[3.2] - [Reave/BF/Dual Strike] Melee Champion | Budget friendly

Rosslol wrote:
Leveling an ascendant to try out the ascendant version of the build posted up on those forums, still not sure which one i want to actually flesh out.

Anyone with vast knowledge of this build care to give input on why champion should be better or if they think ascendant could be better with slayer leech?

no way that scion is better than champion. the champion nodes are straight up busted. imported my old gear into POB and scion was just over 1m dps on reave. champion is 1.54m w/o adrenaline. 1.9m with it.

you can argue over and over about slayer leech but in reality it's pointless. you one shot every pack so it doesn't make a difference there. it might make a difference on some boss fights but overall I don't think you will notice it. just have to dodge stuff and burst it down with good dps. if you really want a leech build just go claws and use bloodseeker to get true leech.

in the end though, bladeflurry and stat stick offhands are completely overpowered so you can run whatever you like. play necro if you want and it will still clear everything
Last edited by crazypearce#3760 on Mar 30, 2018, 1:58:21 PM
Im trying this build in ssf, has anyone tried going for claws, Im really intrigued about the "instaleech"-potential.
the tree would look something like this, almost the same points, probably losing some damage but we get blood drinker as well.

pennyyy wrote:
Im trying this build in ssf, has anyone tried going for claws, Im really intrigued about the "instaleech"-potential.
the tree would look something like this, almost the same points, probably losing some damage but we get blood drinker as well.


I played blade flurry/reave with a bloodseeker last league and this is the tree I used. http://poeurl.com/bRsN

the damage is about a 35% dps loss over a 300pdps sword. if you play with an abysus (the instant leech does help you survive phys dmg as long as you avoid one shots) then you actually end up slightly better off by about 6% dmg.
It will depend greatly on what I find, Im really looking forward to play around with stuff (:

thx for the build!

e: In general I think this is a very nice ssf build, loreweave is amazing and very achievable for everyone + you only need one threshold jewel

e²: would melee damage on full life work with claws?
Last edited by pennyyy#7977 on Mar 31, 2018, 8:53:38 AM
pennyyy wrote:
It will depend greatly on what I find, Im really looking forward to play around with stuff (:

thx for the build!

e: In general I think this is a very nice ssf build, loreweave is amazing and very achievable for everyone + you only need one threshold jewel

e²: would melee damage on full life work with claws?

yeah a loreweave with a nice physical roll will help a bit with the low roll on a bloodseeker.

dmg on full life will work but it will feel pretty bad and probably be deactivated most of the time. plus it will make blood rage unusable unless you have a bunch of life regen from somewhere. it really only works on slayer in my experience because of the massive leech per second and having it carry on at full life.
Assuming you don't need +all res, this is better than a Belly for both offense and at least defense against ele dmg right? Belly gives around 500 hp but 80 max res is just juicy.
Last edited by Millennium#2029 on Apr 1, 2018, 4:35:23 AM
crazypearce wrote:

according to this thread 80% max res is equal to roughly 20% damage reduction over 75% res. so in my post earlier with about 6k hp you would have 24k ehp with 75% res. with 80% max res it would shoot up to 30k ehp. it is actually a decent increase and is more than I expected.

it would mean that the 5.7k hp with loreweave in my earlier calculation would be more valuable than 6.3k with belly of the beast but you would also have the massive damage increase. the main problem I guess would be finding a loreweave with an 80% max res roll along with good physical, crit and elemental damage

posted that earlier so yeh it is a fair bit better for elemental survivability
Really enjoying this build. Got a 389pdps weapon, trying to get 30Q on it for 400+pdps.
Going to max the Damage.

Right now 5,2k Life (a bit low, have to change jewels to life and level to 92/93). Could achieve about 5,5/5,6k Life.

With a better shaped Ring (assa on hit for Power Charges) and Taste of Hate, I would have about 4,5kk DPS with BF. With a good Stygian Vise with global crit&/flat phys damage it would be 4,7kk DPS.

Quite OP, did Elder T12 yesterday, he died in 5 seconds (I didnt even proc adrenaline, lol).

I can suggest it anyone, if you are going to play a funny build.
Clearspeed and tanky build.

Suggestions always appreciated.


Orcen56 wrote:
I think people should consider trying out claws instead of swords for Champion BF. Claw nodes are great and using claws means you can use Bloodseeker

Finally i switched to bloodseeker. Done 30 quality recipe on them and personally playing with insta leech feels much more better than sword version.

New pros for bloodseekers:
1. I can run any reflect map mod. Mb no leech + reflect wich i didnt got yet is the problem.
2. I will switch HP potion for taste of hate and still have my silver and onslaught or even i can switch onslaught for Sin's Rebirth.
Last edited by omgree#6588 on Apr 4, 2018, 4:44:29 PM
Hey there, pretty new to the game, tried out a few different builds but like the style of this one. Figured out PoB (I think) and have been lurking the forums and reddit for awhile and while I think I understand the basics, I still could use some help trying to this build closer to where I think it should be. Would appreciate it if anyone could help offer some pointers as my dps seems nowhere near the numbers some of you are getting. I have only unlocked a couple red maps and dps is good enough for most clearing although its getting tough on t10 maps.

Thanks in advance!

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