Bestiary Challenge Rewards

2 years ago, we played for very good rewards, like golden or red full armor sets.
However I don't have hype for last 3 leagues.
I have played 7800hours and rewards' quality is still decreasing.
Last edited by JavaMaster#2910 on Feb 26, 2018, 6:09:28 AM
Normally id just say the company is purposely being cheap with the mtx to keep the fiends coming back to the cash shop but it honestly seems like the players here buy atleast 1 supporter pack nearly every time they come out either way so idk what the harm is having an occasional decent armor mtx set reward.

This helm/wing/portal thing seems really lazy and doesnt inspire me atleast, especially with the reward system design. I got to 28 and stopped b/c I couldnt get any further without RNG blessings and/or paying other people multiple exa, no thanks.
Ugly rewards, all of them. And definitely should do a pet for a bestiary theme as others have said. Just adding to the petition. Will be skipping this league.
[2.0] 5L Uber Viable Incinerate (1.4m Burst): The Zippo:
Last edited by Skyion#6995 on Feb 26, 2018, 6:19:15 AM
Looks better than the Abyss counterpart. Better details but limited usage with the reddish color scheme.
Better animations, but looks too fragile and the colorscheme makes it a limited fit for other armour pieces.
Good overall.A bit too much clutter but very good animations.
Question is. How will this portal look from behind. Hopefully better solution than the Abyssal Imp portal.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Feb 26, 2018, 6:27:47 AM
The helm makes you look like Pennywise with horns from behind! :(, please get rid of the red color....
What about pet for achievements? Bestiary without pet??? It's a fiasko, GGG.
sad af, again same thing, helemt, wings, portal.
I'm loving the wings and portal.

would prefer a pet over the helm, as mentioned by others.

that helm is freaking ugly.
those rewards confirm that i won't play 'Bestiary'. have fun plebs
Last edited by Spoyak#4669 on Feb 26, 2018, 6:55:02 AM

I usually do not comment, but lets be honest here ahahah .

The helmet from the front aint even THAT bad, from the back it looks like the joke version of IT (the horror movie).

The wings , LMFAO , this is the worst piece of ''collection'' one could possibly ever have really, it's like that costume you buy at the cheapest 1 dollar shop for your step cousin you hate so much.

Luckily the portal is badass so there's that, I guess this season we'll fight for the portal .
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..

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