[3.6] Triple Herald Blade Vortex Elementalist

dANNY187 wrote:
Mizuqt wrote:
Hello, great build.

Going strong right now and clearing lvl 8 maps without a problem so far (have not received higher yet).

As I am new to the game I find it hard to know what to upgrade and I have not upgraded any piece in a long time. Inpulsas is ofc on the list but cannot afford it yet.

Any tips?

Not sure how to link my gear though :/

they are pretty cheap and the "gain #% of non-chaos damage as extra chaos" mod is pretty nuts for its price. use them until you can afford good shaper weapons like shown in this guide

also: for linking items just click on your character icon on the very top left of the page while you write a comment and simply click on the item. this will link it

This is great advice cheers. i sold my div and bought 2 of these daggers for 6c. and they have more dps.

loving this build. havent played since legacy league. first time BV and loving it. awesome starter build for sure with tonnes of end game potential.
noob question please

Vaal BV

Does that mean i can use 2 gems in one socket?
Vas3k wrote:
noob question please

Vaal BV

Does that mean i can use 2 gems in one socket?

ChrisWello wrote:
Hey! Ive been enjoying your build so far! the only thing that is a lil bit botherin is to activate BV all the time, but nothing comes free. am i right? I have a question. Could you tell me how Pendulum of Destruction works?

Straight from the wiki:

"Pendulum of Destruction is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Elementalist that applies grants a buff that grants increased area of effect for 5 seconds, then a buff that grants increased elemental damage for 5 seconds. These effects cycle between each other. "

This means you get 5 seconds of Damage followed by 5 seconds of increased AoE, repeat ad infinitum!
Koksii wrote:
why is everyone going non crit out of a sudden ? can someone give me a quick guide?

You can gear with lower cost and more items avaiable than crit based items. You dont need all the crit/multi stuff on gear and skill tree and have more space for defense. Damage on clearing is the same with more defense and cheaper but lacks a bit on boss damage which is only like 5% of map enemys. Hope that helps you ;)
Koksii wrote:
why is everyone going non crit out of a sudden ? can someone give me a quick guide?

everyone is going non crit because nugi and tarke were both playing it on stream. is it better? probably if you are playing SSFHC but otherwise i don't see the point.
gems section updated right?

wanted to ask stormcharger/hrimsorrow better?
Why is it recommended to switch from Added Fire to Hypothermia after we get Beacon of Ruin? Unless there is something I am missing, I lose a good chunk of damage making that swap with gems that are the same level.
sasij wrote:
Why is it recommended to switch from Added Fire to Hypothermia after we get Beacon of Ruin? Unless there is something I am missing, I lose a good chunk of damage making that swap with gems that are the same level.

Beacon of Ruin allows all chills from your hits to slow. Meaning that you get a % more multiplier on them which doesn't show on the Tooltip.

Thank you.

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