Abyss League Statistics
"Wolcen" "soon" bwahahahaaa. Oh that was funny. Thing's been in Alpha for years, still get stuck walking into water.
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" Wolcen will be most likely released in mid 2019. They just put a roadmap, and seems like it is going to be playable in early-mid 2019. Anyway this is hack and slash type of game ( for now ) - just one of the billions out there. Unfortunately PoE is going just into this direction - pure hack and slash with killed innovations ( the ES and CI ) which is FINE for a morons with a joystick for about half a month. Last edited by BlueGems#6847 on Jan 31, 2018, 2:27:47 AM
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hierophant need a serious boost in my opinion ,it have a decent defense(MoM and ES) but it take ages clear content cause have no boost(just some attack/cast speed whit a totem) of dps , i have 4-5 in my account everytime end up whit a very bad dps .
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" Well first of all, YOUR definition of "Balance" is outside of its actual meaning so if that's the case, you should better articulate your thoughts (if you want meaningful change from the development team). And again, the point of "no reason to try anything else" is raised - That's a personal hangup of yours. There's TONS of builds to play in this game; far more than you could get through in a league. How many builds have only 1 choice in ascendancy? Miners? Mines are a choice made as a means to cast spells; Those same spells can be self-cast, placed in a totem setup, cast on crit, cast on damage taken, cast while channeling, auto-cast via poet's/mjolner/cospri's.... all of those variations branch out into any other ascendancy of your choice. Look at something like Flicker Strike; It can be phys, it can be ele (lightning, cold OR fire, all 3 work), it can be crit or non crit, 1h or 2h.... You can play it as a duelist or ranger or templar or witch or shadow or marauder - Just about every avenue of choice is available there. There can be multiple reasons for why a few ascendencies are more played than others during a league; -Foremost likely would be the competency of the average player; If the average player lacks the ability to build a character which can do a desired task well enough, then they'll simply stick to following guides. This alone would easily attribute a lopsided representation of classes/builds. -Recent changes will also influence (but not limit) player choice. Slayer is a top pick right now which has a lot to do with the changes to VP. VP is no longer instant leech AND it has been moved closer to the duelist portion of the passive tree - Anyone who doesn't want to give up VP now defaults to 'the next best thing' and is playing a Slayer. It's also worth noting that the unique item Bloodseeker didn't receive much 'meta hype' and is largely ignored even though there are builds which can completely facetank shaper's beams thanks to its old VP explicit (and doesn't require the slayer ascendancy's leech). Changes to reflect mobs made Elementalist fall out of favor and now Inquisitor is the new meta pick for ele builds. -Nerfs/buffs also encourage players to move on to something new. I think fundamentally people enjoy playing fresh content. Would you be playing an Assassin Reach of the Council build every single league since 2.4? Probably not. Players see change as an opportunity to play something that they haven't played. Sometimes they're resentful because a build they had left to play at a later time gets nerfed and is no longer a desirable build. The long-awaited nerf to ES moved the meta over to life and Berserker was one of the top ascendancy picks. That was likely a fresh change to those who stuck with ES for several leagues in a row. -Hardcore vs Softcore. SC players likely view the more defensive ascendancies as weak or less desirable because death itself to a SC player is much less of a decision-making factor. If the majority of players avoid HC then that too will influence some of the class representation. This game is constantly in a state of change. You're not realistically going to have a varied and equal selection towards choice with every single patch. Again, part of that reason is because your choice will be influenced by new things; skills, items, ascendancies, etc. The criticism that 'GGG should do their job and balance the game' is an ironic one. It suggests that if the game was 'balanced' (whatever the heck that means), players would be free to explore new things I guess? I say that's ironic because the very changes introduced with each league provide that very same end result. You can look at previous league stats and compare to 3.1 - You'll find that the 'meta' is constantly shifting and players are always picking different ascendancies each league. Outside of the meta, you're completely free to do w/e you want. Probably why Mathil is one of (if not the most) popular PoE streamers; He very clearly demonstrates every 4-7 days a build's ability to succeed in this game. Everyone claimed poison builds were crap in 3.0 - Mathil made a poison build and killed guardians/shaper on a 5L. This isn't D3. This game has a skill curve to it - more than the average player will ever master. Just because the meta follows one path is not an indication that the game doesn't offer more. Last edited by muzein#2324 on Feb 2, 2018, 11:03:29 AM
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Why adding a unique item lootable in first area and no way to create new instance of that area (except waiting) ? I don't understand.
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" Let me disagree with the part "encourage". [Removed by Support] Please do not assign a good meaning to practically a totally destructive politic and practically laughing on top of the fun which someone is having with his builds ! " Fresh content my fellow means a fresh idea about the environment, targets, npcs and suchs. [Removed by Support] " {Removed by Support] It is the same as asking if would someone got better if he drink a boiling water once he already burned his throat ?! The answer is simple NO, AND HE SHOULDN'T AT FIST PLACE ! You are just putting us some positive visions in our heads for something which is already an atrocity. " Can we have an option NOT TO SEE SUCH OPORTUNITY AS WELL ?! [Removed by Support] " [Removed by Support] Fellow. I am not sure how much is your payment at GGG, but defending a clear atrocity like the forced nerfs just to force sellings is one of the biggest changes in this game since it was bought and I am REALLY STARTING TO DISLIKE ALL OF THIS ! ( Going into direction of pure hate ) " [Removed by Support] We - peoples which is playing the actual game ( Standard ) prefer not to experiance such an unusual change of hearts like "nerf" because some stupid fat nerd which envy the rest of peoples having fun decided so. Please excuse us for our ignorance, but we prefer the game without the pseudo ideology of some profaned guy ( most likely actually a GGG employe ) which decided to destroy 4 years of fun for "teh lulz & bikoze I am DA GOD !". " This game WAS in constantly change up to 2.4. Since then nothing have changed for good. " [Removed by Support] " Actually it is NOT. GGG is starting to be just a greedy company trying to live on the back of peoples by "A constantly Nerfings.. i mean "reasonable changes"". [Removed by Support] " "The leagues" is just a junkware alpha pieces of the game which should never went public. I would call it a temporary mental disorder if I was a psycist. " [Removed by Support] " Absolutely NO ! Since 2.4 You are bound to the hell GGG is just put a new. the "old" builds somehow magically stop working and some junk is start toxic in our faces. " I very hope one day after some time ( probably soon ) when peoples see finally trough my eyes and start mass leaving this game to cooperate with all of these "streamers" and have a nice coffee with them and tall about "how bad is ES for the game". You will probably fall into a mutual agreement with your population left down to about 20 "trustworthy streamers" " [Removed by Support] " As one of the guys which wrote about 1300 posts, about 100 fanmade fictions, 3D stuff for it, and so on and on into DiabloFans before D3 was released I can clearly say - Nope. It isn't. So ?! " Let me correct You - it was until 2.4. Now it is just how much a person can spend into this "league". Which is practically a trowing money into the WC hole. " Yeah. Unfortunately this is not the path of "Path of Exile" but the path of spend this league 100 bucks, and wait for next just to delete your character. Well.. NO THANK YOU ! With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now. There is no sane reason for one to play it any further. Last edited by Blank_GGG#0000 on Feb 16, 2018, 12:26:04 PM
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IMO delete windripper...why does an endgame weapon need 15% IIQ, leads to tons of people running the build just for that, reducing variety.
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I've learned 1 thing after PoE creators became not the original ones - If the things which I am saying does not fit the buisness politic of GGG - then I should expect [Removed by Support] fill in my replies.
( Only replies. I am done with giving ideas for free. ( most of them which we currently see in-game already ). With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further. |
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