Raycheetah wrote:
Special Impeachment Watch Update!
From that cess-pit of Right-Wing fake news, the Washinton Post:
Nancy Pelosi on Impeaching Trump: ‘He’s Just Not Worth It’
So, essentially, there's nothing to be gained from the attempt to impeach worth the potential collateral damage to those pursuing it.
"He's just not worth it" is just the sort of thing you hear when there's no "there" there. I guess President Trump's ostensible offenses weren't all that serious after all, right? Otherwise, Nancy and her pitchfork-bearing mob wouldn't stop until they had his orange head on a pike. And since when have Nancy and the Dems given two hoots in hard vacuum about being "divisive?" I ask that as a member of the basket of Deplorables. At any rate, I'm sure there will be some other thing the Dems can do to punish President Trump for having had the temerity to "steal" the White House out from under perfect candidate Hillary's nose when it was her turn. =^[.]^=
TDS, Trump Delusional Syndrome is a real thing today. There is a large part of the population that still wallows in the 2016 election, that still talks about Hillary Clinton, that has an overwhelming desire to believe the lies of a pathological liar. It is a real thing and I think we see a most excellent example right here!
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Posted byTurtledove#4014on Mar 12, 2019, 12:59:32 AM
Turtledove wrote:
Ravings with zero references, no doubt about it. You suffer from TDS. (Trump Delusional Syndrome is a mental state when someone has an overwhelming desire to believe what a known pathological liar says.)

Britney_Spears wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
Ravings with zero references, no doubt about it. You suffer from TDS. (Trump Delusional Syndrome is a mental state when someone has an overwhelming desire to believe what a known pathological liar says.)
Trump Derangement Syndrome was a real thing. It is a historical curiosity. Something that happened a couple of years ago but it is no longer a thing. Trump Delusional Syndrome is a real thing today. There is a large part of the population that still wallows in the 2016 election, that still talks about Hillary Clinton, that has an overwhelming desire to believe the lies of Trump, a pathological liar. It is a real thing.
Yes, I made up Trump Delusional Syndrome. It is a real term that describes a real thing. There are a number of people in this thread that suffer from TDS.
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Posted byTurtledove#4014on Mar 12, 2019, 1:29:38 AM
RPGlitch wrote:
I think everyone in the thread gets you're a lunatic turtledove, you don't need to repeat it.
So what percent of your posts in this thread would you guess that mention Hillary Clinton? I would guess that Raycheetah probably mentions her more often but I'll believe you if you think you mention her more? Do you have an overwhelming desire to believe the lies of the pathological liar Trump?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Posted byTurtledove#4014on Mar 12, 2019, 2:47:03 AM
Turtledove wrote:
RPGlitch wrote:
I think everyone in the thread gets you're a lunatic turtledove, you don't need to repeat it.
So what percent of your posts in this thread would you guess that mention Hillary Clinton?
Actually, I don't know. I was curious why you would even think this, so I did a 15 second quick search through 13 pgs of my last comments. And I mentioned her once during the conversation I had with TheReporter.
I would guess that Raycheetah probably mentions her more often but I'll believe you if you think you mention her more?
Of course you would. I do research before I comment on things.
Do you have an overwhelming desire to believe the lies of the pathological liar Trump?
No, I have an overwhelming desire to see people talk about 'real' things. And not make-up words and jump to conclusions. Just because Trump lies, doesn't mean you can make-up shit. It makes you a liar.
People should be better than the people they hate.
Posted byRPGlitch#6206on Mar 12, 2019, 3:45:45 AM
So I know I'm late to the party, but I watched BlackKklansman yesterday and, because Spike Lee had to spice up the ending, I might as well just post my thoughts here. Better than making a new locked thread.
I had hopes for this movie after meeting the two main characters of the white-person-compatible Ron and anti-white racist Patrice. They developed a nice little friendly rivalry with some pleasant sexual tension, and I was hopeful that, through his efforts cooperating with a white "twin" against anti-black racists, Ron would prove his ideology superior and enjoy some fantastic off-screen sexual surrender from his misguided rival.
Fuck, did Spike Lee ever tease me. Did that ending ever let me down. But it was such a hell of a tease that I'd be lying if I said it wasn't skillful. Although perhaps, as with Hannibal Lecter and anatomy, the world might be a better place without Lee's expertise.
Part of a good tease, of course, are those moments when you see the little signs you'll be let down, but the signal isn't quite strong enough to convince you that you will be. Like the audience reactions to Kwame's speech, or the anachronistic inserting of Trump slogans into Duke's lines. But that kept the movie exciting. Also the juxtaposition of Duke's visit to the local chapter with a tale of racist brutality.
But that's not what I would have juxtaposed. I would have juxtaposed (memories of) Kwame getting a crowd to chant "black power" as Duke gets a crowd to chant "white power." I would have juxtaposed Kwame talking about the Christian (or Islamic, w/e) righteousness of his cause with Duke baptising his congregation. I would have juxtaposed Kwame talking about how cops are murdering his people with scenes from Birth of a Nation where savages in blackface chase innocent women. And I would have juxtaposed Kwame's urging that Ron arm himself with one Klansman telling another not to forget his piece.
Of course, Spike Lee didn't do that, because Spike Lee was on Team Patrice. I knew I'd been had just a tiny bit before it was brutally obvious: when a white cop tells Ron his confidence that a white supremacist would never become President was naive.
And then the Charlottesville hoax all over again.
I liked the story of Ron Stallwarth. I'm proud to live in the same city as him. But I don't think he was naive; I think he was a hero. It's a shame Spike Lee didn't let him really win in his movie, and it's a bigger shame that people like him throughout contemporary America, who actively fight against actual (as opposed to imagined) racists, are one step closer to being seen as Uncle Toms.
Best Picture? Sheesh. Why not have the American Surgical Association give Lecter an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 12, 2019, 5:50:46 AM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Mar 12, 2019, 5:40:32 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
And then the Charlottesville hoax all over again.
I assume this means your argument that all those people in Charlottesville marching at night with torches and yelling racist chants were just protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue and weren't really racists?
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Posted byTurtledove#4014on Mar 12, 2019, 1:58:17 PM
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
And then the Charlottesville hoax all over again.
I assume this means your argument that all those people in Charlottesville marching at night with torches and yelling racist chants were just protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue and weren't really racists?
No, those were racists and that was NEVER my argument, strawmanner. My argument is: the majority of those protesting the statue were not openly racist, and it's disingenuous to show only the radical minority of the statue protestors and act as if Trump was only talking about that minority.
At least BlacKkKlansman did touch on the idea that white nationalists and racists tend to be infiltrators — the two army Klansmen, bad cop Landers, "the Organization," "the Invisible Empire." And then the one or two bad cops have people like Kwame Ture thinking all cops are bigots, when most of the CSPD weren't. The thing you need to understand is that white nationalists know that's how the Kwames of the world will think, and they want that. They hope to intimidate by tricking you into thinking they are bigger and more powerful than they are, because they don't have the numbers to intimidate non-whites otherwise. They'll boast as if they've got the support of other whites and their institutions, just like that Landers, but if those same "friends" knew who he really was they'd turn on him, just like Landers. It's all a bluff.
The point I'm trying to get at is that the white nationalists themselves love the Charlottesville hoax. They love that you think they had five times the numbers they actually did. They love that so many of you think that Trump said some of them are fine people, when in fact he condemned white nationalists totally. They are perfectly content to be the media's Boogeyman. If you're waiting on David Duke to come out and say "hey, you've got this wrong, most of those guys weren't us, and Trump said we were bad people," you will wait forever because it will never happen.
Here's an article I changed upon recently:
Osama bin Laden is long dead, but his plans live on through American foreign policy.
In 2001, al Qaeda consisted of only 400 ideologues in the far corners of the world. After the recent regime change wars in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria, typical estimates place their membership at around 20,000. To top it all off, the American economy is out $5.6 trillion dollars for the whole failed project. This is not the legacy of a war to spread, or even protect, liberty and prosperity. Instead it is the legacy of an evil but gifted tactician, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
Contrary to the popular misunderstanding of al Qaeda’s motives and strategy, bin Laden and his partner Ayman al Zawahiri were not trying to scare America away with the September 11th attacks. They were trying to provoke an overreaction. Al Qaeda’s leaders wanted the U.S. to invade Afghanistan in order to bog our military down, “bleed us to bankruptcy,” and force a worn-out, broken empire to leave the region the hard way, and permanently, just as they had done to the Soviet Union in the 1980s with American support. Only then could they hope to launch the revolutions they sought in their home countries without interference from the American superpower.
Osama bin Laden’s mentor Abdullah Azzam warned in 1986 that the U.S. was on deck for expulsion from the region after the USSR. After observing the effectiveness of asymmetric war against a superior adversary, bin Laden, galvanized by the sanctions against Iraq and the U.S. occupation of the Arabian Peninsula, took up Azzam’s mission. In an early declaration aimed at the U.S., bin Laden noted that the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan helped the mujahideen defeat one of the most powerful militaries in history, and declared that he would seek to lure America to its same fate.
After decimating al Qaeda’s old guard at Tora Bora in 2001, the U.S. military could have returned home victorious. Instead, our leaders chose to follow bin Laden’s wishes by committing to an extended occupation and impossible nation-building mission – one which has lasted for more than 17 years.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq to overthrow the man bin Laden called a “socialist infidel,” Saddam Hussein, was a massive boon to the terror organization, decimating a secular government, paving the way for the creation of the first al Qaeda franchise there in 2004, radicalizing of a generation of new fighters, and proving the limits of U.S. influence in the Middle East.
America’s further regime change wars in Yemen, Libya, and Syria have been strategic victories for the U.S.’s terrorist enemies beyond the former terrorist leader’s wildest dreams.
In his journals, bin Laden was optimistic about the 2011 Arab Spring, writing that it had “opened a door for jihadists.” He wouldn’t live to see the aftermath of the U.S. and NATO-backed regime change operation in Libya, but the country remains awash in members of Ansar Al-Sharia and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) that the U.S. and NATO supported in the war. Both groups are led by veterans of al Qaeda in Iraq from Iraq War II.
The jihadists empowered by the regime change in Libya quickly spread to Mali, Chad, and Niger. A new generation of Sunnis with rifles and SOCOM operators are fighting now throughout the Maghreb, Sahel, and sub-Saharan Africa.
Saudi Arabia became bin Laden’s primary target for revolution when the king allowed the American military buildup there in preparation for the first Iraq war in 1990. As a key ally and major purchaser of American weapons, the kingdom has long appeared immune from the fate of Iraq or Libya. Now that the current regime has been racked by political purges and the financial burden of a war in Yemen, it’s not difficult to see how the legions of jihadists cultivated directly and indirectly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia itself in the recent regional wars might return and wreak havoc there.
U.S. and regional allies’ covert intervention on behalf of the insurgency in Syria backfired horribly by helping to bring al Qaeda in Iraq back to life from its previous near-total destruction by Iraqi tribal leaders during the 2007 “Awakening” in Iraq. In 2011, al Qaeda in Iraq, or the “Islamic State of Iraq,” crossed into Syria to take part in the uprising against the Ba’athist dictatorship there. In Syria, AQI/ISI began calling itself Jabhat al Nusra, then Hayat Tahrir al Sham. It remains loyal to al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri. Their group now again numbers in the tens of thousands and for the time being remains ensconced in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province.
There's more, including copious links to sources.
Now if you Democrat supporters who hated George W. Bush (until you didn't) want to experience some delicious cognitive dissonance, check out the source, then tell me if you can cite an similarly anti-war editorial from your text newssource of choice in the past 2 years.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 12, 2019, 4:27:36 PM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Mar 12, 2019, 2:44:37 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
And then the Charlottesville hoax all over again.
I assume this means your argument that all those people in Charlottesville marching at night with torches and yelling racist chants were just protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue and weren't really racists?
No, those were racists and that was NEVER my argument, strawmanner. My argument is: the majority of those protesting the statue were not openly racist, and it's disingenuous to show only the radical minority of the statue protestors and act as if Trump was only talking about that minority.
At least BlacKkKlansman did touch on the idea that white nationalists and racists tend to be infiltrators — the two army Klansmen, bad cop Landers, "the Organization," "the Invisible Empire." And then the one or two bad cops have people like Kwame Ture thinking all cops are bigots, when most of the CSPD weren't. The thing you need to understand is that white nationalists know that's how the Kwames of the world will think, and they want that. They hope to intimidate by tricking you into thinking they are bigger and more powerful than they are, because they don't have the numbers to intimidate non-whites otherwise. They'll boast as if they've got the support of other whites and their institutions, just like that Landers, but if those same "friends" knew who he really was they'd turn on him, just like Landers. It's all a bluff.
The point I'm trying to get at is that the white nationalists themselves love the Charlottesville hoax. They love that you think they had five times the numbers they actually did. They love that so many of you think that Trump said some of them are fine people, when in fact he condemned white nationalists totally. They are perfectly content to be the media's Boogeyman. If you're waiting on David Duke to come out and say "hey, you've got this wrong, most of those guys weren't us, and Trump said we were bad people," you will wait forever because it will never happen.
Here's the opening paragraph.
The Unite the Right rally, also known as the Charlottesville rally or Charlottesville riots,[4] was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10] Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right,[11] neo-Confederates,[12] neo-fascists,[13] white nationalists,[14] neo-Nazis,[15] Klansmen,[16] and various militias.[17] The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans, carried semi-automatic rifles, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols (such as the swastika, Odal rune, Black Sun, and Iron Cross), the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags and other symbols of various past and present anti-Muslim and antisemitic groups.[18][8][9][19][20][21][22] Within the Charlottesville area, the rally is often known as A12[23] or 8/12.[24] The organizers' stated goals included unifying the American white nationalist movement[11] and to oppose removing a statue of Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's Emancipation Park.[21][25]
The Protestors
Among the far-right groups engaged in organizing the march were the Stormer Book Clubs (SBCs) of the neo-Nazi news website The Daily Stormer,[50] The Right Stuff,[51] the National Policy Institute,[52] and four groups that form the Nationalist Front:[49] the neo-Confederate League of the South,[49] the neo-Nazi groups Traditionalist Worker Party,[53] Vanguard America,[53] and the National Socialist Movement.[49] Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan (specifically the Loyal White Knights and the Confederate White Knights branches)[54] ,[21] the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights,[53] the American Identitarian group Identity Evropa,[55] the Southern California-based fight club Rise Above Movement,[56][57] the American Guard,[19] the Detroit Right Wings – misappropriating the name of the Detroit Red Wings NHL team, which usage was condemned by the team,[58][59] True Cascadia,[60] the Canadian-based ARM (Alt-Right Montreal) and Hammer Brothers,[61] and Anti-Communist Action.[19]
I left the references in there to emphasis the point that the article is well sourced.
They chanted racist slogans like "Jews will not replace us!" and the Nazi slogan "Blood and Soil".
I consider your argument flimsy weak. If there were any good people that showed up just to protest the statue they weren't so good after all if they stuck around while their comrades were shouting racists slogans and displaying stuff like semi-automatic rifles, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols (such as the swastika, Odal rune, Black Sun, and Iron Cross), the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags and other symbols of various past and present anti-Muslim and antisemitic groups.
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Posted byTurtledove#4014on Mar 12, 2019, 4:19:56 PM
I agree with Scrotie about white nationalists pretending to have more support and backing than they do in reality. It's a pretty fringe ideology, if you wanted me to take a guess, less than 1/10th of 1% of the population. Maybe 50k total in the entire USA, and they're not organized in the slightest. There are more ISIS supporters in the USA than white nationalists.
However, they've got the left thinking there is a white nationalist in the White House.
I think it's hilarious! That's high level trolling!
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Mar 12, 2019, 8:30:58 PM
Posted byMrSmiley21#1051on Mar 12, 2019, 8:24:40 PM