[3.7-Slayer] 2h Freezing Cyclone! *Out Dated*
" I can do w/o phasing, I plan on getting a double hatred( chase unique being a tri-hatred watchers eye) later on. So, use the watcher's eye, hrimburn for 100% conversion..and keep frostbite. At that point, would frostbite enchant be better? or still cyclone? "...You know the difference between arrogance and confidence?
Confidence can back its shit up." -Charan |
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Thanks for your answer, I actually use 2 differents totems in my chest (Vaal Warchief and Ancestral protector but It's obviously a mistake.
I just got yesterday a double hatred watcher eye (convert to cold + cold damage) and I'm reading over and over your guide but still confused. Watcher eye : 40% converting to cold Hrim : 50% converting to cold Tree : 40% converting to cold 130% at all which doesn't make sense to me since I feel like 30% more are useless. Beside that, main trouble for me is dying from "One Shot". I got my resist and life but I keep dying in T11+ maps. I would be really greatful if you could look at my tree and stuff to tell me where I'm wong. I must be doing some shit, I can't be that bad with my skills xD Cheers ! |
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" Frostbite is best bang-for-buck enchant. Cyclone is best overall because it doesn't get reductions on certain bosses or hexproof maps like Frostbite does. I almost always go for frostbite in league because it's much cheaper than cyclone enchants. Even this late in league Frostbite is 80c-ish, Cyclone attack speed 2.5ex and cyclone damage 4.5ex. Big price difference for not really that much difference in damage. Last edited by Muirey#5448 on Oct 4, 2018, 9:37:37 AM
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" With warchief having a vaal version now I wouldn't recommend using protector now. Vaal warchief is just such a massive burst of damage and the AoE of regular warchief is really good for delves. Using a watcher's eye allows you to use other items in the glove slot mainly or allow you to be full cold conversion. Yes, if you use watcher's eye and hrimbrun/hrimsorrow you do over convert which that 30% is wasted but getting to 100% cold conversion is quite a dps boost because of all the cold damage boosting in the build plus penetration. Used to be nice because it meant phys reflect maps didn't bother us but slayer is immune to phys reflect now anyways so meh! The big reason to use watcher's eye is to free us up from using hrimburn/hrimsorrow. Cold conversion aside, the gloves are kinda shit! :D A good rolled pair of rare gloves would give more life, damage and some resists to help ease getting to cap. I typically use a tombfist myself. One or two socket are both nice and give quite a life boost because of life on the jewels and the % life on tombfist themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for you dying a lot to one shots... unfortunately it's going to happen now and then regardless. That said, I would remove the "Cleaving" branch and use those points to finish getting to "Heart of the Warrior". Replacing Maim with Fortify isn't a huge hit to dps but a big boost to survival. I'd try to get a good Abyss belt as well. For example.. Using tombfist+murderous eye jewel will give you the intimidate you'd be losing from the belt but you'd be getting a ton more life with two 30ish life jewels, a tombfist and a decently rolled abyssal belt. Other than that it's just trying to get higher life rolls on you rings/boots and finishing off the passive tree. After changing the 'cleaving' branch around head up for "Devotion" for more life. There's always a kaoms heart if you really want highest life possible or loreweave for a mix of defense/damage. These days you can also craft some seriously beefy rare chest pieces as well. Lots of options! Last edited by Muirey#5448 on Oct 4, 2018, 9:36:51 AM
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Ty so much for looking my char.
Going to work on it tonight and I'll come back tell you how it works. Thanks again ! |
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Hey guys, been enjoying the hell out of this build.
Thought I would share what I did different since the tree changed alot around templar. Im at lvl 92, about 5k health. I have dropped hatchet master and a decent amount of health nodes around the Constitution health cluster, The herbalism cluster and dont have quick step or druid rite. (mana is a problem if im being lazy, yay blood magic leap slam leech in a pinch) I have picked up instead "Divine fervor", "holy dominion", "Discipline and training", "Retribution" "amplify" Purity of flesh" & "sovereignty". Due to the change of trees there is definitely a small drop in health but a decent bump in AOE + some aura buffs. as a bonus my chaos resist is nearly at a base 0% as well With an enlightened gem it has allowed me to run, Frost bite/blasphemy, Hatred and herald of ice. I have about 60-70 mana, so i have to pay attention as if mobs become spread i might stop cycloning as my mana regen is pretty terrible Taking spirit void was my attempt to fix this, its works fine, never run out of mana on single enemies which is the main thing. I have been loving the delve league. Thanks so much for making this build Muirey, I have had a blast playing it. Let me know if my tree editing took me backwards or not lol. It was fun mixing and matching to see how things went. |
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" Not a problem, I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself! " Tree tweaking is always a fun thing to explore and there isn't really a 'right' or 'wrong' way to do it. It all depends on what you are trying to get out of the edits. "Due to the change of trees there is definitely a small drop in health but a decent bump in AOE + some aura buffs. as a bonus my chaos resist is nearly at a base 0% as well" Seems like you accomplished what you were after heh. Raw number wise, yes you did go kinda backwards. If you did not use herald of ice, did use a brute force solution and used this tree you'd have more mana, bout 140k more damage and a bit more Hp. You could also do something like this and have roughly the same dps as you do currently but be at around 5.7k hp. Again, it's all about what you want to do! ;) |
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I hadn't played POE since like 2013 and started my Duelist up from scratch following your guide. I'm up to 72 now and it's all been really fun. I appreciate all the work you put in to the guide.
My observations so far (You can see my equip is pretty helter-skelter, but likely not atypical from people that aren't twinking a char up); In your leveling up advice you suggest that right before tireless cluster that you should regret out of essence sap to get all the tireless nodes. I don't know what I'm missing but this has given me a lot of mana issues against single target. I need to drop a totem and do some laps for mana regen. Also, I took your advice on puchasing a Terminus in the mid 50 range and my damage went way up (and it was affordable). However, with it and the Kondo's Pride both are two handed swords and the recommended upgrades in the passives have a lot of two-haned axe nodes. I suppose if I were a more experience player (or smarter) I'd have seen I've been wasting passives I wasn't using. Last, is some other inside baseball things I didn't understand about POE but figured out in another guide for elementalist is that the CWDT, Immortal shouldn't be leveled up beyond a certain point to make sure they proc. Newbs will new Newb but I didn't really get that in my multiple readings of your guide. Thanks again, I really appreciate the guide. |
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Hey m8 what do you think about the new bone chill skill gem? :)
Going with this build for the start of the season! |
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" Could be interesting. I typically have been running votex/cold snap in a Cast when damage taken setup and could drop one of those to add bone chill support for a nice passive damage boost. Will be fun playing around with it. Soon as PoB adds gems I'll be screwing around with the new stuff to see how good it is. |
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