Scourge Arrow
Why do the thorn arrows have to be piercing as well? Tornado Shot doesn't work this way. If we want pierce on them, we can easily get it on the tree, gems or gear. The skill description doesn't even let you know that the secondary arrows are also piercing. Just make them into regular arrows that we can fork, chain or pierce as per our preference.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 21, 2018, 2:06:33 PM
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" Why? It's great for shadow, he has physical + chaos nodes, therefore this skills has it's damage increased 1.5x for each physical + chaos nodes you take. Also good for ranger if you decide to take shadow's starter nodes... which has sinergy with "pure talent" jewel. " Oh, if the thorn arrows didn't pierce, i would lose 3 skill points having to get pierce from the tree (ok, i get 20% projectile damage in return, which is still awful for 3 skill points imo) xD i like it this way... just my 3 cents. Plus, the potential for shotgunning would be too strong with chain, it would multiply the damage by a lot against twinned bosses, idk... Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
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(sorry for the repost from the Mechanical Questions Thread)
hi there, I'm playing scourge arrow, 2 chars now (deadeye first) and now ascendant. I was wondering, does point blank and chinsol apply to secondary projectiles with a distance counted between the pod and the monster or between the player and the monster ignoring the pod ? Thanks ! :) @Furiouss
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Been playing this for a while now, it feels quite fun and good damage.
However like others have mentioned, this skill needs optimization for narrow area with lots walls and obstacles, especially near doorway where this skill simply fail to hit anything (can't spawn spore pod at all, this is similar to freezing pulse). Another thing is the awful delay before spore pods explode, it would be nice to have those pods release thorn arrows faster. |
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I had an idea in mind that would easly solve the obstalce problem.
Since the hitboxes of obstacles versus hitbox of arrow is really hard to solve technical wise I would try something new. Why not make the arrow ricochet of obstacles? It would always travel it maximum distance and quarantee to always leave full amount of pods that it should rather than just wanishing. |
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I've been playing Scourge Arrow on a Lvl 90 Pathfinder (Name: DrillingNecks) and am farming T15 maps and Delves around Depth 280 without problems (SC btw). From my Perspective, it's an asthetically pleasing, with the Poison Proliferation from PF satisfying clearer and with the help of Toxic Rain + Mirage Archer + Inc. Duration + Withering Touch, it also has up to 720k Shaper/Guardian Dps(according to Path of Building). For dmg i'm focusing on phys/chaos dmg and poison
The Problems however are: - To get high Dps you have to invest a ton of currency and get really lucky with a Fossil Crafted Elder Base (Serrated, corroded, aberant on a citadel bow in my case), so i'm worrying if it's still decent next league. - The skill can feel pretty bad in indoor maps especially if doors/narrow passages (like the mushroom biome in Delves has) and feels godawful in the Lair Map, because after the indoor bridges, the arrow just doesn't get fired in some places - For a chaos based skill it requires way too little investment to be good with flat ele dmg stacking (and still achieving higher dmg numbers than any other way), and requires way too much investment to feel fluid, good and deal decent dmg, if played on chaos/phys/poison. Conclusion: I really really enjoy the skill, it's playstyle and asthetics, but i personally feel that it needs a serious buff for more players to be willing to play it (or even for it to be endgame viable next league), because it only starts to feels good after you pour a few ex (I invested around 7ex, not counting the self-crafted and six linked bow that is worth another 3-5 ex) into it. I also hope that you'll look into wall/door hitboxes (especially in Lair), because it just feels way too clunky in those areas. All in all, i'm having a blast playing Scourge Arrow and am looking to challenge shaper later this week. Edit: Shaper went down rather smoothly considering it was my first time ever. Can't really afford to get much more than 4.2k life without the build getting too expensive or lose too much dps. the mini bossfight between the first and second phase feels pretty bad thought, because you can't get more than 2 pods to spawn in that forest. Wich is propably the biggest weakness of my build/the skill. Not being able to spawn more than 1-2 pods because of walls or weird wall hitboxes is pretty crippling to the gameplay experience. Since i've been doing quite a bit of whining here, I'd like to say again that despite the skill having some issues, imo the design team did fantastic work here and it's the most fun skill i played in quite a while. Last edited by hellboy2340#6653 on Nov 17, 2018, 6:53:45 PM
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Love the interaction of mirage archer + scourge arrow. Went for HoA with withering, 6l toxic rain with withering and other utility gems (faster attacks, gmp) and 6l scourge arrow with mirage archer and some other offensive gems.
With SA+MA you are able to basically afk farm the whole map from distance. Shoot one arrow without channeling, and mirage archer will keep doing that for you in random directions, killing everything with fully stacked SA. You are very mobile, since you almost never have to stop moving, only to shoot a single, non-channeled arrow from time to time, while HoA puts on withered stacks. For safe bosses you can easily go for insane dps (2-3m without spending that much currency) quickly spamming Toxic rain and capping withered stacks. My only problem with SA is that at this point I can't even consider playing it without Mirage Archer. It would be just too much of an annoyance simply because of complete lack of mobility and non-fluid playstyle. Got to endgame with this combination, shaper poses no threat at all, never fought uber elder before but in my first encounters I got him to 50% and 10%. I feel like with experience playing around mechanics, killing him would be easier than with some meta builds. |
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I'd love an ice and/or lightning themed MTX for Scourge Arrow when using it with Hopeshredder, Voltaxic Rift, Windripper etc.
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I like this skill.
It's the only existing bow skill that feels actually like shooting a bow. With high avg damage and high enough attack speed the gameplay can be very satisfying in some cases. And it's 'fine' without extra projectiles or helmet enchant. But Hitbox collision is terribly implemented, you virtually can't shoot through doorways (hello fortification bosses), if there is a some sneaky rock or a terrain object corner nearby - the skill barely works, if you aim far from your character through some doorway and your mouse pointer 'outside of line of sight' the arrow doesn't create at all, despite you have a whole screen of 'shootable' space between character and the doorway. I don't want to believe all of that is intended, it seems the skill had no Q/A pass, there is no 'quality' at all. Damage at current skill constants comes mostly from spore pod shotgunning. If the skill unable to spawn spore pods - the damage feels shitty even at 5-stages-release. And the skill tends to fail spore spawn in every possible case. just look: ![]() This is plain bullshit. There is more than enough space for 2 extra pods, why is that tree blocks it?! Skill gem progress feels useless, gem quality feels unimportant, the idea is great, implementation is pure shit. You've never made a skill worser and clunkiest to use than Scourge Arrow. It's a good start ™ Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess |
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After playing it again this league I must say this skill needs a rework.
Only feels good in open layouts without obstacles which prevents the pods from spawning. Every indoor map or some narrow passages are a huge pain since damage comes solely from the pods. Doorways become a death trap, monster standing near a wall are in no danger to get hurt. In case of need the pods should always spawn around the obstacle, also I feel the time between key release pod spawn and thorn attack is too big. Lastly rather than in front of your feet pods should start to spawn at the initial mouse click location. Due to all of this scourge arrow is almost unplayable this league because we encounter fortification and research labs almost every map, two things where all the above mentioned issues are unavoidable. Last edited by tutuz#0723 on Jan 8, 2019, 7:06:38 AM
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