Atlas Migration Information

DerPizzadieb wrote:
If you have different maps shaped in standard and harbinger, will they add up?


The parmanent league’s Shaped Maps take priority.

DerPizzadieb wrote:
What happens to shapers orbs that haven't been used?

If you haven’t used the same Orbs in Standard they should remain and be usable.

If you have used them, they should be removed. It’s possible you’ll keep them but be disconnected when trying to use them. If that happens, just destroy them.
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-GGG, 2015
why wouldn't we be able to take 3 legacy map and vendor them to get a new map version I think that would be a simple and fair way to go about this
Ay, old maps go collect dust again.
I think there should be an option to reset the atlas when it changes on this scale.
The same way we get free FULL hero respecs when new leagues come out.
could be very expensive for players to undo this new atlas merg with jumbled up map tiers.
Does this mean, that legacy T16 maps like Forge of the Phoenix Map, will not drop Fragment of the Phoenix? Or are we talking about shaper's orb?
Last edited by Dominian#0494 on Dec 4, 2017, 3:50:39 AM
Maps Maps Maps
What about atlas/hideout/masters migration from Turmoil league?
I want to continue my HC SSF character and I lost all master and atlas progression...

who the hell even plays standart ?
Personally I will prefer an Atlas reset option.
Also the "we've received a few community questions about..." will probably be better to have a poll for players to determine the outcome.
this solution sounds not really good. As the comments that noone plays standard is totally wrong (i play standard not the whole time but in a new expansion to learn the bosses and other things with perfect gear and perfect char and i know many people doing that also) standard players are also a thing.
And that maps will be garbage isnt a good thing. I think 3 old for one is perhaps a litte to good but 5 or 6 old maps give one new would be fair.

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