Annelise22 wrote:
That was not advice that was just shitting on my items without any sort of constructive criticism, In other words he didnt tell me anything i didnt know.. just saying ok fanboy? Kids.. these days.
Oh and on another note. If you gonnna make a thread and people ask questions dont refer them back to your guide and if thats the case might as well make the guide and lock the thread.. pfft.
OP told you exactly what to change about your build: Get MoM (the FAQ explains why it's still useful), get Beacon of Ruin, get the second duration cluster, fix your gem links, get better gear (life rolls, resistances, quantity if you want to do MF).
All of those are things that are clearly explained in the guide, so I can totally understand OP's frustration when they're repeatedly asked pretty much every other page (well, I guess I'm just a fanboy /s). Why is it not acceptable to refer people back to the guide if actually reading and following said guide would have answered their question in the first place?
Last edited by obliviousBC#4649 on Jun 6, 2018, 3:12:43 AM
Posted byobliviousBC#4649on Jun 6, 2018, 3:09:16 AM
Ill say this and it will be my last post in this thread.
Saying something is wrong does not make it right and get that into your heads.
Also the guide is there as a blueprint, it does not answer every situation and every problem some newer guys to this game might have. Its not even a very good friendly noob guide its for people who have good knowledge of the game.
I understand frustration and I understand that experienced players might not have the patient to explain it every time. So whats the solution to this simply answer the question you think worth answering and not everything.. But saying something just to say something well at least from me will get the appropriate response.
Last edited by Annelise22#0747 on Jun 6, 2018, 3:32:52 AM
Posted byAnnelise22#0747on Jun 6, 2018, 3:29:53 AM
i actually just took out the second duration cluster and it plays a lot better for me. it leaves you 11 extra points which gave me about 700 extra life plus a jewel socket. the inpulsa explosion literally carries maps even with only 2 or 3 BV stacks which made the longer duration almost irrelevant. the only time i ever need to build up stacks is on a boss/hard rare but you are stationary when you do that anyway, so the duration doesn't really make much difference.
Posted bycrazypearce#3760on Jun 6, 2018, 3:31:09 AM
crazypearce wrote:
i actually just took out the second duration cluster and it plays a lot better for me. it leaves you 11 extra points which gave me about 700 extra life plus a jewel socket. the inpulsa explosion literally carries maps even with only 2 or 3 BV stacks which made the longer duration almost irrelevant. the only time i ever need to build up stacks is on a boss/hard rare but you are stationary when you do that anyway, so the duration doesn't really make much difference.
Yeah that was my reasoning for removing the second duration cluster, that being said the second duration cluster makes for much more relaxed farming. since you dont have to spam all the time but yeah. thanks for pointing out that. wat tier maps are you doing without the second cluster?
Posted byAnnelise22#0747on Jun 6, 2018, 3:36:00 AM
Annelise22 wrote:
RobouteGuillimane wrote:
Annelise22 wrote:
Mom doesnt work without a good mana pool. Jewels I have the ones that 85 level allows me to have that is like 1 socket and thats why i remove the second duration cluster so i can have more sockets. inpulsa explosion irrelevant.. i have no problems with dmg or killing mobs or going through map. low life roll on rare I guess you are right. Quanity on rings that comment was wtf. Wrong gems link, I only have one item that iam trying to get the right colours on the socket that is half not wrong.
But really I think you should work your head around the fact that some of us are not so much experienced in poe, if there is such a thing in an non pvp game lol. If you gonna give zero constructive criticism, might as well dont answer at all.
PS. sorry i dont have 200 chaos to spend on each item so that you like the build.. lol
Damn, asked for advice, got advice. Proceeded to be defensive af. Good luck with that attitude smh
That was not advice that was just shitting on my items without any sort of constructive criticism, In other words he didnt tell me anything i didnt know.. just saying ok fanboy? Kids.. these days.
Oh and on another note. If you gonnna make a thread and people ask questions dont refer them back to your guide and if thats the case might as well make the guide and lock the thread.. pfft.
So, you are just pissed that he didn't politely shit on your items? My god, snowflakes these days.
Last edited by RobouteGuillimane#3679 on Jun 6, 2018, 4:07:20 AM
monkuar wrote:
In the guide it says that AOE is actually increased from Inpulsa's because of the explosions. How is that AOE compared to a Carcass Jack? Just curious cause I have a almost perfect roll Carcass Jack and am not sure what to do with it ty
inpulsa doesn't increase your aoe numerically as carcass jack does. it is about inpulsa's unique "shocked enemies explode" mod - combined with the beacon of ruin proliferation it is capable of exploding entire screens of mobs. nothing comes close to it.
Posted byDirtyDot#7220on Jun 6, 2018, 4:09:50 AM
Wasnt pissed at all. Just thought my god these kids need proper parents.
Posted byAnnelise22#0747on Jun 6, 2018, 4:10:52 AM
BertilFalukorv wrote:
Is this build HC viable? =)
check out Tarke and Nugi's builds - they are playing BV in HC.
Posted byDirtyDot#7220on Jun 6, 2018, 4:11:29 AM
Annelise22 wrote:
Wasnt pissed at all. Just thought my god these kids need proper parents.
Based on your attitude, it's pretty clear your parents failed you big time kid :)
DirtyDot wrote:
monkuar wrote:
In the guide it says that AOE is actually increased from Inpulsa's because of the explosions. How is that AOE compared to a Carcass Jack? Just curious cause I have a almost perfect roll Carcass Jack and am not sure what to do with it ty
inpulsa doesn't increase your aoe numerically as carcass jack does. it is about inpulsa's unique "shocked enemies explode" mod - combined with the beacon of ruin proliferation it is capable of exploding entire screens of mobs. nothing comes close to it.
Yeah for sure. Thanks. I'll save up for Inpulsa now
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Posted bymonkuar#2123on Jun 6, 2018, 4:35:53 AM