yo, checked your profile and got confused a bit. It shows that you have 20 points left to spend, yet you are level 89, apparently you missed some skill points.
The guardians fight depend on the mods of the map rolled. The mod "monsters cannot be taunted" will completely nullify the whole taunt thingy with Champion.
The multiple buffs shown on top of the screen is from the setting, your setting hides buffs from auras and flasks. You can just adjust that in the option.
You are missing one of the most powerful crit nodes in the game, the "Disemboweling" wheel.
You can hardly get one-shotted by Guardians while having fortify and Adrenaline at the same time. I have similar characters and wear Abyssus to fight Guardians, normally I would buff Adrenaline, leap slam into fortify and kill the boss in 3 rounds of blade flurry, works 90% of the time.
yo, checked your profile and got confused a bit. It shows that you have 20 points left to spend, yet you are level 89, apparently you missed some skill points.
The guardians fight depend on the mods of the map rolled. The mod "monsters cannot be taunted" will completely nullify the whole taunt thingy with Champion.
The multiple buffs shown on top of the screen is from the setting, your setting hides buffs from auras and flasks. You can just adjust that in the option.
You are missing one of the most powerful crit nodes in the game, the "Disemboweling" wheel.
You can hardly get one-shotted by Guardians while having fortify and Adrenaline at the same time. I have similar characters and wear Abyssus to fight Guardians, normally I would buff Adrenaline, leap slam into fortify and kill the boss in 3 rounds of blade flurry, works 90% of the time.
Thanks for the quick respond bananapanama1.
I thank you for alerting me about the points in the skill tree, which I was also intrigued and went to check, but it's a bug in the site, because I dont have more points to put and I've been comparing the skill tree and that's okay.
I should be misusing the blade flurry skill, can you tell me how you do Blade Flurry spam and how do you prepare before you face a guardian?
Of the six link I only change for the guardians:
"Reave" to "Blade Flurry" and "Increased Area Effect" to "Concentrated Effect
yo, checked your profile and got confused a bit. It shows that you have 20 points left to spend, yet you are level 89, apparently you missed some skill points.
The guardians fight depend on the mods of the map rolled. The mod "monsters cannot be taunted" will completely nullify the whole taunt thingy with Champion.
The multiple buffs shown on top of the screen is from the setting, your setting hides buffs from auras and flasks. You can just adjust that in the option.
You are missing one of the most powerful crit nodes in the game, the "Disemboweling" wheel.
You can hardly get one-shotted by Guardians while having fortify and Adrenaline at the same time. I have similar characters and wear Abyssus to fight Guardians, normally I would buff Adrenaline, leap slam into fortify and kill the boss in 3 rounds of blade flurry, works 90% of the time.
Thanks for the quick respond bananapanama1.
I thank you for alerting me about the points in the skill tree, which I was also intrigued and went to check, but it's a bug in the site, because I dont have more points to put and I've been comparing the skill tree and that's okay.
I should be misusing the blade flurry skill, can you tell me how you do Blade Flurry spam and how do you prepare before you face a guardian?
Of the six link I only change for the guardians:
"Reave" to "Blade Flurry" and "Increased Area Effect" to "Concentrated Effect
Do you replace any other gems?
you replace multistrike with elemental damage with attacks.
also i see you respec and took Dissemboweling,but you respec from another core note Hearthseeker.you are losing a lot of dps because of that.better respec Path of the warrior and few life notes and also get this last jewel socket.i start doing guardians with something like 5.3k life and was perfectly fine.
and you are short on skill points according to POB as well, you probably have missed some quest rewards.type /passives and check it yourself you are suppose to have 110 skill points at lv 89 if you have helped alira.
Last edited by monoriee#3285 on Mar 24, 2018, 5:30:00 PM
I thank you for alerting me about the points in the skill tree, which I was also intrigued and went to check, but it's a bug in the site, because I dont have more points to put and I've been comparing the skill tree and that's okay.
I should be misusing the blade flurry skill, can you tell me how you do Blade Flurry spam and how do you prepare before you face a guardian?
Of the six link I only change for the guardians:
"Reave" to "Blade Flurry" and "Increased Area Effect" to "Concentrated Effect
Do you replace any other gems?
My 6l blade flurry is:
Bf + Melee phys + Maim + conc. effect + Fortify/ Chance to bleed + Elemental damage with attacks.
I am however, using a legacy Abyssus helmet, so the damage is a bit higher, but without it we still have more than enough damage.
Before any boss fight, I would buff the Blasphemy curse to get Adrenaline buff, it gives damage and %phys reduction, then leap slam into the boss to get Fortify, then pop flasks like Basalt flask, Taste of Hate, Stibnite, to not get one shot, then ramp up some frenzy charges, then go full blade flurry mode, release every 6 stacks of course. Usually a rare Minotaur would take me 3 rounds of blade flurry. Good luck!
What gear do you think needs improvement first? Recently did the GCP recipe on gems so their level is still low. Do you think the char is able to handle guardiands at this stage?
Also what mods would you look for on abyss jewels?
Last edited by Millennium#2029 on Mar 25, 2018, 4:02:10 PM
Added tombfist into the build, think they are definitely best in slot. Just need to have int on all 3 jewellery slots which is kind of a pain in the ass. Sitting at 3.2m shaper dps and 6.1k life.
Added tombfist into the build, think they are definitely best in slot. Just need to have int on all 3 jewellery slots which is kind of a pain in the ass. Sitting at 3.2m shaper dps and 6.1k life.
whats the point of tombfist?you will get more dps if you use rare spiked gloves with added phys + attack speed or am i missing someting?
Last edited by monoriee#3285 on Mar 25, 2018, 4:13:27 PM
Added tombfist into the build, think they are definitely best in slot. Just need to have int on all 3 jewellery slots which is kind of a pain in the ass. Sitting at 3.2m shaper dps and 6.1k life.
whats the point of tombfist?you will get more dps if you use rare spiked gloves with added phys + attack speed or am i missing someting?
Okay, maybe its arguable but with really good jewels I think tombfists have really high potential. 100 life + big flat phys + attack speed and % life. Plus they're cheap this league. I always kind of forget about spiked gloves lol.