Mobile gaming thread

Maple Story M? The recently released one?

I installed it on the day of release but it kept saying I have unauthorized apps on phone and blocked me from playing for some reason. I really wanted to try it.

About F GO , I'll do my best to advance, I'm only limited by stamina regen to do stages.
Spreading salt since 2006
2 games i play had new content,

in Tower of saviors got the 1% pull within first 10 pulls, which is super lucky.

Then proceeded to go to Crash fever where i got 2 x 1% pulls within 10, which equates to 1 in a 10000 chance happening.

This is why I love gacha, some times it will royally mess with you and make you hate it and you will get nothing, and sometimes it will do things totally near impossible to happen.

All these gacha games made me learn how to cope with loss and not having all the things. Some rage and quit and for me, it made me realize that its ok to skip some things if its for the better good and plan for future updates.
Spreading salt since 2006
Last edited by Necromael#6926 on Nov 12, 2018, 4:23:32 AM
Two days ago I pulled Super Gogeta with the 20 gems pull. Yesterday I pulled Janemba. Now I can finally make my regen team (OG Piccolo, Buu, Janemba). Will wreck everyone in PvP. At least until I hit a wall at rank 45 or so.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Nov 12, 2018, 6:48:42 AM
Well, the only mobile game I play is Pokemon Go, and I don't intend to play other ones right now.

It doesn't compete with other games I play (on PC) since I don't play it at home, and it takes no extra time to play it when I walk to the office/have a break/jog/...
Last edited by AsbelFar#6192 on Nov 12, 2018, 7:18:02 AM
Like the FGO christmas event with "little Darius, age 3" lol
Spreading salt since 2006
One of my favorites is Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Its a Gacha. I enjoy it because of the old-school Final Fantasy combat. Beating some of the trials for the first time is/was honestly one of the more enjoyable gaming experiences I've had in a very long time. A real sense of accomplishment, which blew my mind. I've played a lot of games and it has been awhile since I got that "YES!" Fist pump feeling like I did on beating some of the really hard trials that took a lot of time and commitment. I haven't played it in a few months; I have a meh phone and its so big I had to delete something so that was it. I was playing on an emulator but once I removed from phone I sorta forgot about it. May add it again when I upgrade my phone later this week.

I was also trying Elemental Guardians:Might and Magic. Its a Summoner's War clone but easier to get into I think.

Of course Clash Royale is a blast, too.
Mate convinced me to try Epic Seven. It's an FGO clone. Very beautiful characters and animations. Story and dialogues don't bore me to death so that's something. The mechanics are fairly deep but I haven't unlocked even half of what's possible so we'll see. Gacha rates are abyssmal but you get thirty 10x pulls in the beginning and can keep the pull you like best. The waifus are top notch btw.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Is it normal in FGO that at start I'll max out 4 star and 3 star servants of each role, since boosted 0.7% rate is very difficult to obtain anything?

I tried 2 x 10 pulls, on gilgamesh boosted day and got nothing, aside from few 5 star and 4 star essences.

I mean, I hoped for nothing, but had a little hope for at least 4 star servants that would help a bit but didnt get any. One pull was 8 essences (really good ones) and 2 x 3 star servant copies.

After small rant. Is it safe to invest into T1 and T2 3 star and 4 star servants I have for a start? As I feel that I will hit a wall in story unless I level them and push their level limit.

Also 鬼殺し servants helped me a lot on some stages that are out of my level range to push, together with one more guys servants from discord, thanks for that

(asking here since I cant find fgo thread and i think there was one in offtopic)
Spreading salt since 2006
Last edited by Necromael#6926 on Nov 23, 2018, 2:52:29 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
I will paste a damn good resource for you here in a few hours. There are some beastly 3 and 4 stars well worth grailing.

I went hard with the thanksgiving banner. Scathach, Raikou and Gil. Got Gil on the third ten. Scathach...dont ask. Raikou was even worse.

I now have 5 stars of each class. I wont do any more pulls until merlin.

We had a fate thread but this is more appropriate.

I did some questioning on discord with some players and I read some guides.

I decided to go with community chosen best 3stars and 4stars, but i wont grail stuff until I personally decide what I like.

That seems as most sensible and best choice as a starter.

And I will wait for another opportunity until I gain a 5 star, but until that time comes, I believe I will have mechanical knowledge of game and accumulated resources.

Also, fire away with any guide, I will read them all, im in information absorption stage, no rush.

Atm I read mechanical guides, beginner guides and some tierlists to familiarize myself with why some servants are long term good.

As its my 5th game i play on phone I dont feel so bad for unwanted gacha results and with time I know I will come to the wanted level of proficiency with game anyway. Story makes up for everything.
Spreading salt since 2006
Last edited by Necromael#6926 on Nov 23, 2018, 6:02:14 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
Whiterabbit22s tier lists on gamefaqs.

Thanks I'll read through and possibly bookmark
Spreading salt since 2006

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