[3.2] Lifting's Frost Blades & Dual Strike Champion | Fast Mapper & High Single Target DPS!

DoomHammer_Zozobra wrote:
Hey Lifting, i'm thinking about playing this since it looks fun af! BUT, i really hate the whole adrenaline-node-thing on champion, do you think taking either permafortify or the other node that gives flat dmg increase is fine also?

Yes absolutely. I'd probably go for the perma fortify and instead put culling strike in your mobility setup then =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
90sHedgehog wrote:
Nice build!! Like it a lot. But I have a question. Since this build is based on cold damage output (I suppose?), why would I need herald of ash skill gem?


The damage gain from HoA is based on your physical damage from your claws and is applied before the conversion to cold =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Nice guide!

Also what are the priority gems to +20% quality?
Hi :) im very grateful for this build:) i have one question: what should i use in secondary weapon or should i leave in empty?
Hey Lifting, following up your builds and learn a lot every time, thanks!
I have to follow with the Adrenaline-Proc - don't really like it too.
I see it a second time that you don't want to use "Inspirational" for 35% more dmg + 12% movement.
Is there something "wrong" with that or is it too bad maybe?
Because I would safe the point for perma-fortify, I can handle it to get it manual.

Thanks a lot, looking forward to your future builds!
I just don't understand these builds I guess. While I'm a little low on life and things aren't perfect yet, this build feels too damn squishy. I'm not expecting to face-tank, but I wasn't expecting I'd occasionally be getting one-shot in T1 maps either. I've made one fairly good character in Standard, but most other builds just end up feeling waaaaaaaaaaay too squishy for survival. WHAT AM I MISSING!?
Last edited by Phypon#2949 on May 7, 2018, 9:07:54 PM
Is 83% too low for chance to hit? From what I know, Worthy Foe guarantees chance to hit, but not chance to crit? Really not sure how the math works out.
How can a (Might and influence) work if u havent 40 dexterity in radius in ur skilltree ?
Hi Lifting, nice guide thanks;) having blast with it;)
Have a 1 question if I’ll use blade flurry will same gem setup apply? Never played BF before and want to try it any suggestions?
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Nice guide, but is there's any other options for armor and helmet?

Farrul stuffs in Flashback overpriced af

6l armor itself 40ex and helm is 2ex = 42ex for 2 pcs... nope

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