 7 min (enduring cry helps alot in such fights just as never-ending hp flask). And i ended up leaving that "slow and steady" and dying... I couldn't do t14 dig map boss under maven - map had reduced phys dmg taken for mobs and i simply couldn't get though maven's regen.

Progressing through maps was as usual for me, so it's kinda hard for me to pinpoint to smg here (when you are doing smg the same way for quit some time you don't really know what and how you are doing). The only odd thing was mirror drop at t3 map. That's very fcking odd thing, but that mirror just sits in my stash, so it has nothing to do with anything. Map progression is almost ssf for me - i bought only 3 guardian maps. I do maps i haven't done, each map one time. Do all Zana's missions to get uncomplited maps from her. I each time i start a new gaming session (which i do fairly often due to old fast heating up PC) i go through map tabs from t1 upwards and run any uncompleted maps. But most of the times i don't do all map if it's t4 and i'm doing red maps - i just run to the boss and get that bonus. And thus i progress. Not rushing tiers, no "xp leaching" bs or anything like that. Just slowly going forward focusing on defence. Not running any map after it's bonus completion if i can (ofc if i'm out of maps i haven't done i have to do smg). Using those horizon orbs hard. I guess it would be "better" to sell them and buy a map, but i don't want to interact with trading if i don't have to. You know - those 20 pm to get 1 map. All that stuff. I'm one drox away from A4 and 1st Sirus fight (and i guess last cause i think that this fight is boring waste of time and have very poor "mechanics" if you can use this word).

What about guardians. Minotaur, as i said, is a battle of endurance - he is fat but easy if your movement is on point since you are ranged DoT build. Phoenix... I hate that bastard... And that's why i love this build! Ensnaring arrow shits on him big time. Just stay away from him, keep him under those arrows and his cyclone will take him ages to do. Basically ensnaring arrow is the only defence you need is this fight. CHimera - he is doing phys dmg. make sure that there's no elem mod on map and you trash him as well - just stay close to him so enduring cry will keep you at max charges and you can facetank all of his attacks. It kinda reminds me of the times when immortal call was giving you phys imune and i was playing discharge mjolnir - each second you get 10 seconds of phys imune and chimera cries. I guess that is where my version of the build comes on top big time - all those phys reduction against pure phys boss is ez win. Hydra, well it's the most simple guardian imo - you stay close, you don't need to attack all the time cause you are DoT build and... Yeh, that's it - nothing she can do when you can focus on movement. Saying it short - when you are ranged DoT build you need to do just a bit more dmg then boss regen. At this point focus on defence and (as a big part of it) movement. And then get back to boosting dmg - don't do for it right away. This is how i feel about it and this is how you can do content of higher lvl then you should be able to otherwise (imho).

As for maven guardians - you don't care about phoenix (you still have ensnaring arrow, yep) and chimera (you still have all that phys reduction), so you should focus on hydra and mino. Here you want to be close to hydra to ez avoid her attack BUT you need to look at mino so he would not oneshot you with his underground move or put that circle right on top of hydra. So your main target is mino - you kite him around hydra and kill him asap. While keeping phoenix under ensnaring arrows, because fuck that bitch (i really hate him). I guess that's also that fight where my version is better - i don't care to much about chimera going into cloud phase if i have another boss close to me to give me enduring charges.

I'm not sure how correct my assumptions of "armour" variant vs evasion variant are, since i only played with "armour" version at red (and yellow) maps. And all this assumptions are just about 1 fight (and rituals kinda). What i'm sure about these variants - armour variant sucks hard at starting. You need some stuff to make it work. While your variant just works. Exactly what you want from the build early on. I'm pointing all this to avoid situation when someone read this and decides that armour build is just better in any case, goes for it and then just cries in the corner. I have only played one version in the late-game, i have leveled and start mapping with this evasion variant since it's just better in every way for starting. I'm playing this game since beta, so i know i bit about it, when i can reroll, what my character can do and how the fights work. And at the same time i'm far from an expert in any bleed builds really. So you better listen to DankawSL - there's a reason why he made this guide and i'm just sitting in comments. Following my steps might be a trap.

About enduring charges. I'm using Thread of Hope and those 2 nodes at the bottom (you know what i'm talking about). And you are 100% right - it sucks, i shouldn't have done it. At least this early on. Thread of hope costs more then 1/2 of all my gear. I could have spend this money way WAY better. But i did it. Well, it kinda works. Any other source of enduring charges would've been better (Replica Farrul's i'm looking at you). But you get to your max enduring charges after couple of packs and you stay there if you somewhat fast. I have tried enduring call as generator on maps. It is not. I would be if i had like 3 times lower dmg, so i would be able to get close to trash mobs before they die. But you don't want that kind of dmg. You just don't. The only positive thing about Thread of Hope is that you can drop blood rage and still generate frenzy charges. You would do it much slower, but it will keep you at max if you are reasonable fast. That will save you from some phys degen, but slower your attack speed. I'm not using blood rage right now - it feels better for me.

All this is about charges on maps. While bossing i can see only one way for frenzy charges - frenzy. And it just don't worth it if you ask me. On easy fights you don't really need them, or fight would be over while you have charges from the map. On hard fights... You have enough stuff to do on them. That dmg just doesn't worth it. Especially on Maven fights (not fight with her, fights with bosses buffed by her). She gives allot of regen. You try to put those frenzy in, you fail on some mechanic and you die. While you come back boss is up to full hp and you start again. So unless you 100% sure that you can do it - don't. important note - that is about my version of the build i have less frenzy charges with lower length. So i need to do more and get less. And as for enduring charges - enduring cry is the only way i see. And it is the main reason i went for my version of the build. It's just crazy good even after nerfs. Or you can use replica farrul's and through out of the window all i said. But it is for rich guys only (said the one who got mirror dropped).

What about "endgame" build - i'm going to make "classic" version based on "armour" version. All dudes with armour version say to go snipe. It sucks imo - i may try it, but most likely i would not. Even using normal puncture fells meh. Even more so if the boss have adds. And using snipe - it's like that stuff i said about frenzy - dmg just doesn't worth it.
Last edited by agarwean#1684 on Jan 26, 2021, 3:13:45 PM
Kyxor wrote:

I have aquestion about Drillneck, it was not mentioned in the build and provides me with a 15% dmg increase. The rare quivers with phys dmg over time and dmg over time multipliers provide less than this value, can someone explain to me why this is the case?

It's because of it's "Arrows Pierce an additional Target". It makes ensnaring arrow to pierce your target and it doesn't work on pierced targets so you loose "moving" on the target, so you loose that 200% more damage (it is bad).
Nvm, im an idiot
Last edited by m2tuu#5411 on Jan 27, 2021, 12:02:17 AM
Is there a guide for harvest crafting bleed bows? I'm kinda new to harvest and I really want to craft my own bow no matter what it takes.

Currently have a problem with the flat phys roll of my bow being shitty, is there anyway I can reroll it to a higher tier without touching the 60% bleed mod?
Hey guys,

I was looking over the last 2 pages of comments and I'm wondering, how Bleed Glad does in the new Maven Arenas... I did read mixed comments on late game. Is anyone there yet, has put several Exalts into the build and fought like 10 Boss fight/4 Guardians/etc and can give some insight how it fares against those?

I'm leveling currently (not league starter) and having a blast. Still I wonder how late-lategame will be it...

Please give your insight (if you got some already).

Thanks and keep it up!
Kyxor wrote:
I have aquestion about Drillneck, it was not mentioned in the build and provides me with a 15% dmg increase. The rare quivers with phys dmg over time and dmg over time multipliers provide less than this value, can someone explain to me why this is the case?

You're probably looking at dps tooltip which has nothing to do with bleed damage. I don't know any other explaination. Either way Drillneck will ruin your single target due to inability to debuff enemies with Ensnaring Arrow.

agarwean wrote:
1st of all - I lied a little. I forget a get lioneye's vision jewel from ritual when i said i have 150c gear. So it is 150c + lioneye's vision. And the fact that i got this jewel is the only reason i went for "armour" version this early on. Cause as you mentioned before - your variant of build is WAY WAY better for starting cause you don't need stuff like that. Also atm i don't use crystal skin anointment anymore - i just got amu with growth and decay anointment for 10c, which is far less than just golden oil alone, so i might start dying more now, i will see how it goes. Basically i were relying on those max res to help against elemental dmg and only reason i didn't anointed it back is... well 10c for that amu. I guess i will end up going for crystal skin anyway cause max res is very important to my build.

Now that we are kinda done with gear - progression was very smooth for me, main point about it is "slow and steady wins the race". I have WAY lower dmg that i could've (and that i should have tbh). That comes with a cost - for example i were killing minotaur for like 7 min (enduring cry helps alot in such fights just as never-ending hp flask). And i ended up leaving that "slow and steady" and dying... I couldn't do t14 dig map boss under maven - map had reduced phys dmg taken for mobs and i simply couldn't get though maven's regen.

Progressing through maps was as usual for me, so it's kinda hard for me to pinpoint to smg here (when you are doing smg the same way for quit some time you don't really know what and how you are doing). The only odd thing was mirror drop at t3 map. That's very fcking odd thing, but that mirror just sits in my stash, so it has nothing to do with anything. Map progression is almost ssf for me - i bought only 3 guardian maps. I do maps i haven't done, each map one time. Do all Zana's missions to get uncomplited maps from her. I each time i start a new gaming session (which i do fairly often due to old fast heating up PC) i go through map tabs from t1 upwards and run any uncompleted maps. But most of the times i don't do all map if it's t4 and i'm doing red maps - i just run to the boss and get that bonus. And thus i progress. Not rushing tiers, no "xp leaching" bs or anything like that. Just slowly going forward focusing on defence. Not running any map after it's bonus completion if i can (ofc if i'm out of maps i haven't done i have to do smg). Using those horizon orbs hard. I guess it would be "better" to sell them and buy a map, but i don't want to interact with trading if i don't have to. You know - those 20 pm to get 1 map. All that stuff. I'm one drox away from A4 and 1st Sirus fight (and i guess last cause i think that this fight is boring waste of time and have very poor "mechanics" if you can use this word).

What about guardians. Minotaur, as i said, is a battle of endurance - he is fat but easy if your movement is on point since you are ranged DoT build. Phoenix... I hate that bastard... And that's why i love this build! Ensnaring arrow shits on him big time. Just stay away from him, keep him under those arrows and his cyclone will take him ages to do. Basically ensnaring arrow is the only defence you need is this fight. CHimera - he is doing phys dmg. make sure that there's no elem mod on map and you trash him as well - just stay close to him so enduring cry will keep you at max charges and you can facetank all of his attacks. It kinda reminds me of the times when immortal call was giving you phys imune and i was playing discharge mjolnir - each second you get 10 seconds of phys imune and chimera cries. I guess that is where my version of the build comes on top big time - all those phys reduction against pure phys boss is ez win. Hydra, well it's the most simple guardian imo - you stay close, you don't need to attack all the time cause you are DoT build and... Yeh, that's it - nothing she can do when you can focus on movement. Saying it short - when you are ranged DoT build you need to do just a bit more dmg then boss regen. At this point focus on defence and (as a big part of it) movement. And then get back to boosting dmg - don't do for it right away. This is how i feel about it and this is how you can do content of higher lvl then you should be able to otherwise (imho).

As for maven guardians - you don't care about phoenix (you still have ensnaring arrow, yep) and chimera (you still have all that phys reduction), so you should focus on hydra and mino. Here you want to be close to hydra to ez avoid her attack BUT you need to look at mino so he would not oneshot you with his underground move or put that circle right on top of hydra. So your main target is mino - you kite him around hydra and kill him asap. While keeping phoenix under ensnaring arrows, because fuck that bitch (i really hate him). I guess that's also that fight where my version is better - i don't care to much about chimera going into cloud phase if i have another boss close to me to give me enduring charges.

I'm not sure how correct my assumptions of "armour" variant vs evasion variant are, since i only played with "armour" version at red (and yellow) maps. And all this assumptions are just about 1 fight (and rituals kinda). What i'm sure about these variants - armour variant sucks hard at starting. You need some stuff to make it work. While your variant just works. Exactly what you want from the build early on. I'm pointing all this to avoid situation when someone read this and decides that armour build is just better in any case, goes for it and then just cries in the corner. I have only played one version in the late-game, i have leveled and start mapping with this evasion variant since it's just better in every way for starting. I'm playing this game since beta, so i know i bit about it, when i can reroll, what my character can do and how the fights work. And at the same time i'm far from an expert in any bleed builds really. So you better listen to DankawSL - there's a reason why he made this guide and i'm just sitting in comments. Following my steps might be a trap.

About enduring charges. I'm using Thread of Hope and those 2 nodes at the bottom (you know what i'm talking about). And you are 100% right - it sucks, i shouldn't have done it. At least this early on. Thread of hope costs more then 1/2 of all my gear. I could have spend this money way WAY better. But i did it. Well, it kinda works. Any other source of enduring charges would've been better (Replica Farrul's i'm looking at you). But you get to your max enduring charges after couple of packs and you stay there if you somewhat fast. I have tried enduring call as generator on maps. It is not. I would be if i had like 3 times lower dmg, so i would be able to get close to trash mobs before they die. But you don't want that kind of dmg. You just don't. The only positive thing about Thread of Hope is that you can drop blood rage and still generate frenzy charges. You would do it much slower, but it will keep you at max if you are reasonable fast. That will save you from some phys degen, but slower your attack speed. I'm not using blood rage right now - it feels better for me.

All this is about charges on maps. While bossing i can see only one way for frenzy charges - frenzy. And it just don't worth it if you ask me. On easy fights you don't really need them, or fight would be over while you have charges from the map. On hard fights... You have enough stuff to do on them. That dmg just doesn't worth it. Especially on Maven fights (not fight with her, fights with bosses buffed by her). She gives allot of regen. You try to put those frenzy in, you fail on some mechanic and you die. While you come back boss is up to full hp and you start again. So unless you 100% sure that you can do it - don't. important note - that is about my version of the build i have less frenzy charges with lower length. So i need to do more and get less. And as for enduring charges - enduring cry is the only way i see. And it is the main reason i went for my version of the build. It's just crazy good even after nerfs. Or you can use replica farrul's and through out of the window all i said. But it is for rich guys only (said the one who got mirror dropped).

What about "endgame" build - i'm going to make "classic" version based on "armour" version. All dudes with armour version say to go snipe. It sucks imo - i may try it, but most likely i would not. Even using normal puncture fells meh. Even more so if the boss have adds. And using snipe - it's like that stuff i said about frenzy - dmg just doesn't worth it.

That's much more information i expected. Still very much appreciated.

Getting Lioneye's Fall early does make going left side more tempting, at least to try it out. How much you paid for your gear is not really important, i can see your gear and more or less guess budget.

My actual question with progression wasn't truly answered unfortunately. At least i know where you're at progression wise.

Based on quick calculations guardian fights should last roughly ~1 min or so, not 7 mins. I was killing guardians back in 3.0-3.3 leagues with CA+ED setup and maximum 230k dps quicker than that, and you have almost 4 times as much damage. Imo you doing the Maven arena with 2 deaths is really not bad at all.

About Thread of Hope cheese, it is doing it's job once you're fast enough or are against dense pack of enemies. However occupying important jewel slot (and they're incredibly efficient), passive points for another slot, lowering resistances, frenzy charge generation not being a problem (Blood Rage) and endurance charge being available through other means... It adds up. I don't like it, it's cheap alternative but not a good one in my book.

Frenzy charges are very easy to upkeep if you use my suggested passive tree. 15,4 second frenzy charge duration and easy generation through Blood Rage allows you to just zoom through map, have charges ready for boss, apply bleed and then just refresh charges. It is a problem in staged fights only (like Maven right now, but still possible if you use Ralakesh boots pre-fight). It could've been worse, really. Damage is totall worth it. It's 23,2% more damage (max 3 charges vs none), more than Malevolence gives you. I stop using Blood Rage during boss fights or once i have Farrul's, but it's still there if you want to use it. Degen is not bad if you have phys damage mitigation.

You can go ahead to make classic build with armour. Just be warned that low attack speed makes ballistas feel worse. At least there's one more extra ballista (or 2 if you're lucky). I don't like using Puncture that much either, which is why i tried hard to make classic Siege Ballista version work again. It's expensive but enjoyable to play for me.

Also gratz on dropping mirror. 5 years and still didn't get one.

noelle1520 wrote:
Is there a guide for harvest crafting bleed bows? I'm kinda new to harvest and I really want to craft my own bow no matter what it takes.

Currently have a problem with the flat phys roll of my bow being shitty, is there anyway I can reroll it to a higher tier without touching the 60% bleed mod?

You can only reliably "force" 100% more bleed damage mod with T4 boss crafts and use physical rerolls. There's nothing else you can do for prefixes.

snietschie2 wrote:
Hey guys,

I was looking over the last 2 pages of comments and I'm wondering, how Bleed Glad does in the new Maven Arenas... I did read mixed comments on late game. Is anyone there yet, has put several Exalts into the build and fought like 10 Boss fight/4 Guardians/etc and can give some insight how it fares against those?

I'm leveling currently (not league starter) and having a blast. Still I wonder how late-lategame will be it...

Please give your insight (if you got some already).

Thanks and keep it up!

I played a bit in standard using version. I only got to 10 boss fight which i recorded. This is a character with extremely good harvest gear but not mirror tier level. Mid/high investment which is expensive but relatively easy to obtain should still give similar results with... ~30% less damage or something? Anyway you can judge it yourself:

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 27, 2021, 9:54:18 AM

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