[3.1] Pwn's 1m DPS Oni-Goroshi PermaFlicker Slayer

First of all, thanks for sharing your build. Interesting idea. Not my first flicker build.
You're running in your two videos with Kaoms but you need Trail to generate frenzy if we're following your concept. How can you explain your frenzy generation without using blood rage ?
Didn't know i can easily re-apply bleed when i hav charges alredy.

just to clear things up, frenzy charges themselves do nothing to help apply bleed. what he meant was that if you have a surplus of frenzy charges when you remove bleed, you can use flicker strike 5-6 times before running out of frenzy charges and you have to be VERY unlucky to not proc bleed in 5x3=15+ hits, with 25% chance to bleed on every hit.
Nemesys78 wrote:
First of all, thanks for sharing your build. Interesting idea. Not my first flicker build.
You're running in your two videos with Kaoms but you need Trail to generate frenzy if we're following your concept. How can you explain your frenzy generation without using blood rage ?

Possible Skin transfer
Can someone explain to me why we just purity of fire and physical damage in rings? Will % increased in elemental damage be more effective for the ring then added physical damage in ring? I dont understand the reason behind increase in fire resistance
Last edited by WALAOKILLER on Jan 5, 2018, 7:47:19 PM
Currently Running the Build Based on Xyrm Suggestions and currently it feels pretty good i don't really seem to notice the bleed at all

Last edited by VsDreaMz on Jan 5, 2018, 7:59:12 PM
Would this build benefit from the Crimson Dance keystone?

It specifically says enemies can have multiple bleeds but the 50% less bleed damage is global so it should be of great help in reducing bleed no?
for some reason, my skills are causing her embrace to trigger, but i have no ignite skills...could someone take a look and give me a tip? thanks!

nvm, figured out my neckless is giving me fire dmg lol
Last edited by zyphly on Jan 5, 2018, 9:31:02 PM
What bandits do you go? And jewels?
Arcrist wrote:
Would this build benefit from the Crimson Dance keystone?

It specifically says enemies can have multiple bleeds but the 50% less bleed damage is global so it should be of great help in reducing bleed no?

Crimson Dance allows you to bleed yourself multiple times as well. You will kill yourself with this. DO NOT GET IT.
Fresh builds all day.
VsDreaMz wrote:
Currently Running the Build Based on Xyrm Suggestions and currently it feels pretty good i don't really seem to notice the bleed at all

FYI, after a discussion with DarthPwn I came to the realization that the Cold to Fire conversion gem will have no effect. My current Flicker links are:

Flicker - Ancestral Call - Fire Pen - Melee Phys - Ele Damage with Attacks - Multistrike

Ancestral Call is a bit of an experiment atm. So far, however, I seem to be doing just fine managing the bleed. Currently out of a total avg damage of 3129 sitting in my hideout, only 182 is phys (which is just under 6%), with my conversion gem only rolled at a 37, instead of 40. Level 78, going to call it a night. All gear in place, minus a bit of shuffling with jewels (I need to get ~400 or so accuracy from 2x abyss jewels to round out my stats). I just barely made the resists (92 fire, 76 cold, 76 lightning), but between a curse diamond flask and the wise oak's innate, I should be fine.

I have no idea how to link items on the forum, otherwise I'd show my current gear. My character's are public though, feel free to have a gander ("XyrmOni" is the one you're looking for).
Last edited by Xyrm on Jan 6, 2018, 12:13:58 AM

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