Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1

see you guys next league, we should be seeing at least 2-3 red beasts per map not 1 per 10.

this league feels dead and boring.
I really hope the crafting improvements are good I'm trying to roll an elder 2h sword at the moment and its just such an immense currency drain if you aren't lucky :/ i'm not going for a GGG sword here either only going for better than a hiltless lol.
Can't you just disable nets and let us catch beasts without them just by pressing V? Everyone has full stacks of nets, people don't even pick them up. They literally do nothing more than taking space in our bag and confusing us with the drop sound.
Last edited by osesek#2510 on Mar 12, 2018, 5:07:35 PM
I will be honest right now. All you do is: "release a shit league" and "ask players to fix it for you". Come on guys.
Too bad this league is pretty much dead to me. When is the next league?
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
We really enjoy watching the videos of awesome captures and beastcrafts!

You do not.
And you know why.
Hopefully some buffs for Spectral Shield Throw also go into one of the upcoming patches.

Bump all the noise. This league has potential to be something special. It's awesome you guys own up to mistakes and are still busting ass to fix it.
Honestly, I would prefer you just up the legendary beast spawn rate than introduce trading.
so, basically, even after these changes we will still be playing standard.
Life will be technically better Soon TM

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