Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

PaoloPinkel wrote:
even before or beyond or after equal rights or payments - women arent threated fairly. women, EVERY woman, have to meet ridiculous implicit standards in so many aspects of everyday-life where men just get a pass.

But do you know why this is the case? It's not men who put those standards in place, it's women.

Men compete in being buff or successful, having money, fame, influence... All the different categories that are split in "alphas" and "betas". Similarly women also compete with other women through those 'ridiculous implicit standards' - looks, grace, behavior and so on.

This is competition within a gender group, not inequality between men and women.
1453R wrote:
The issue with enforcing ideals of merit based on biological superiority or inferiority is that the logical progression of that ideal is eugenics and scientifically determined predestiny - 'people' who're literally born and bred for some task society wants them to do, and who're locked into that role because their genetics have been tailored specifically for it and a society which disregards the notion that biology is not king will not accept someone doing a job for which they're not built.
I'd like to think you'd know by now that I'm against centralized government enough that I'd never trust "society" - or more accurately, its rulers - with the important task of survival of the fittest. As with most things, I think such things are best decided by a free market wherein each individual has dominion over only themselves and the fruits of their labors.

There's a word for "people who're born and bred for some task society wants them to do, and who're locked into that role." That word is slaves. No, I'm not for genetically engineered slavery. This doesn't mean I'm against genetic engineering.
1453R wrote:
Dumb people (i.e. low IQ folks, not Internet dumbasses) need jobs too. Weak people need to eat, and thus need to work. Frail people, or sickly ones, need to be able to earn a living.
Depends on the context of "need." Who needs? Needs as a prerequisite for what? And why should I give a shit?
1453R wrote:
There's all sorts of ways one can be biologically disadvantaged next to the Aryan Ideal(TM) or whatever else is held up as the Gold Standard of fortunate genetics; does this mean we should just execute those folks because they're polluting the gene pool?
Of course not. Two reasons: 1) innocent until proven guilty and 2) wasted effort. If we just leave the unproductive alone and only offer value in exchange for value, Nature will take its course.
1453R wrote:
Or should we acknowledge that biological differences between people, while certainly a factor in their performance of a given task, is not the sole factor or often even the primary one.
Of course we should. Performance, not sex or race or anything else, should be the ultimate standard to which all others are but contributing factors.
1453R wrote:
Nobody is genetically predisposed to be a machinist - that's all skillset, learning, experience and discipline, which are things just about anybody not actively crippled either physically or mentally can manage to acquire.
You're contradicting yourself; some people are genetically predesposed to being physically or mentally crippled, and you know it.
1453R wrote:
Biologically ideal does not mean biologically necessary; if we let the meat rule our decision-making, then we end up in a place absolutely nobody wants to go save monsters and madmen.
If we let any one factor rule our decision-making, same deal. For example, an overwhelming pressure to avoid letting the "meat" influence our decision-making in even the tiniest way, as if we're all incorporeal ghosts disconnected from a physical body.
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
If a genie appeared and told me to pick which gender I'd like to live the rest of my life as, I'd probably pick female. On the other hand, if I was offered an entirely free of charge gender swap operation, I would turn the offer down. Even if I went through the operation, I still wouldn't be a "real" woman; so what's the point?
As of right now, I kind of agree with this: such a person isn't a "real" woman. However, as cinematic-universe Thor says, magic is simply science you don't understand yet. Assuming the human race persists long enough, the ability to transform men into real women, complete with the ability to get pregnant and lactate, will eventually be a reality; eventually, technology makes genie wishes real.

Oh, and I don't mean any disrespect towards those who have undergone sex change procedures when I say they aren't "real" women. Yes, the tech isn't all the way there yet, but being a guinea pig isn't a derogatory thing in my book - I look at it morre the way Christianity looks upon martyrs. Without human volunteers, sex change technology won't advance as fast as it otherwise would; furthermore, volunteering in this way signals a consumer demand that tells potential innovators that research into improvements will be financially rewarded through voluntary exchange on a free market. It is a pity that there likely is no chance of genuine transition during this lifetime, but if gender dysphoria is your disease then the truest thing you can do for yourself is to do what you can to ensure future generations have access to a more viable cure.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on May 4, 2018, 10:46:54 AM
PaoloPinkel wrote:
even before or beyond or after equal rights or payments - women arent threated fairly. women, EVERY woman, have to meet ridiculous implicit standards in so many aspects of everyday-life where men just get a pass.

The majority of college graduates are women, while 93% of workplace fatalities are men.

Does that mean men have it worse than women? No. But you see, you can grab examples from each side and act like each sex has it worse than the other. Each race, each religion, each tribe, each state, each neighborhood, your neighbor across the street, your dog in your house (WHY DOES HE GET TO LAY AROUND ALL DAY) Just drop the nonsense. Individuals have it good or bad based on choices they make in life. Blaming everything that happens on immutable characteristics and grouping everyone into oppression tribes does nothing to empower individuals. It only leads to a generation of whiny, sulking, sad individuals who feel as if they should not even try because they keep being told of all the invisible made up barriers. These are the people you are willingly creating while smugly parrot talking points which you heard from a big dummy.

That being said, there are plenty concrete examples of discrimination happening to individuals which need to be attacked, but just saying "oh there's just this overwhelming crushing oppression out in the ether if you belong to x group and you will always be treated unfairly and your life is basically over and you can make nothing of your life because of it" is NONSENSE of the highest form. People that push this nonsense are the lowest form of social commentator. Causing more damage to society than any group they fear themselves.

Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser
Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner
Former Dominus Multiboxer
Last edited by Manocean#0852 on May 5, 2018, 7:24:43 PM
Manocean wrote:
PaoloPinkel wrote:
even before or beyond or after equal rights or payments - women arent threated fairly. women, EVERY woman, have to meet ridiculous implicit standards in so many aspects of everyday-life where men just get a pass.
The majority of college graduates are women, while 93% of workplace fatalities are men.

Does that mean men have it worse than women? No. But you see, you can grab examples from each side and act like each sex has it worse than the other. Each race, each religion, each tribe, each state, each neighborhood, your neighbor across the street, your dog in your house (WHY DOES HE GET TO LAY AROUND ALL DAY) Just drop the nonsense. Individuals have it good or bad based on choices they make in life. Blaming everything that happens on immutable characteristics and grouping everyone into oppression tribes does nothing to empower individuals. It only leads to a generation of whiny, sulking, sad individuals who feel as if they should not even try because they keep being told of all the invisible made up barriers. These are the people you are willingly creating while smugly parrot talking points which you heard from a big dummy.

That being said, there are plenty concrete examples of discrimination happening to individuals which need to be attacked, but just saying "oh there's just this overwhelming crushing oppression out in the ether if you belong to x group and you will always be treated unfairly and your life is basically over and you can make nothing of your life because of it" is NONSENSE of the highest form. People that push this nonsense are the lowest form of social commentator. Causing more damage to society than any group they fear themselves.
Goddamn this is a good post.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Manocean wrote:
PaoloPinkel wrote:
even before or beyond or after equal rights or payments - women arent threated fairly. women, EVERY woman, have to meet ridiculous implicit standards in so many aspects of everyday-life where men just get a pass.

The majority of college graduates are women, while 93% of workplace fatalities are men.

PaoloPinkel wrote:
i once tried wax to remove the (few) hair i have on my legs and chest.
the pain was among the worst i ever felt.
imagining that women do this (or other methods) routinely is baffling to me.

Omg women have it so bad... waxing, tampons, boob-jobs not covered by healthcare... poor womynz, when will the opresshyun stop!?!? :(((

Look out of your window, do you see all those skyscrapers, highways and everything else in the line of sight. All that civilization that was built and is maintained by MEN? I'd give it all up, just so that womynz could have painless waxing experience and free tampons.

PaoloPinkel wrote:
even before or beyond or after equal rights or payments - women arent threated fairly. women, EVERY woman, have to meet ridiculous implicit standards in so many aspects of everyday-life where men just get a pass.

Yeah, it's almost like for some strange reason, being attractive is more important for women than for men. Biology is implicit misogyny. Women should have the right to be ugly, unkept, fat slobs... and still attract good quality men, who will dedicate their whole life to provide for her and for the family.

If women did nothing at all, just sit on the sofa and look at their nail polish, it would still be a hard life of misoginee!! Especially in the West. Western urbanite women have it the worst, of like evar. OMG. If you haven't walked for a day in high heels, you can't possibly know how terrible and miserable the life experience of women in the west is...
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
we wuz lobsters n shit

Seriously though, has someone seen his 2.5 hour long lectures on youtube? Are they worth it?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
we wuz lobsters n shit

Seriously though, has someone seen his 2.5 hour long lectures on youtube? Are they worth it?

I watched portions of one when I first viewed this thread. He's basically full of crap. But, for some reason, some people like to yammer on about how edgy he is or something. Their time would be better spent reading a decent book.
@Xavderion NO

Dr Jordan Peterson is a man who has become a celebrity by saying that men and women are different, and that men should stand up straight, be nice to animals, and try to find meaning in our lives.

This is not new. That people think it new just show how far we've fallen. Only it's in the secular effete aimless postmodern west it's being re-introduced by him since being lost in the 1970s or so. Some of us never lost it. Alhamdulillah.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on May 24, 2018, 4:05:25 AM
I'd say it's an interesting watch if your interested in "humans" in general.

That is to say, the fact he is popular currently has implicit meaning like Aim_deep says and tells you something about the current "human condition".


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