💲💲The Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>💲💲 || Looking for Experienced Players || Discord || SC ||

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
Hi there

> So i started back in the day with a fametotem mfr for those that remember rarity over quantity, and a quit for a few years then i came back to abyss(just a bit), bestiary ,incursion and delve.

> So ive tried maps alc and go, uber elder, the harbour bridge, some delving(ni really my thing), scarabs t16. but i usually do exp leech parties, but im looking for a guild to make profit in investing big on maps and big returns.

>My profile its open so u can check my character, but i mostly play my mfr(ifeelthenerf), aurabot(aurasforeverione) , cursebot(curseaskiji),and my totem guy (whynotdps)

>so i manly mfr and im quite good at it running arround 203iiq + WR legacy, but i can change the chest and the belt if needed to add up to 30iiq if needed, also have aurabot and cursebot thats alway nice to have arround.

> i usually play in amsterdam paris london (but i can play in california..never singapour or the australian one)

i out of the meta since i didnt played synthesis but i adapt fast.

And finally i like to speak in discord learn all there is to know about the game. I came back recently cuz i love the game but i wanted to do more in stantdar than in a league cuz im not that of a chageges type guy, im more of a hoarder that just wants to farm farm and farm.

So if u have any questions just PM i will be arround.

Best regards


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet

>I started playing PoE sometime in 2016/17 for a few days/weeks (having no idea what I was doing) and then left it. I don't remember a thing besides playing as a witch to A2 and the character selection screen was in a boat. I started (seriously) playing PoE in mid/late Betrayal league in Standard and finished the story with poebuilds.com's flicker slayer (that I deleted to make room). I stopped playing for small period of time in synthesis when BOTH of my main PC's SSDs died (fixed).

>I make most of my currency through Flipping Currency and items (Magna Eclipsis, fated uniques) as well as running delves. I've tried crafting but in PoE it's just too risky for me.

>https://imgur.com/a/HCHe8vC My currency from Standard, Synthesis, and Synth Flashback
https://imgur.com/a/qv96UpH Currency Cop values me at 314c in Standard, 716 in Synthesis, and 215 in Flashback. I wasn't able to play as much/as efficiently in flashback due to my PC not working.

>I am from Bulgaria (recently moved from US).

>I have extensive knowledge of PoE with a bit less in crafting due to hating it (Not that much to learn anyway).

>My favorite build is by far HunjryChargedDash (From www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2465400), a CI HoWA Trickster Charged dash build with (currently) 6.3k ES that I have since converted to Molten Strike
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
> How long you've played and how many leagues you've participated in (and which one you enjoyed the most and why)

ALright I'm Mike im from mexico but speak fluid english and I've been playing since 2013 my first league was onslaught, from there on ive participated on all leagues my favorite leagues were Legacy ,perandus,betrayal and Synthesis all of these leagues were superb for making currency (i know synthesis sound weird but the memories in maps were just extra mobs to mf :D)

> Experiences making currency. Feel free to mention specific methods.

I actually learned lot about currency making and speculation when i was in lighty's guild we made groups with belton to speculate , hoard and craft stuff.
In synthesis crafting implicits to offer frac service, mfing , crafting abyssjewels , hoarding currency at leaguestart (ancient orbs, annults ect ),speculating on new uniques and hoarding if useful and also rare droprate etc you know the drill .One league i tried to uberlab at leaguestart is not that bad'if you like lab 250c an hour
item flipping when i know items demand is going to be high just like i flipped +2 worb stages enchants this league

> Link any Form of "proof" such as gear/currency you've acquired during current/previous league.

This league i only made 2 chars 1 mf low life mf trickster worb , i have a lot of legacy es gear i hoarded als o have legacy uniques in std heres a video .
Here is a video of me opening 144 reliquary keys (800 views yep im a nobody LUL)

And some legacy gear in standard 4 images very Pog

> Optional: Favourite aspects of the game and builds you've enjoyed the most.

My favorite aspects of the game have been the game mechanics and the fact that knowledge allows you to exploit the market like knowing what people want to buy
knowing at what time of the league people value more their progress than the real value of what they sell (leaguestarts ) . Im very interested in forming a group to share waypoints , map completions and even mf in a group Pog

Awaiting for your response guys i think we can benefit from each other yours trully : BasementDweller
When life turns its back on you grab its ass :D
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2076866 >>> Wolves of Wraeclast <Wolves>

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093385 >>> Morbid Torc | Old #1 Howa Amulet

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