💲💲The Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>💲💲 || Looking for Experienced Players || Discord || SC ||

Greetings, I am interested in joining your guild, I am 25 and I love to play poe.

> Which league did you start playing and how many leagues have you played. (Optional: which league you enjoyed the most).

I started playing in January 2013, that was before the challenge leagues. My account was created on the very day they added in act 3 to the core game, and I played many dozens of characters before Dominus was even added to the game. Saying that, I've played every league (Except some of the hardcore-only leagues, like Bloodlines.)

My most favorite leagues are probably Breach (duh) and Delve.

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods, however there is no need to disclose your secrets if you don't want to.. Simply give us an overview of how you operate.

I've done almost everything from lab farming to boss farming (before uber elder, I haven't farmed him yet). I also craft and flip sometime to make money.

> Link any form of items/currency you have acquired during the current league. Feel free to link items/currency from standard too.


> Where are you from? We are mainly EU based but if you are really good we will give you a chance regardless of where you're from.

NA, Alabama specifically. I play daily and on the weekends.

> How do you think you can contribute to the guild?

I am pretty knowledgeable about the mechanics of the game and whatnot, and enjoy theorycrafting builds. I've done most content in the game (except soloing uber elder, never had much of an interest in farming that boss). I also am very willing to work with others on group efforts or group farming.

> Optional: Favorite aspects of the game and builds you've enjoyed the most.

I enjoy the complexity of Path of Exile and creating new builds that are different than anything I've played before. I like the more sophisticated builds over the more simple builds, it's very satisfying to create a unique build and it watching it grow into the end game. My most favorite builds have been: Ele hit, SRS, aurabot, Hopeshredder and infernal blow.

The economy in the game is like no other - the depth is amazing and there is a lot of opportunity to generate wealth.
Which league did you start playing and how many leagues have you played. (Optional: which league you enjoyed the most).

April 2014 was when I started playing, after that I haven't played every league so I don't exactly remember which :) My favorite is probably legion.

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods, however there is no need to disclose your secrets if you don't want to.. Simply give us an overview of how you operate.

I prefer to kill and craft and trade rather than flip currency and such.

> Link any form of items/currency you have acquired during the current league. Feel free to link items/currency from standard too.


> Where are you from? We are mainly EU based but if you are really good we will give you a chance regardless of where you're from.


> How do you think you can contribute to the guild?

I would say I have more than average game knowledge and like to chat and help out when I can. I like playing in parties too, leveling or mapping for example.

> Optional: Favourite aspects of the game and builds you've enjoyed the most.

Fun builds, challenges, completing and collecting everything, dying to stupid shit, making builds, chatting.

Thanks for your consideration :)
Hey, Throwing in a application if you are looking for new people this league. Here are answers to your application questions:
Which league did you start playing and how many leagues have you played. (Optional: which league you enjoyed the most).
I can't exactly remember the first league I ever play, somewhere around 2012,Nemesis? I played steadily on and off casually for a long time and finally started hitting end game with the introduction of atlas. My favorite league has more than likely been breach and delve. I am tossing you an application because I have been loving Legion and am hoping to get a group to play with more. My old league has fallen away from the game. I play each league that gets released with the only notable exception being incursion; I truly hated the mechanic at the time and just stopped after 2 weeks.

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods, however there is no need to disclose your secrets if you don't want to.. Simply give us an overview of how you operate.
The most success in the currency department that I have had was in delve where I respected a level 92 ranger into a delve farmer. gathered enough for a headhunter after a few weeks of wholesaling fossils and helm enchants. I personally have never spend a lot of time flipping for currency outside of when I have a specific item in mind. This league, Legion, I have acquired around 10ex which I have put back into 2 characters thus far.

> Link any form of items/currency you have acquired during the current league. Feel free to link items/currency from standard too.
I rid of most items when they hit standard after leagues as I don't have a huge interest in hoarding items I won't ever use. However, you can see the gear on my current characters this league and get the gist of the currency I have gotten in a short amount of time

I also wanted to add a note of who I am to see if it is fitting for your group of wolves. I am a mid 20's, liberal college student. I work often but have time off for the summer and thus time to devote to a guild at the moment. It would be cool to share strats on developing wealth as well as create an opportunity to learn from others. I am always down to help with whatever guildies need and available for discord 24/7. Can't wait to hear from you all. Let me know if you have any questions for me as well.
> Which league did you start playing and how many leagues have you played. (Optional: which league you enjoyed the most).

Harbinger. Got a mirror split on my 6th day and quit playing a few weeks later. I've played Harbinger, Incursion, Bestiary, Abyss and Betrayal.

I Enjoy all leagues. Loot in bestiary sucked but made me keep playing because items weren't as easy to get.

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods, however there is no need to disclose your secrets if you don't want to.. Simply give us an overview of how you operate.

Push maps as fast as possible early in league (day 1/2). Earn money for build i want to play and start that then head towards elder maps. Only play fast map clear builds (spell based/ranged base)/DEEEEP DELVING aka printing currency

> Link any form of items/currency you have acquired during the current league. Feel free to link items/currency from standard too.

Actually unsure how to link items but I have multiple headhunters and over 100ex on standard + my best gear from characters in league.

> Where are you from? We are mainly EU based but if you are really good we will give you a chance regardless of where you're from.

Alberta, Canada

> How do you think you can contribute to the guild?

I'm always online and in voice chat wanting to help people and share builds.

> Optional: Favourite aspects of the game and builds you've enjoyed the most.

Pushing Delve and End Game content/gearing



I'd like to join your guild. I came abit late into legion, so havent made too much yet. But I managed to get a 6 L windripper for my MF'er

And currently workong on a staff cycloner where I bought a pretty amazing weapon. - Dno how my link my amazing staff tho.

I like to generate wealth - atleast this league, by doing low tier maps, but I jump into higher tiers once I get too bored.

My favorite league was breach, tho I think legion will be my favorite once it's over. I played abit of abyss, incursion and beasiary, I never bothered with betrayal tho.

I live in Denmark so I'm decent at english.

In std I have around 400 ex worth of gear including HH and legacy windripper.

I'm often online and vocal and would love a sharing guild.

Ign: Arch_Huy
> Which league did you start playing and how many leagues have you played. (Optional: which league you enjoyed the most).

Started during delve enjoying legion the most

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods, however there is no need to disclose your secrets if you don't want to.. Simply give us an overview of how you operate.

Farmed first HH last league by farming nurse cards in t16 tower full juice. over-sustained so hard i had like full map tab+ full regular tab full of tower maps.

we pretty much get to t16 like day 3-4

> Link any form of items/currency you have acquired during the current league. Feel free to link items/currency from standard too.

hh is bricked in standard, the exalts are from legion rn but my carry is invested w/ hh+ 2inspired+ 16quant eyes of greatwolf

> Where are you from? We are mainly EU based but if you are really good we will give you a chance regardless of where you're from.


> How do you think you can contribute to the guild?

i doubt i know much that you guys already dont but its nice to be in an experienced guild

> Optional: Favourite aspects of the game and builds you've enjoyed the most.

fighting uber elder, cyclone this league

IGN: ISupForMinWage
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet

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