Talcx wrote:
Hey Devon, with current prices as they are would you prioritize getting a 6l chest over getting a starforge? Starforge is sitting roughly between 11-12ex and something like the 6l prophecy is only around 6-7 ex currently. Thoughts>
Yep 6L is much better to aim for first. It will also help you farm Shaper for starforge :D
p.s. if you just look for a 6L belly it can be a bit cheaper than the prophecy.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Posted bydevon752#5895on Jun 12, 2019, 1:43:09 AM
I was thinking about going Iron Reflexes on tree+ Kaoms roots any idea if it may be worth it?
Posted bySyzer97#1137on Jun 12, 2019, 1:43:37 AM
my two pennies.
1)go iron reflexes and stack armor+use molten shell at high lvl cwdt.
2) use the retch belt. it boosts your flasks+movement speed.
3) go for disemboweling wheel(125% crit chance and 45% mult)
4)go for charging offensive wheel(free charges) and yes. you get hits.
5) use mark of the elder ring if you manage to get good shaped diamond ring in the second slot.
6) carnage heart amulet suits well
my question to the author. how do we abuse arakali pantheon now?(w/o immunity during blood rage)
Posted bymoonbeast495#2381on Jun 12, 2019, 2:37:51 AM
moonbeast495 wrote:
my two pennies.
1)go iron reflexes and stack armor+use molten shell at high lvl cwdt.
2) use the retch belt. it boosts your flasks+movement speed.
3) go for disemboweling wheel(125% crit chance and 45% mult)
4)go for charging offensive wheel(free charges) and yes. you get hits.
5) use mark of the elder ring if you manage to get good shaped diamond ring in the second slot.
6) carnage heart amulet suits well
my question to the author. how do we abuse arakali pantheon now?(w/o immunity during blood rage)
Answered just a couple pages ago - you don't.
As for your other stuff:
1. Doable but rarely worth enough to matter. IMO guard skills are better off CWDT.
2. Decent, though you get plenty of movespeed anyway.
3. Disemboweling is (should?) be part of the build anyway, though I haven't looked in a bit.
4. Charging Offensive is nice, but it's A) a lot of points, B) out of the way, and C) not maintained very well against bosses, which is where you want those charges the most. If you feel you have enough damage, it's an alright trade, though the opportunity cost is not negligible.
5. Potential, but a bit of a mixed bag since half the bonuses are worthless. Again, IMO there are better rings - damage really shouldn't be an issue for this build.
6. Decent starting unique if you need resists/leech, but overall mediocre. Keep in mind that without overleech you often won't benefit from the increased damage.
Posted byArchimtiros#3795on Jun 12, 2019, 2:52:35 AM
Nice build I'm loving it! Just got 90 and into red maps now onto the kill the red elder right now. My gem's a little different. I'm so broke right now just spent 5ex linking my belly. Time to make more money and work on some jewels and switch up gems a bit maybe.
Posted byMegavolt419#0251on Jun 12, 2019, 2:59:30 AM
Archimtiros wrote:
moonbeast495 wrote:
my two pennies.
1)go iron reflexes and stack armor+use molten shell at high lvl cwdt.
2) use the retch belt. it boosts your flasks+movement speed.
3) go for disemboweling wheel(125% crit chance and 45% mult)
4)go for charging offensive wheel(free charges) and yes. you get hits.
5) use mark of the elder ring if you manage to get good shaped diamond ring in the second slot.
6) carnage heart amulet suits well
my question to the author. how do we abuse arakali pantheon now?(w/o immunity during blood rage)
Answered just a couple pages ago - you don't.
As for your other stuff:
1. Doable but rarely worth enough to matter. IMO guard skills are better off CWDT.
2. Decent, though you get plenty of movespeed anyway.
3. Disemboweling is (should?) be part of the build anyway, though I haven't looked in a bit.
4. Charging Offensive is nice, but it's A) a lot of points, B) out of the way, and C) not maintained very well against bosses, which is where you want those charges the most. If you feel you have enough damage, it's an alright trade, though the opportunity cost is not negligible.
5. Potential, but a bit of a mixed bag since half the bonuses are worthless. Again, IMO there are better rings - damage really shouldn't be an issue for this build.
6. Decent starting unique if you need resists/leech, but overall mediocre. Keep in mind that without overleech you often won't benefit from the increased damage.
1) u need over 15k armor for molten shell to outshine steel skin. for cwdt u need charges. some automatisation for this brings you comfort.
3) this crit and mult is a HUGE bonus. so definitely worthy.
4) it costs 5 points. you can drop fortify wheel for this.
5) if u go this ring, your second diamond must be shaped+it must have int, phys,hp,res and minus mana. that will cost a lot.
6) just a good ammy. dunno properly what do i want as upgrade.
Posted bymoonbeast495#2381on Jun 12, 2019, 3:21:53 AM
moonbeast495 wrote:
Archimtiros wrote:
moonbeast495 wrote:
my two pennies.
1)go iron reflexes and stack armor+use molten shell at high lvl cwdt.
2) use the retch belt. it boosts your flasks+movement speed.
3) go for disemboweling wheel(125% crit chance and 45% mult)
4)go for charging offensive wheel(free charges) and yes. you get hits.
5) use mark of the elder ring if you manage to get good shaped diamond ring in the second slot.
6) carnage heart amulet suits well
my question to the author. how do we abuse arakali pantheon now?(w/o immunity during blood rage)
Answered just a couple pages ago - you don't.
As for your other stuff:
1. Doable but rarely worth enough to matter. IMO guard skills are better off CWDT.
2. Decent, though you get plenty of movespeed anyway.
3. Disemboweling is (should?) be part of the build anyway, though I haven't looked in a bit.
4. Charging Offensive is nice, but it's A) a lot of points, B) out of the way, and C) not maintained very well against bosses, which is where you want those charges the most. If you feel you have enough damage, it's an alright trade, though the opportunity cost is not negligible.
5. Potential, but a bit of a mixed bag since half the bonuses are worthless. Again, IMO there are better rings - damage really shouldn't be an issue for this build.
6. Decent starting unique if you need resists/leech, but overall mediocre. Keep in mind that without overleech you often won't benefit from the increased damage.
1) u need over 15k armor for molten shell to outshine steel skin. for cwdt u need charges. some automatisation for this brings you comfort.
3) this crit and mult is a HUGE bonus. so definitely worthy.
4) it costs 5 points. you can drop fortify wheel for this.
5) if u go this ring, your second diamond must be shaped+it must have int, phys,hp,res and minus mana. that will cost a lot.
6) just a good ammy. dunno properly what do i want as upgrade.
Dropping fort wheel for charging offensive is nowhere near worth. You already get frenzy charges from blood rage. You can get endurance charges with leap slap. Really not worth picking up at all
Posted byTalcx#0650on Jun 12, 2019, 3:39:11 AM
devon752 wrote:
Talcx wrote:
Hey Devon, with current prices as they are would you prioritize getting a 6l chest over getting a starforge? Starforge is sitting roughly between 11-12ex and something like the 6l prophecy is only around 6-7 ex currently. Thoughts>
Yep 6L is much better to aim for first. It will also help you farm Shaper for starforge :D
p.s. if you just look for a 6L belly it can be a bit cheaper than the prophecy.
I'm wondering if Belly is worth going for, or if daresso's/well crafted chest piece would be better than it.
Posted byTalcx#0650on Jun 12, 2019, 3:41:26 AM
[/quote]Dropping fort wheel for charging offensive is nowhere near worth. You already get frenzy charges from blood rage. You can get endurance charges with leap slap. Really not worth picking up at all[/quote]
you canot get end charge through leapslam on a boss.
Posted bymoonbeast495#2381on Jun 12, 2019, 3:53:02 AM
still 2 questions.
1) how do we abuse arakali recovery buff now?
2)how good is transcendent flesh jewel?
Posted bymoonbeast495#2381on Jun 12, 2019, 3:58:34 AM