[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

kokiko225 wrote:
MoosGames wrote:
Any recommendations what gem setup to use on body armour if I decide not to use Kaoms? I'm thinking maybe some CWDT setup on a Belly of the Beast could bring similar survivability?

I am using cwdt - steelkin - ice golem - immortal call

I believe steelskin and immortal call share a cooldown?
I use enfeeble, steelskin, lightning golem
Frysk wrote:
Hi guys, what's should i upgrade first +1res daresso or metacraft this steel ring ? Got 30 ex to spend :

Must be fun whirling around with that gear setup.
For people complaining about survivability here are some tips.

Drop the warchief setup and add in a CWDT setup. It helps a massive amount.

You don't need as much movespeed if you don't mind using your leapslam setup to move around more. In this case you can drop devoto's for a more rest and 100hp+ hp%+ -phys to monsters fossil crafted helmet. Can also add in range on helmet enchant too. These can actually be made very cheaply. Buy a white or cheap base first with the enchant of choice and craft one. This can add over 200 hp easy and lots of damage.

Necklace you can craft one with lots of res, hp and craft +1 range on it. You lose the leeching effect but at this point, I would consider dropping the leech node ascendancy for the range one.

Belts can be crafted with movespeed during flask effect, lots of hp, movespeed flat etc.

STOP RUNNING IN BLOOD STANCE 24/7! Sand stance adds a crazy amount of survival itself. Sand stance is OP as F. I only use Blood stance for big bosses like guardians and shaper+ or league bosses.

There is a ton of wiggle room to add on 1k or more hp easy while maintaining very high damage output, max range and easily stacking survival.
Last edited by coaa#0296 on Jun 18, 2019, 9:49:59 AM
hey guys. What cyclone enchant is better? 15% attack speed or 40% damage?
crazypearce wrote:
Edeka wrote:
How do you guys survive Porcupines?

Already using these:

just don't jump into the middle of them. i have 7.3k ehp and come close to death even with pots up and spamming life flasks. just have to cyclone them from the edges and don't blow them all up at once lol

If you are not using a kaoms and have spare jewel slots available you can run a CWDT and any of the offering skills at level 1. The offering skill when it goes off consumes a corpse. As soon as the corpse is consumed the projectile from that corpse is removed from the game. So none of teh porcupines quills hit.

I run CWDT, Flesh offering, Enfeeble, steelskin. I jump in the middle of porcupines and they never dent me.
Just bought this beauty
dont think i can ever upgrade this one
can you give me a hand, bois? is this ok for multimod?

So I'm finding I almost never drop my totem, I honestly forget it's there most of the time. Any recommendations on what sort of cwdt setup to replace it with? I have the intelligence for a curse, but obviously not blasphemy. I was thinking cwdt + ?

One of the defensive skills is obviously going to fit there, or maybe enfeeble, but I'm unsure which one? Which do you think is the most useful? I would add a 3rd or 4th slot as well but I'm honestly not sure I have the space for it. This only removes warchief and a second impale gem so unless I want to give up something else it's only two slots.
Why there is still no info about this ?

Corrupted Soul + Soul Tether


Respect brutal fervour into impact ( u get overleech from belt)

6200hp, 1800es = 8000ehp
massive aoe

also 20lvl cwdt + 20lvl steelskin works better for me than cwdt+ic
its almost like 10k ehp

For maps i'm using inc aoe instead of infused channeling,
its 30% dps less but full screen cyclone

combined with haemophillia with vulnerability
this build MELTS

nerf incoming
Last edited by thorson17#1214 on Jun 18, 2019, 10:47:31 AM
Love some of the gear on this thread!
Last edited by maxor182#0791 on Jun 18, 2019, 10:55:34 AM

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