[3.16] Devon's Shocking! Lawnmower | Pure Phys Crit-Cyclone | All content viable

Who needs the onslaught nodes when you can just use this :^)
Shaddolf wrote:
I'm still using infused channelling in my setup - do we know for sure it's bugged and I should swap it out?

Should be fixed now, check final patch notes:

Fixed a bug where Physical channelling skills were not gaining the damage bonus granted by the Infusion buff.

This line is missing from the "preview" patch notes from a day earlier.
Any ideas for flask replacements while saving up for Lions Roar

You can tell this build is FOTM because it has the most expensive unique in its category as BIS for 4 of them (impresence, starforge, transcendent flesh and lions roar)
Winningg wrote:

Who needs the onslaught nodes when you can just use this :^)

The fact that if you don't get lucky with the corruption it's otherwise a fairly crap ring.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Doomsower is now a better option or we go with Starforge if we can?
Is that your current gear or the recommended one?
PrimeSocK wrote:
Doomsower is now a better option or we go with Starforge if we can?
Is that your current gear or the recommended one?

Doomsower is just a temporary gear before getting a starforge
How does doomsower interact with brutality
BlackYoshi7 wrote:
How does doomsower interact with brutality

If you mean having your 5l in Doomsower, you don't get the added phys as fire. You only deal physical damage.
Hi OP, very recently swapped to 2H starforge. More clear speed however the immediate thing i noticed is the build are at risk versus mobs like the vaal serpent construct that shoot projectile at you offscreen,if you get a bunch of that with multi projectile mod and some damage mod its almost a death sentence. I died a few times in such situation especially during incursion temple.
The porcupine that release spikes on death are pretty deadly too.
How do you deal with these situations?
Just got a 6l starforge, planning to go crit (currently ahfack's RT Cyclone with sinvictas).

Haven't played a crit attack build since ages, can someone check the character in profile (character is MillenDHCyclone ,normally would link the items but on mobile atm) and tell which items to swap for the transition? Got around 6 ex in bank, would really appreciate it.
Last edited by MillenniumDH#1300 on Jun 13, 2019, 11:27:36 PM

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