Skill Rework - Lightning Tendrils

XNtrysyti wrote:
Woah... this looks cool!

So now we have

3 fire channeling:
- Scorching Ray
- Incinerate
- Fireblast

3 lightning channeling:
- Charged Dash
- Storm Burst
- Lightning Tendrils

.... and still no cold channeling.
*Would like to play CwC with cold skills...

WTB Blizzard spell. Not Icestorm, but something like a proper blizzard with some knockback (wind gusts) and snow effects instead of "Firestorm But With Ice And Attached To An Item."
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
Now you have no excuse to not let us rotate the camera.
Quoting Saltychipmunk:
...I look at the new act 5 boss where you have to hide behind the statues to survive the bullet hell and all I can think is... how the fuck are zombies going to survive that?

They don't know what hiding is... they don't know what dodging is... they are morons.
Woow this looks awesome skill to level up now, and even late on.
enoecarg wrote:
Dear GGG,

Thank you for now information.
I understand that Lightning Tendrils needs to be reworked. But this mechanics change does not agree.

You said following:
The skill deals more damage every fourth pulse, making it more reliable and powerful for long sustained casting against tougher foes.

At first glance, it seems to be buffed, but it is nerf. In order to realize this specification, initial damage of Lightning Tendrils will be lower than now. And after a some stages, the total damage will probably exceed current Lightning Tendrils at last. This means "Players must keep casting Lightning Tendrils in staying there".
Currently, the skills that is similar to Lightning Tendrils of new specifications exist already. There are Blade Flurry and Incinerate. Though these are different ways of increasing damage, the usage is all the same by that means casting/attacking in staying. But Lightning Tendrils should not be the same as these.
The advantage of current Lightning Tendrils is that it can immediately deal maximum damage, so do not need waiting until damage is increased. This is very important.

In current PoE, to do "long sustained casting against tougher foes" is REALLY hard. You should take it into account.

I strongly plead you to reconsider the specification of new Lightning Tendrils. Please confine the the reworking Lightning Tendrils only changing channeling skill, keep current specification of damaging.


I don't disagree with your second argument (to make the skill channeled, but not have the boost on the 4th), however the premise of your first statement is wrong. The current skill already forces a player to stand still for at least 4 casts/pulses, so this would NOT be a nerf, only a buff.
This is proof GGG read the forums and pick good ideas when they find them.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Looks great.

Now do Incinerate rework, start with increasing the damage 3x, increasing range by 5x and reducing mana cost by 5x
"in 3.1" that means at the start right?
I'd like to know more details about the more damage every fourth pulse. Is it multiplicative like flame blast?

Will it be... 1, 1, 1, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 1.2, ...
For a 20% multiplier. Or would it be...

1, 1, 1, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 1.2^2, ..., 1, 1, 1, 1.2^n ...

Or even

1, 1, 1, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2^2, 1.2^2, 1.2^2, 1.2^2, ...

If that's the case will there be a limit too?
Sith Lord hype! If I'm playing Abyss league it's probably going to be Tendrils. I was preparing an Ancestral totem build, but that was before I saw this. Though maybe it will still be totems.
Wow. That's really wow. Spell was overhauled nicely, I like new effects. I rarely can praise GGG, but here - nice work, GGG, new version looks pleasantly at least for me.

Also lol
FNX_Heroes wrote:

Last edited by 4423758#6859 on Nov 22, 2017, 7:57:44 AM

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