Why do people get vaccines? Don't they research the ingredients?

1453R wrote:
Paldamus wrote:

Hey now, i don't claim to be an expert, but i ain't some naive fool who just believes everything he's told either. The fact is that lots of shady shit has been done in the medical industry throughout history, if you spend some time reading... so i'd keep those critical thinking capabilities on hand. Also just because one thing in the same category of things is good, doesn't mean that all are and time comes into play etc.

Random ad hominems just make you look like a disrespectful person that isn't even open to debate and just ignores/mocks others... i mean cmon now.

When you were growing up, how worried were you about catching a crippling disease and ending up disfigured or deformed for life - provided you survived at all? How many of your friends died to infectious disease?

Go to a third world African country with weak infrastructure and poor access to medical technology and vaccination. Ask the kids there if they're worried about getting sick and dying. Ask their parents what they would give for a set of vaccination shots for their children. Ask someone who's never had any sort of immunization treatments what they'd be willing to do to get immunization treatments.

Then come back here and keep telling us vaccines are "shady shit". Do it with a straight face. I dare ye.

I had a really good friend in high school that had polio when he was younger. One leg was 2 or 3 inches shorter than the other leg. His bad leg had a big brace on it so that he could walk with a really bad limp. His parents didn't get him a polio shot when he was little. Other really bad diseases have almost been eradicated because of vaccines. My friend had very bad feelings against his parents because he felt that it was their fault he got polio.
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1453R wrote:
When you were growing up, how worried were you about catching a crippling disease and ending up disfigured or deformed for life - provided you survived at all? How many of your friends died to infectious disease?

Go to a third world African country with weak infrastructure and poor access to medical technology and vaccination. Ask the kids there if they're worried about getting sick and dying. Ask their parents what they would give for a set of vaccination shots for their children. Ask someone who's never had any sort of immunization treatments what they'd be willing to do to get immunization treatments.

Then come back here and keep telling us vaccines are "shady shit". Do it with a straight face. I dare ye.

How do you measure for the impact of infrastructure? You’ve identified two disparities, medicine, and infrastructure, but credit only medicine.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
I do think one should be mindful of what they take. I'm naturally suspect of big pharma or any major corporation.

But blanket statements like vaccines are bad.... have a lot less to do with vaccines and a lot more with people not getting a decent grasp of science.

I'd be more concerned with the aluminum in deodorant than standard vacs.

hen again, its not implausible for populations to be used as test subjects.

But then, you should be asking yourself if you feel your own government would do such a thing, why would you live there.

Then, as you tried to migrate to another country you'd realize just how complicated the immigration process to just about anywhere, only to have your application rejected and stuck living with the same government you think is allowing you to receive these horrible treatments.
Yep, totally over league play.
1453R wrote:
Paldamus wrote:

Hey now, i don't claim to be an expert, but i ain't some naive fool who just believes everything he's told either. The fact is that lots of shady shit has been done in the medical industry throughout history, if you spend some time reading... so i'd keep those critical thinking capabilities on hand. Also just because one thing in the same category of things is good, doesn't mean that all are and time comes into play etc.

Random ad hominems just make you look like a disrespectful person that isn't even open to debate and just ignores/mocks others... i mean cmon now.

When you were growing up, how worried were you about catching a crippling disease and ending up disfigured or deformed for life - provided you survived at all? How many of your friends died to infectious disease?

Go to a third world African country with weak infrastructure and poor access to medical technology and vaccination. Ask the kids there if they're worried about getting sick and dying. Ask their parents what they would give for a set of vaccination shots for their children. Ask someone who's never had any sort of immunization treatments what they'd be willing to do to get immunization treatments.

Then come back here and keep telling us vaccines are "shady shit". Do it with a straight face. I dare ye.

A bit of research on the net, without even getting into proper literature and you can see for yourself that there's plenty of shit going on there. I said that the medical industry has been involved in shady shit throughout history, hence critical thinking should always be kept on hand. You shouldn't be running towards a new, non-properly tested vaccine, when it's not even known what the long term effects are + there's side effects.

Bringing some extreme third world examples here also doesn't mean that you should stoop to (not you, but the guy that i was talking about) ad hominems and call people crackpots, because they have a differing opinion. That kind of guy would get instantly disqualified in any debate that's based on arguements etc. There were many factors in rooting out those diseases, not just vaccines (time, environmental/weather changes, hygene, better sewage systems, cleaner water and food storage etc and btw i never said that i oppose all vaccines.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Aug 18, 2018, 6:47:32 AM

So i've looked at that list. First of all u should know the dose amount that a vaccine contains. Those symptoms come from a much much higher dose than the insignificant amount a vaccine contains. And yes some people are more sensitive than others to certain substances but if you look at the bigger picture and the effect on population infectious diseases with knonwn vaccines kill like 90%-100% LESS people than before the inmunization. And yes the vaccines themselves might not be fully secure and maybe kill or cause major problems in 1/100 cases. Nobody ofc wants to be that 1% but if 99% are saved it's worth the risk. You also need to be aware that someone who doesn't vaccinate and gets an infectious disease is also a risk for the rest.

About autism, cancer, alzheimer and other stuff: people simply live longer than 100 years ago on a more contaminated enviroment meaning the exposure to toxic stuff is longer and therefore they are more likely suffer these diseases. There is also a lack of natural selection which means genetical defects are easier to be transmitted to new generations.

Imo there is more dangerous stuff in higher doses in food, air, water, pills, drugs, etc that is the real cause of the health problems on that list.

Agree with people being "indoctrinated" for good or bad and don't have anything against putting medical treatments under the microscope. Research is always never unhealthy.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Last edited by IIPheXII#5639 on Aug 17, 2018, 8:52:29 AM
Hangon, social media culture is just making the stupid more obvious. Most people are not too bright, and never have been.

Chemicals of the kind, and on the scale of modern times, that's the scary thing. Well, one of them.

Nizreb915 wrote:

Eat organic.


Antivaxxers seem to me to be missing the forest for the trees. Yes, vaccines are full of chemicals, but holy fuck, so is everything else and those diseases the vaccines are for...

People who are antivaxx overwhelmingly haven't seen the diseases. They're young, and healthy and ignorant.

It's easy to be antivaxx when you are immune (heh) to the reality of how devastating rubella, polio, TB, and so on are. They don't always kill, either.

Maybe if the photos were in colour, or not etchings and sketches, it'd be more compelling. I guess photos of people who survive polio, for instance, from developing countries don't really count?

Autism? Hahaha. Right.

What. Whaaaaat. Shingles* that almost reached your eyes must have been both terribly painful, and scary. For anyone, let alone someone who loves to read and write (and watch) so much. I'm glad it didn't get that far, and that you're recovering. Man...

I can understand why you're not up for much screentime, Charan.

I dunno about preaching, but I'll take it. Brother Lee Love style

*antivaxxers will not know what this is, of course.

I'm pretty sure you won't mind me using the shingles for a cheap point. Best thing to come out of it, no doubt :/

Why must people always be divided in a duality where one side says "all vaccines are 100% great" and the other side says " all vaccines are 100% shit". Have some common sense and critical thinking capabilities guys.

Also medicine these days mainly treats the symptons, not the cause itself and the role of sleep/a healthy non acidic diet/stress/alcohol+drugs/polluted environments etc isn't even talked about much + the decreasing biodiversity. Ppl blindly trust doctors as if they know everything about everything.

It's like you have a headache and instead of fixing the cause of it (mostly dehydration), you pop a chemical pill (Ibuprofeine or whatever else) to supress the pain... leaving the cause of dehydration unfixed and carrying on with your day, thinking that (whoopdy doo the headahce is gone), while in actuality your body keeps suffering from dehydration. A much more holistic approach should be taken when talking about health.

Also why can't ppl discuss things normally, without calling others idiots etc. There is so much that is unknown about health still and a lot of it is based on best guesses etc. People wanna live like clowns and then want medicine to make them healthy, not understanding that medicine doesn't understand a lot of things yet and doesn't take a lot of things into account. There's also a lot of psychosomatic diseases, also lots of problems that come from the diet etc. Take an extensive bloodtest and you might find out that your body doesn't handle white flour well etc. Drop that from your menu and you might heal quickly, without the need for medicaments that only treat the symptoms... like use your brains people.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Aug 18, 2018, 6:49:35 AM
Paldamus wrote:
Why must people always be divided in a duality where one side says "all vaccines are 100% great" and the other side says " all vaccines are 100% shit". Have some common sense and critical thinking capabilities guys.

Also medicine these days mainly treats the symptons, not the cause itself and the role of sleep/a healthy non acidic diet/stress/alcohol+drugs/polluted environments etc isn't even talked about much + the decreasing biodiversity. Ppl blindly trust doctors as if they know everything about everything.

It's like you have a headache and instead of fixing the cause of it (mostly dehydration), you pop a chemical pill (Ibuprofeine or whatever else) to supress the pain... leaving the cause of dehydration unfixed and carrying on with your day, thinking that (whoopdy doo the headahce is gone), while in actuality your body keeps suffering from dehydration. A much more holistic approach should be taken when talking about health.

Also why can't ppl discuss things normally, without calling others idiots etc. There is so much that is unknown about health still and a lot of it is based on best guesses etc. People wanna live like clowns and then want medicine to make them healthy, not understanding that medicine doesn't understand a lot of things yet and doesn't take a lot of things into account. There's also a lot of psychosomatic diseases, also lots of problems that come from the diet etc. Take an extensive bloodtest and you might find out that your body doesn't handle white flour well etc. Drop that from your menu and you might heal quickly, without the need for medicaments that only treat the symptoms... like use your brains people.

Oh this was specifically about vaccinations. Infectious disease doesn't care how much avocado and CBD you eat. I mean, sure, take your chances but I wouldn't stake my healthy ways and go unvaccinated against any of the bad boys.

Modern "healthcare" is not about healing, way too much of the time, I agree. Maybe I was a bit insulting towards antivaxxers. Ah well, blame it on all the matcha I've been drinking today.

Charan wrote:
Thought it was eczema all that week. On the friday itching became burning and my right eyelid had a blister on ut. Thankfully my gp opens saturdays and keeps spots free for last minuters. Had I waited til monday, it would have reached my eyes for real.

This was a few months ago. Funnily enough the treatment is valtrex, a simple herpes pill. Thats it. Slow but 100% effective.

Current downtime is just post surgical pain and weakness. Routine but never fun.

Ohh ok. Sounds like it wasn't super painful, at any rate. Shingles can be agony, so I hear.

Currently it's post surgery... ah. Well, I hope you recover quickly, again.

Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Aug 18, 2018, 6:59:21 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
Thought it was eczema all that week, erd. On the friday itching became burning and my right eyelid had a blister on ut. Thankfully my gp opens saturdays and keeps spots free for last minuters. Had I waited til monday, it would have reached my eyes for real.

This was a few months ago. Funnily enough the treatment is valtrex, a simple herpes pill. Thats it. Slow but 100% effective.

Current downtime is just post surgical pain and weakness. Routine but never fun.

Had an epic migraine today too. Fucking hate those. Strangely enough it had nothing to do with dehydration. Took some chemicals, slept it off.

Frankly Ive no interest in the contrarian, non-professional opinion of anyone on what I go through from anyone who doesn't know how fortunate they are not to go through it. Only an idiot would.

And what was the cause of your migraine then? To me your post sounds like some random stuff you wrote togther, in order to try and make meds look good lmao. Yeah cos you know headaches come from nowhere magically right. The main cause of headaches is dehydration man, that's not some random stuff i pulled up ot of nowhere.

Also looking at what can be found online and in literature, i wouldn't be so blindly trusting of docs. They only know what they're taught (even then they are mostly specialized into 1 category and won't have nowhere near the whole picture + every individual human is different to an extent) and that knowledge is dynamic and ever changing and new things are found out all the time. Medicine isn't carved into stone mate. Lots of them are also nothing but big pharma salesmen basically that don't give a crap about their patients. You should read about some of the stuff that goes on. Wasn't it like 300 k ppl dieng from mistreatment every year in the US alone or smth ( that stat might be wrong, but i remember smth like it). If you seriously think that diet/sleep/environment/stress etc has nothing to do with your health, than what does? You're living in the stone age man, more and more is being figured out about how various things effect health every day.

@erdelyii ... i dunno what matcha is xD and btw a strong immune system will repel a lot like flues etc.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Aug 18, 2018, 7:10:54 AM

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