*-*[3.1] Reflect Freeze / 75% Regen / 4000 LGoH / 70% block WinterStrike Chieftain*-* [Shaper]

Adambjjoz wrote:
The build is so slow, clunky and ugly - they may as well just leave it alone. If your willing to spend 8min + slowly wearing down a boss, you deserve to keep your build IMO. It takes less time than that to clear Uber Lab.

It's an unintentional mechanic and oversight from GGG that it reflects freeze to unfreezable targets, so expect a swift nerf since this is cool and fun. Sorry if you expected something unique and enjoyable in 3.0 to last.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Wow thanks for the replies everyone! I'll update below as i get answers to your questions.

litesabr wrote:
1) I see you mention Soul of Arakaali a lot, especially the 50% faster recovery when you STOP taking DoT recently. It's a cool interatction, but how are you expecting to have it being activated all the time? Is it something you cause yourself?

With a level 1 CWDT it will pretty much be up a lot it only needs to activate, i.e. take 528 damage, once every 4 seconds. Its caused via whirling into packs and monsters hitting me.

litesabr wrote:

2) Molten strike getting bigger aoe does increase the hit box of the balls, but also spreads them out more making single target overlap less likely. They have a travel distance of 5-20 units. With 50% inc aoe, this becomes 5-30 units (the 5 is set according to the wiki).

Yes you are correct! Concentrated Effect gem helps pull it back in with its less area of effect modifier. i.e. the max distance would be 30 * .7 = ~21 units or similar to what it started at and based on below point blank damage scaling its definitely worth it. i think average range would be (5+21)/2 = 13? correct me if i'm wrong.

Point blank damage:
0 to 10 distance = 50% more
10 to 35 = 50% to 0%
35 to 150 = 0% to −50%

litesabr wrote:

3) Immunity to ignite: I read 2-3x and still don't understand how this helps. Please explain further?

Immunity to ignite is important:
With 50% chance to be crit we have a 50% chance to be ignited by monsters dealing fire damage
Ignite would last 4 seconds
Immortal call only stops physical damage meaning CWDT + Blood Rage + Immortal Call interaction wouldn't trigger Soul of Arakaali if i was ignited.

litesabr wrote:

What about a version with Scolds Bridle instead of the Izarro's Dilemmas? Can you see that working to get the regen going?

Scolds Birdle increases our energy shield pool which decreases freeze duration length, also you can't crit yourself with scold's damage.

ShadyC wrote:
Would you say this build relies on taking physical damage?

And if so, is it bad versus bosses?

I would say yes it relies on taking physical/cold damage for optimal damage output and defense. It's not bad per say if you aren't taking that type of damage, it just isn't optimal. Thankfully, most bosses do some sort of physical damage (and with reflect freeze you can mostly see which ones do - i.e. there was a thread on reddit the other day where someone wasn't sure if the phoenix guardian did physical or just fire damage; this build tells you he does physical with the cyclone and the melee attack cause he gets frozen by both!).

ffogell wrote:
DO you freeze or chill mobs/boss consistently so hypothermia could be a could gem candidate ?

Good idea. I would yes in certain situations (i.e. what type of damage the boss is doing and how fast they do it). As a substitute it would add about 25% more additional damage than the weakest DPS support gem Faster Attacks. Faster attacks does take our attacks per second up by about 25% more in total ; this adds life gain on hit from the claws / less time for the multistrike sequence due to the higher attack speed.

claydbp wrote:
how important are the reckless defence jewels? they are expensive right now and u use 5 of them on the build

Important! 2% block ones are cheaper but unfortunately they have gone up about 75% in price over the past week.

Last edited by link1313#3590 on Oct 8, 2017, 10:25:44 PM
link1313 wrote:

litesabr wrote:

2) Molten strike getting bigger aoe does increase the hit box of the balls, but also spreads them out more making single target overlap less likely. They have a travel distance of 5-20 units. With 50% inc aoe, this becomes 5-30 units (the 5 is set according to the wiki).

Yes you are correct! Concentrated Effect gem helps pull it back in with its less area of effect modifier. i.e. the max distance would be 30 * .7 = ~21 units or similar to what it started at and based on below point blank damage scaling its definitely worth it. i think average range would be (5+21)/2 = 13? correct me if i'm wrong.

Point blank damage:
0 to 10 distance = 50% more
10 to 35 = 50% to 0%
35 to 150 = 0% to −50%

Computing the average distance won't give the right DPS numbers because point blank's multiplier isn't a linear function (piecewise linear != linear).

You also need to take into account the hitboxes and AoE effects on them. Less than half the balls will hit the boss on average. An upside though is those that do hit will have higher point blank multipliers (assuming the boss is centered at the melee hit location).

In the PoE 2.6+ era, increased and less AoE affect the area of the ball spread, not the distance. So it's not 20 -> 30 max radius or even (20-5)*1.5+5 = 27.5 max radius with 50% increased AoE (and no conc effect). It's something a little more complicated, but the max distance increase is similar to the square root of (1+netAoE) (It's not quite a square root because the inner radius is fixed). This is all a relatively small effect with conc effect though since 1.5*.7 = 1.05 which is only a tiny bit of net extra AoE.
2.6 BLS Berserker budget shaper farmer build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1882710
Last edited by MoldyDwarf#0844 on Oct 8, 2017, 10:31:39 PM
how 75% regen ?
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Oct 8, 2017, 10:32:49 PM
MoldyDwarf wrote:
link1313 wrote:

litesabr wrote:

2) Molten strike getting bigger aoe does increase the hit box of the balls, but also spreads them out more making single target overlap less likely. They have a travel distance of 5-20 units. With 50% inc aoe, this becomes 5-30 units (the 5 is set according to the wiki).

Yes you are correct! Concentrated Effect gem helps pull it back in with its less area of effect modifier. i.e. the max distance would be 30 * .7 = ~21 units or similar to what it started at and based on below point blank damage scaling its definitely worth it. i think average range would be (5+21)/2 = 13? correct me if i'm wrong.

Point blank damage:
0 to 10 distance = 50% more
10 to 35 = 50% to 0%
35 to 150 = 0% to −50%

Computing the average distance won't give the right DPS numbers because point blank's multiplier isn't a linear function (piecewise linear != linear).

You also need to take into account the hitboxes and AoE effects on them. Less than half the balls will hit the boss on average. An upside though is those that do hit will have higher point blank multipliers (assuming the boss is centered at the melee hit location).

In the PoE 2.6+ era, increased and less AoE affect the area of the ball spread, not the distance. So it's not 20 -> 30 max radius or even (20-5)*1.5+5 = 27.5 max radius with 50% increased AoE (and no conc effect). It's something a little more complicated, but the max distance increase is similar to the square root of (1+netAoE) (It's not quite a square root because the inner radius is fixed). This is all a relatively small effect with conc effect though since 1.5*.7 = 1.05 which is only a tiny bit of net extra AoE.

Thank you for helping me understand. My mistake for the false info i didn't realize AOE didn't affect distance post patch 2.6 anymore. So overall for the impact not much AOE difference due to conc. effect. I will use your calculator to get a better idea of what my Path of Building DPS for magma balls translates into total single target dps in your tool. Luckily i didn't comment much on dps in the guide other than below which i got from POB --> (shaper magma ball dps * 11) + (shaper melee hit dps *1)

"Its worth noting if all flasks are up, all projectiles hit, vaal lightning trap is down, frenzy charges are up we can hit up to 1 million shaper DPS! (i won't advertise that further though because its not consistent)"

Fyndel wrote:
how 75% regen ?

Assuming i have soul of arakaali:
winterheart = 30%
of Light enchantment = 9%
stone golem = 2.75%
boot enchantment = 3%
Passive tree = 18.25%
Oak = 1.5%
Ramako, Sun's Light = 2.25%
meginord's gloves = 3%

there's also a bug where using a consecrated ground flask stacks with of light enchantment, however i forgot to put that flask in as i had a basalt flask equipped. i will edit the guide.
Last edited by link1313#3590 on Oct 10, 2017, 9:01:08 AM
Your Shaper Video is missing. Any chance for a reupload? I'm very curious what a Frozen Shaper looks like.
Thumbs up! Well done this is what makes PoE such a great game! GG
Great Job on this. I was theory crafting something quite similar.

I might be able to suggest one touch that I was incorporating into my idea that might help your build. If you were to take one str node in the jewel near the templar area and move the wildfire from the marauder area to the templar area you could add a Red Nightmare. It would give you 16% block and 16% chance to gain endurance charge on kill. To make up for the loss of the Reckless jewel you could pick up the jewel slot near point blank. With Rumi's I go to 68% block and 75% spell block and with out it I am 48 48%. Just a suggestion. It seemed a waste not to as you already are taking the nodes that make the Nightmare good in that slot.
Nice guide. I've been running a Gladiator version.

Your Soul of Arkali use is brilliant. I've been using the Soul of Solaris. Lady Stormflay grants: "Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have taken a Critical Strike Recently". That will always be up. Crits still freeze, but don't hurt as much. This makes it so you don't even need enfeeble.

Also, Veruso's Battering Rams are decent gloves and grant shock immunity.

It's been a very fun build. I'll miss it after the inevitable nerf.
link1313 wrote:

Immunity to ignite is important:
With 50% chance to be crit we have a 50% chance to be ignited by monsters dealing fire damage
Ignite would last 4 seconds
Immortal call only stops physical damage meaning CWDT + Blood Rage + Immortal Call interaction wouldn't trigger Soul of Arakaali if i was ignited.

Correct me, if I'm wrong. But I think you have are wrong about Blood Rage + Immortal Call as a whole. As stated by the Essence of Horror mod on the body armor, "15% of Physical Damage taken as Cold Damage".

That means, that 15% of "You take 4% of your Maximum Life per second as Physical Damage" is taken as cold damage. That means, that immortal call does NOT stop taking damage over time, thus rendering Akraali useless in THAT regard.

However. I think that I once successfully proved that Akraali works on reapplying (!) an existing Blood Rage buff. The first one stops and is replaced by the second one, thus the first damage over time stops somewhere in between.

You are safe to try it out yourself mate.


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