yes, there is the path of building tree on first page.
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Mar 17, 2018, 12:28:48 PM
Bamzyniigata wrote:
yes, there is the path of building tree on first page.
Ive seen it , requires a registration a dog walk or somethin to work .
edit . My bad . went to ur char and the build is reseted (after the update..) . seems like i might register to see the tree at last :D
IGN = Tominsideeeee
Last edited by Tom1nside#7544 on Mar 17, 2018, 4:26:50 PM
Posted byTom1nside#7544on Mar 17, 2018, 3:20:27 PM
Just killed Uber atziri for fun.
Still strong
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Mar 21, 2018, 11:21:46 AM
Very interesting build! However, it looks like the pastebin is a little out of date/incomplete. Still showing old ascendancies, and only leveled to 87.
For those last three skill points, do you recommend going for Snowforged (seems like best DPS option giving an extra 4.6k poison), or picking up a few stray Life/ES nodes (seems like best option is 5% life & 13% ES for about 200 extra hp), or grabbing another jewel?
Also, seems like you could easily add a third skill socket to the corrupted dagger for a golem. Looks like Flame Golem is slightly better than Ice Golem?
Posted byProfP#3351on Apr 3, 2018, 11:48:47 AM
Bamzyniigata wrote:
I still prefer Perfect crime ,use bear trap and increased duration for the traps boost
Edit: Never mind, I think I solved mine own issue here. You should be running Conversion Trap not Bear Trap. That will give you favorable socket colors, a trap that lasts 8 seconds at base, and it will preserve the effectiveness of Perfect Crime after.
Last edited by ProfP#3351 on Apr 4, 2018, 12:58:46 AM
Posted byProfP#3351on Apr 4, 2018, 12:34:59 AM
4 off color with vorici is easy , do you know the technic?
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Apr 4, 2018, 12:59:09 AM
Bamzyniigata wrote:
4 off color with vorici is easy , do you know the technic?
As far as I know, the best options to take a piece of full Int gear to GGGR are to Vorici for GGG or GGR, and in either case it's ~1k chroma on average. Unless I'm missing something?
Like I said, I think Conversion Trap is the better move. I don't really see any reason not to favor it over Bear Trap. It's an Int skill so it fits perfect for the gloves, it's cheaper mana cost, same duration, etc.
Posted byProfP#3351on Apr 5, 2018, 10:06:54 AM
Ok , Ill tell you a secret lol.
for a 4 off color by Vorici.
Dunno if it was fixed , but it worked.
imagine you want 4 blue on a pure strengh gear, so 4 off color .
take your gloves.
2 socket - vorici 25 chrom - 2 blue
next with vorici still, use craft for 3 socket - if you have a another blue bingo ! if not pay for 2 socket and as you can see when you turn back for 2 socket by vorici the first two blue colors stay.
So just continue until you ll jave 4 off colors.
Of course you will use a lot of jewellers but less than you need chrom for coloring that.
Sorry if my explanation is too bad, search there will be a topic about that.
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Apr 5, 2018, 11:03:43 AM
Hello, how many seconds does the DPS of glacial landmines hurt?
Posted byiosk0#5571on Apr 5, 2018, 8:57:07 PM
Hi !
Its not a duration skill, so it s difficult to say.
I just know, the number of hits depends on the area .
Small area -- more hits
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Apr 5, 2018, 10:42:24 PM