[3.7-Slayer] 2h Freezing Cyclone! *Out Dated*
" Hmm, I was on a 5 link with 4.7k burning through red maps. Looking at your tree you've taken all the life nodes first before taking the attack speed nodes. I know getting more life feels like the right choice but losing out on that damage is causing things to stay alive and cyclone to feel bad. More attack speed you have the better cyclone feels. Movement speed and Attack speed are the two things that really make cyclone feel great to use. It takes some getting used to but try to keep your cursor right ontop of yourself during bosses so it has the shortest path. This will allow you to leap away much quicker. Just something you get used to over time. Some of the newer bosses are complete assholes for cyclone regardless of how careful you are being. I suggest getting the gem slot next to Golem's Blood and picking up brute force solution. It will give you all the intellect you need and make finding upgrades a lot easier. You missing trials for uber labs? Need to get that done! It's a huge node to get. Can swap out Hypothermia for culling strike until you get that lab done and it wouldn't be that bad. Also can just throw a vaal double strike into links with warchief and pop the boys out on bosses. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Gear wise, I'd switch maim out of cyclone setup for Dmg on full life. It's one of the best supports for slayer since we're either full life or dead basically. I wouldn't use phase run in CWDT, instead use frost bomb or vortex/cold snap for the 100% chill chance. Really good for bosses to cause them to take full damage when using Hypothermia. Belt can be much better. Good high life belts are really cheap these days and you can craft higher resistances this league. Carnage heart is perfectly fine choice, I rarely use it over Daresso's Salute because the movement speed increase and damage make everything feel fast an fluid. Still a decent choice though. Belly of the beast is an 'ok' chest but it doesn't really offer much other than % life. Carcass Jack is a much better all around chest. The extra area of effect alone is worth it. I've had some syndicate members chilled trailing behind me while cycloning just out of their reach. ~~~~~~~~~~ With Vaal pact and leeching it's kind of a 'balancing' act for awhile having enough damage to leech as much as you can till you kill something and having enough life to survive until whatever it is dies. Remember a bulk of our over leech is from killing things thanks to our Ascendancy Endless Hunger. Harder you smash somethings face in the bigger that over leech is. |
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@spazzo246 and @Muirey:
I am also running a Disfavour and a Belly. I only reached T7 yet but so far I have zero issues with bosses @4.6K life. I had, but once I switched to Vaal Double Strice and Vaal Ancestral Warchief all bosses so far turned to easy. And I am a lousy boss player, all I can do is facetank. The additional 6 seconds burst damage allows me to bypass/ignore most boss mechanics. So my simple strategy is to breeze through the maps using cyclone and pop up VDS and VAWC once I reach the boss. The only one who gave me the shaft so far was Über Izaro, partly because for whatever reasons I had no "vaal charges", partly because I was trying to facetank him. Since then I am waiting for my lab mood to return... As for Carcass Jack vs. Belly of the Beast: I did a quick compare in PoB and against bosses BotB appears to be about 7% less DPS and about 10% more life. So looking at single target only the Belly is not that bad and so far mapping is not an issue. Last edited by Spackomat#5590 on Dec 21, 2018, 5:07:06 AM
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Yeah Vaal Double strike is fun. I wish vaal cyclone was more like vaal blade vortex instead of the immobile spinning top it is now.
Belly is a fine chest, the only thing I'm saying is it only does a single thing realy. An honestly not that well anymore compared to rare chests you can get very cheap. For Example That amount of flat life is almost equal to the % life of a belly but you can get WAY more resistances which makes you able to make bigger life upgrades else where while keeping your resistances capped. Bellys are 5c lowest as of writing this and for 2c I could get an astral plate that looks like this: +10% to all Elemental Resistances, +126 to maximum Life, +42% to Fire Resistance, +21% to Cold Resistance, +32% to Lightning Resistance. Belly just seems like it's on the way towards a buff because as is it's a pretty meh chest. Carcass jack however is worth it for the increase of area alone now that it was buffed in 3.5. In addition it gives flat life, resistances and damage. Less of a 'one trick pony' that belly is. Also, I didn't check if either of you are using it but the Writhing Jar flask is great for staying alive during bosses because our overkill leech triggers when we murder the worms. Last edited by Muirey#5448 on Dec 21, 2018, 10:00:39 AM
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How do I gain Frenzy charges with this build? :)
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" Blood Rage. |
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Thanks :D
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Is it really necessary to have 2 axes?
Last edited by masterxkroxgk#0029 on Jan 12, 2019, 7:02:23 PM
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" No, just a quality of life thing. Having a Conc+Ele focus one for bosses/syndicate is nice but not needed. |
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" Where exactly are you getting stun immunity from? I can't see it anywhere from items and its not from ascendancies, because you didnt take Overwhelm. |
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" You cannot be stunned while channeling cyclone. Last edited by Muirey#5448 on Feb 25, 2019, 6:39:03 PM
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