THE most EPIC Unique VAAL pyramid MAP run EVER (Vaults of Atziri) on Hard Core (vid)

AintCare wrote:
colexian wrote:
This physically hurt me to watch.
While PoE is probably one of my favorite games of all time so far, it is has so many crippling issues that I very sincerely hope get resolved as soon as possible as I am sure many people are quitting over these disconnect bugs and desync issues.

hmm if they only warned us about bugs in this BETA version of the game... I mean they could put something about that in the tool tips during loading screen

Yes, it's right in the loading screen, thanks.

"bugs in this BETA version of the game"

I'm sure if the same thing happened to you you'd just go pour another Mt Dew and move on right? Of course.

I was just really surprised since like I said after countless maps and "every1!!!! joining at 0nc3333" my game has never crashed.

Oh well.

I'll record my next try with better results hopefully.
IGN: VistaChris
Thats what you get for mapping with Daddy Chris !

Bipolartuna wrote:
Thats what you get for mapping with Daddy Chris !

oh man
IGN: VistaChris
omg this is so funny and sad at the same time.....
duabijitelur wrote:
omg this is so funny and sad at the same time.....

don't think it's getting fixed anytime soon. no mention in the patch, so beware :)
IGN: VistaChris
That video comes from a very interesting channel with an even more interesting review history, and then I remember reading this one day after not believing the reviews.

I need to stop getting off topic with my posts, but I can't help it when it comes to Boss Rigs.
Easy fix for this. If people DC, it shouldnt automatically kick them from the group / area / map.

Just about every MMO today saves your location and area progress if you DC, then when you relog it puts you back where you were.

Hopefully this will be implemented into PoE in the near future.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Good thing you got dc wouldnt have found a damm thing anyway...
Level 97 Ice strike Monkey
Daddy Chris I want to see you rage more :) I miss the good d3 rages.

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