that map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One More Day...
Posted byPerschkinator#0383on Nov 8, 2017, 10:39:04 PM
Be sure to bring a Leap Slam, Flame Dash, Blink Arrow, Bodyswap...
Wait, What was that last one?
Posted byReignbrandt#0618on Nov 8, 2017, 10:41:57 PM
Trash items like always!
please focus on the new league.
Posted byBamzyniigata#7199on Nov 8, 2017, 10:46:26 PM
tacotiklah wrote:
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Stormcharger is straight up the worst item in the history of Poe, it's unreal how bad items just keep getting added to the game. I hope that's not a supporter unique...
By itself, yeah it's god awful. But in combination with a couple of other items, it can become amazing. Lemme explain why...
For starters, on the reddit a supporter revealed a unique chest piece called Inpulsa's Broken Heart:
Then of course there's an old "useless" unique belt that now suddenly becomes amazing with the chestpiece:
Now what happens is that the shock you apply to enemies gets reflected back to you. But you don't take increased damage from it. You're still shocked, but no increased damage taken. This creates a safe "shock aura" where literally everything around you becomes shocked.
Why does that matter? Because by shocking everything around you, chest has the lightning equivalent of obliteration wand/gladiator bloodsplosion/occultist profane bloom/etc. (which btw, these explosion mechanics stack ;) )
But wait, there's more!
Now the changes to how shock work in 3.0 means that shock has a cap of +50% damage provided you chunked at least 10% of the target's maximum life in a hit with lightning damage. But if you stack increased effect of shock, this lowers the necessary threshold to reach shock cap. If you stack it high enough, even a tickle can apply shock cap. This is where the boots come in. Now they haven't shown the roll range on the increased shock effect mod on these new boots which is why I'm not getting TOO excited for them, but it would certainly help tremendously towards lowering shock cap threshold. That Inpulsa's chest piece ALSO increases effect of shock, so that helps lower the shock cap threshold as well. Assuming you get the threshold down low enough, it's basically a free +50% increased damage, even against bosses. This is where the boots become nice.
But wait! You can still go even more ham with this with other uniques in this combo...
along with (or added lightning to spells one)
Or how about substituting the esh mirror/vinktar flask for one of these?: Because that item wasn't stupidly OP af without adding a shock based form of obliteration wand to make it's clearing even faster and bossing even stronger (if you stack shock effect), right?
Or what about possibly throwing this ring into the mix?
Point of all this being that sometimes a unique looks really shitty on its own, but becomes build-enabling when used in tandem with other uniques to create a stupidly OP build.
And 0 resists, so have fun getting dicked by anything that's not trash...
Unless you spend hundreds of exalts on every other piece to get perfect life/res gear.
Posted bytwiz#2101on Nov 8, 2017, 11:01:58 PM
1000 flat spectar hp with burning spectars going to be retarded calling it now!
Posted byTodd55#5777on Nov 8, 2017, 11:08:33 PM
Todd55 wrote:
1000 flat spectar hp with burning spectars going to be retarded calling it now!
Burning spectres haven't scaled with HP since like 1.1
Posted byHemmingfish#1386on Nov 8, 2017, 11:18:27 PM
tacotiklah wrote:
Hmmm... that does indeed sound awesome. With that chest-belt combo thrown in the mix, the phys to lightning conversion suddenly makes a lot more sense. Imagine those three with blade vortex... you deal phy/lightning damage, shock enemies, make them explode and for shocking them you now deal even more damage AND get faster. Sounds amazing, I love stuff like this!
Aaaaand I also got another idea, but I'll keep that one a secret for now.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Posted byFCK42#0688on Nov 8, 2017, 11:19:46 PM
codetaku wrote:
FireZombie wrote:
Timbroslice wrote:
Why are there more and more uniques being released with no max life/resist on them? You guys balanced your game around being res capped or get 1 shot but you keep releasing shithouse 1 alch uniques like this.
I'd love to try some of these sorry but i'm too busy rocking rares so i don't die in 1 shot.
How have you followed the game this long and not realized that this is their model for Uniques.
They have mentioned multiple times since the game was young, that they want yellows (rare items)to rule over Uniques. Yes, there are several that are extremely good even now, specially legacy items (which is why nerfs happen).
During many of the fan meetups, Chris himself mentioned some Uniques were unexpectedly too powerful so they nerf specific ones.
I agree, and love this approach. Where you can max your resistances, while comfortably being able to squeeze in a couple Uniques for specific build rolls or situations.
Uniques according to the design philosophy exist either for leveling, to be "solid, medium-rares", or to be build enabling. While I think GGG has a really good niche for leveling uniques that can make leveling a mid-league character fun, for the most part, high-level uniques are just flat-out useless and might as well just be removed from the game.
This new Cane is a good example of a medium rare. It's fine. People will play it. Vix? It's clearly designed to be build-enabling and yet it is literally trash.
Can not say better and I wonder how some people here are so excited to get another shitty items in a game whiche already has tons of this garbage-1alc-uniques.
Posted byApachy#6365on Nov 8, 2017, 11:24:29 PM
1)people who measure uniques power in currency, ie rarity don't understand what uniques are supposed to do in this game.
2)people who think vix lunaris is literally trash don't seem to understand what is powerful in this game.
hint: an item that frees up a flask suffix, has life, a defensive mechanism that reduces intake damage (thus boosting ToH) and ability to run two level 30 auras isnt *useless*, far from it actually.
Posted bygrepman#2451on Nov 8, 2017, 11:35:07 PM
Looking forward to the new items and fun times. Thanks GGG.. for the exalted orbs too ^_^
Posted byNebogl#7323on Nov 9, 2017, 12:02:42 AM