Derba's Hardcore Ethereal Knives Witch [0.10.2][EB, IR, Unwavering]

Hi, i would like to try this build out, whats the lvling priority? i mean the way to go in Builf is it something like

1 go right for EB and Fitness
2 go left for Inner Force
3 Rush to Unwavering stance and then IR
4 get all the hp nodes u can ?:)

Also i noticed if u dont get Might near Irong grip for one extra point you can pick Irong grip and save slot, what you think?

Thanks for guide looks really fun.
hugorx wrote:
Hi, i would like to try this build out, whats the lvling priority? i mean the way to go in Builf is it something like

1 go right for EB and Fitness
2 go left for Inner Force
3 Rush to Unwavering stance and then IR
4 get all the hp nodes u can ?:)

Also i noticed if u dont get Might near Irong grip for one extra point you can pick Irong grip and save slot, what you think?

Thanks for guide looks really fun.

Go right for fitness. Go left for inner force and up for divine toughness. Dont rush unwavering because you shouldn't take unwavering until you already have IR. After the upper left toughness start heading down to IR. Set the tree up so that you can get IR and unwavering in the same level. Fill out the tree after that. Get every single life node you pass.
Thanks alot! also sorry messed up Irong Grip with Iron Will

So i try somehing like this (50points left):

Last edited by hugorx#2675 on Mar 1, 2013, 2:10:33 PM
BrentQuest wrote:
I hadn't thought of that, good suggestion. Were you running chain? One of the reasons I don't is because the damage can still be unmanageable on really big packs with reflect. I can see a crit still one shotting you in that circumstance. Fork keeps the damage relatively predictable and more effective on single targets.

I was using chain. It was early in OB and I wasn't managing my ek damage very well. This build is really cool. EK is a cool spell but I don't like the idea of dmg capping your primary skill. Which around lvl 90 you will REALLY have to watch what you do. It's too bad that you cant "gear swap" instead of weapon swap and have other gear with other sockets to change on the fly. I think I'm not going to play another ek character for awhile. I'll stick to pulsing for now. Maybe explore dual totem ek, although that seems awful because of the cast speeds.
Does Iron Grip affect the dmg on EK ? cause with that amount of str in the build it would a nice boost ...
hydroxiq wrote:
Does Iron Grip affect the dmg on EK ? cause with that amount of str in the build it would a nice boost ...

No, Iron Grip is only for attacks and EK is a spell. Would be nice seeing as we pass right by it. =/

I might re-level EK and post my leveling guide. Though that death really took the wind out of me. But that's what I signed on for playing HC.

Go right for Fitness first and to put yourself by Eldritch Battery. Nowadays I just level to like 35 with poison arrow + silverbranch. Then go left to Inner Force and then make your way down. It's around this level that you can run Disc + Hatred + Clarity and maybe Grace, probably not Determination until you level Reduced Mana up a bit and get IR. Always prioritize health when leveling. It also will probably be necessary to grab 1-2 of the large Dex nodes to continue leveling Bear Trap. You can spec out of these nodes later as you should get the necessary dex going to IR and the health over that way. From there it's time to start the trek to IR grabbing pretty much all the health on the way. You probably won't get IR until around 60-70 as the armor isn't super important until you start doing maps and the damage from EK leveling starts to kick in.
IGN: Derba_
Last edited by BrentQuest#6104 on Mar 1, 2013, 7:36:06 PM
BrentQuest wrote:
Pretty ironic the day after I got my 6L died. Was bored and decided to solo Temple map. Ran in front of Piety and saw nothing was happening. DC'ed and returned in the default league. :(((( Not sure if I will reroll EK yet. I do miss the build and feel like it's something I will always want to have around.

BrentQuest wrote:
hydroxiq wrote:
Does Iron Grip affect the dmg on EK ? cause with that amount of str in the build it would a nice boost ...

No, Iron Grip is only for attacks and EK is a spell. Would be nice seeing as we pass right by it. =/

I might re-level EK and post my leveling guide. Though that death really took the wind out of me. But that's what I signed on for playing HC.

Go right for Fitness first and to put yourself by Eldritch Battery. Nowadays I just level to like 35 with poison arrow + silverbranch. Then go left to Inner Force and then make your way down. It's around this level that you can run Disc + Hatred + Clarity and maybe Grace, probably not Determination until you level Reduced Mana up a bit and get IR. Always prioritize health when leveling. It also will probably be necessary to grab 1-2 of the large Dex nodes to continue leveling Bear Trap. You can spec out of these nodes later as you should get the necessary dex going to IR and the health over that way. From there it's time to start the trek to IR grabbing pretty much all the health on the way. You probably won't get IR until around 60-70 as the armor isn't super important until you start doing maps and the damage from EK leveling starts to kick in.

So what attacks should i use until EK, do you start to use EK around level 40+ or so? atm im using freezing pulse cause i got no dex for EK, i might try poison arrow.
Why isn't life leech mentioned? Wouldn't that increase your survivability against reflect monsters?
So what attacks should i use until EK, do you start to use EK around level 40+ or so? atm im using freezing pulse cause i got no dex for EK, i might try poison arrow.

Yeah just use freezing pulse with LMP for pretty much all of normal. Try to get a G-G-G link for EK + Fork + Faster Projectiles and you can be farming Cruel Ledge with EK around lvl 30-35. This is when you can start using EB with discipline as it will boost your mana pool tremendously and as a result your mana regen. Poison arrow is really only for lazy mode Silverbranch leveling for the +2 to bow gems in it.

MrMeowMeow wrote:
Why isn't life leech mentioned? Wouldn't that increase your survivability against reflect monsters?

The problem with EK reflect is you getting 1-2 shot from reflect before you notice it's there. Life leech is not an instant heal and applies a HoT that's capped at a rate of 20% of your max hp per second. Quality Life Leech can increase this rate afaik but life leech is more common in the EK blood magic marauder build than this one, though it is certainly an option and I highly recommend leveling a Life Leech gem for swapping purposes for reflect maps and no regen maps.
IGN: Derba_
Last edited by BrentQuest#6104 on Mar 2, 2013, 2:07:05 PM

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